Pat-Buchanan-Where Many Americans see Intruders- Democrats See Future Votes


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
and water is wet. We know Democrats could give a rip about the young, or they wouldn't be pro-abortion


“It is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart,” says former first lady Laura Bush of the Trump administration policy of “zero tolerance,” under which the children of illegal migrants are being detained apart from their parents.

Disgraceful,” adds Dr. Franklin Graham.

“We need to be … a country that governs with a heart,” says first lady Melania Trump.

“No one likes this policy,” says White House aide Kellyanne Conway, even “the president wants this to end.”

And so it shall - given the universal denunciations and photos of sobbing children being pulled from
parents. Yet striking down the policy will leave America’s immigration crisis still unresolved.

Consider. Since 2016, some 110,000 children have entered the U.S. illegally and been released, along with 200,000 Central American families caught sneaking across the border.

Reflecting its frustration, the White House press office declared:

“We can’t deport them, we can’t separate them, we can’t detain them, we can’t prosecute them. What (the Democrats) want is a radical open-border policy that lets everyone out into the interior of this country with virtually no documentation whatsoever.

Where many Americans see illegal intruders, Democrats see future voters.

And with 11,000 kids of illegal immigrants in custody and 250 more arriving every day, we could have 30,000 in custody by summer’s end.

The existential question, however, thus remains: How does the West, America included, stop the flood tide of migrants before it alters forever the political and demographic character of our nations and our civilization?

Pat Buchanan: "Where Many Americans See Illegal Intruders, Democrats See Future Voters"

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