Pat Robertson supports Saudi butchers


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
Who gives a shit about Muslims killing Muslims anymore? This shit has been going on for centuries now. It's all over who's version of Islam is the most righteous. Fuck it.

Libtardos railing about it but don't bitch about illegal aliens killing actual American citizens in our country. He wasn't even an American. If he was stupid enough to leave his country, come to ours, bad mouth his country, and then go to his country's embassy in a Muslim country, and gets killed. I suggest the Darwin award.
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I looked, and can't find where Jesus said it was OK to overlook torture and murder. If Pat represents Christianity, I don't want any part of it.
He does not want them punished in any way, and he believes everything they say, it seems. He doesn't even care if a US resident was killed.

Prominent evangelical leader on Khashoggi crisis: let’s not risk "$100 billion worth of arms sales"

If any kind of protest would destroy the alliance, why would the Saudis break the alliance when they need it more than the US?

The Saudis have claimed they would let Russia set up a base. But why would they let an Iranian ally do that?

Dang, Pat Robert used to have a pair of big, brass ones. Now he is reduced to a sniveling equivocator. 20 years ago, he would just come right out and said he was happy that a Muslim was butchered. But that isn't so good for the pocketbook, these days.
He does not want them punished in any way, and he believes everything they say, it seems. He doesn't even care if a US resident was killed.

Prominent evangelical leader on Khashoggi crisis: let’s not risk "$100 billion worth of arms sales"

If any kind of protest would destroy the alliance, why would the Saudis break the alliance when they need it more than the US?

The Saudis have claimed they would let Russia set up a base. But why would they let an Iranian ally do that?

Dang, Pat Robert used to have a pair of big, brass ones. Now he is reduced to a sniveling equivocator. 20 years ago, he would just come right out and said he was happy that a Muslim was butchered. But that isn't so good for the pocketbook, these days.

Robertson quit being a religious figure and became a partisan hack when he claimed he could pray away a hurricane. He still takes his money from poor widows though.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
Who gives a shit about Muslims killing Muslims anymore? .
Saudi Arabia’s Christian-killing machine - WND

Dozens of Christians 'including women and children' are arrested in Saudi Arabia after tip-off to state's Islamist police force | Daily Mail Online

It's not only Muslims and I'm sure other religions besides Christianity are also oppressed. But since we're talking about a Christian preacher...
Khashoggi wasn't Christian. Again, none of our business.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
I have been anti Saudi for years. I do not understand the logic of our leaders backing up a state that backs up their religion and state controlled religion.
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What's funny is, a lot of Americans actually believe that Pat Robertson represents Christian values, views & Jesus.

WWJD Pat? Why Jesus would take that $110 billion worth of weapons & turn it into wood fired pizza, man.

Pat Robertson said, "I prayed to Jesus & I said, Lord, why should the US give up a $110 billion arms deal, weapons that the Saudis can use to kill tens of thousands of your 'children' with & so, what's a dead reporter every once in a while Lord?" :206:
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
He has children who are American citizens here also and he worked for an American newspaper. A few years ago if this happened America would show leadership and spine. Today our leader is just a cowardly punk and Roberson is jusr an old fake Christian who deserves nothing but contempt and mocking.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
You most likely had ancestors that were US residents.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
He has children who are American citizens here also and he worked for an American newspaper. A few years ago if this happened America would show leadership and spine. Today our leader is just a cowardly punk and Roberson is jusr an old fake Christian who deserves nothing but contempt and mocking.

If Robertson actually believes the crap he spews then all that means is that he will be burning in Hell once his Earthly days are done.
He does not want them punished in any way, and he believes everything they say, it seems. He doesn't even care if a US resident was killed.

Prominent evangelical leader on Khashoggi crisis: let’s not risk "$100 billion worth of arms sales"

If any kind of protest would destroy the alliance, why would the Saudis break the alliance when they need it more than the US?

The Saudis have claimed they would let Russia set up a base. But why would they let an Iranian ally do that?

You didn't give a damn about real AMERICANS murdered in Libya
He does not want them punished in any way, and he believes everything they say, it seems. He doesn't even care if a US resident was killed.

Prominent evangelical leader on Khashoggi crisis: let’s not risk "$100 billion worth of arms sales"

If any kind of protest would destroy the alliance, why would the Saudis break the alliance when they need it more than the US?

The Saudis have claimed they would let Russia set up a base. But why would they let an Iranian ally do that?

Dang, Pat Robert used to have a pair of big, brass ones. Now he is reduced to a sniveling equivocator. 20 years ago, he would just come right out and said he was happy that a Muslim was butchered. But that isn't so good for the pocketbook, these days.

Robertson quit being a religious figure and became a partisan hack when he claimed he could pray away a hurricane. He still takes his money from poor widows though.

It was prolly right around the time frame when Jerry Falwell said, "Lord, I have sinned against you" while he sniveled before his congregation in Baton Rouge. :206:
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
He has children who are American citizens here also and he worked for an American newspaper. A few years ago if this happened America would show leadership and spine. Today our leader is just a cowardly punk and Roberson is jusr an old fake Christian who deserves nothing but contempt and mocking.
He divorced the mother of his children and was marrying a new bit of Turkish Taffy. None of our business. He wasn't employed by the Washington Post but by AlJazera and an occasional contributor to the Post.

Did you whine so much when Daniel Pearl was beheaded and the video posted for all to see?
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.

Link to US residents please. That I have never seen

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