Pat Benatar on tour

Oh well if you type in hungry like the wolf music video and listen to how he sounded like back then you’ll see what I mean.

Well, I might do that if I was a real fan, but I'm not...

:) You listen to people like pat benatar,Huey Lewis,reo speedwagon to name just a few groups and artists I know of thst I really like a lot,theyr voices have DRASTICALLY changed over the decades sense then,it’s hard to believe they are the same performer,

Not when you consider the fact that Huey Lewis is in his 70's and hasn't toured in years...

My guess is that is WHY you enjoyed them...


I'm a musician. The musicians in the band are what impressed me the most...
Again, respectfully, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Pat Benatar's had 17 songs in the top 100.

"Hit Me With Your Best Shot" peaked on the Billboard chart (the one that matters) at #9.

"We Belong" and "Love Is A Battlefield" both peaked at #5...

Pat Benatar Chart History
You sure are a lot more kind to him than I ever was when I used to talk to him before I put trollboy here on ignore.this trollboy try’s to laugh off facts when proven wrong about government corruption and unable to refute the evidence he is wrong unable to stand toe to toe in a debate so it’s no surprise trollboy is wrong as always even when it comes to a subject about music.

I took him off ignore to see whst the discussion was about between you two and you proved what a dumbass he is claiming none of her songs ever broke the top ten, your link you just posted proves he is as much a dumbass about pat benatar as he is on how corrupt the government is,:auiqs.jpg::rofl:your link totally embarrassed him leaving him with shit on his face in embarrassment file the day,no surprise sense that is the norm fir him everday here on the boards.:auiqs.jpg:
Well, I might do that if I was a real fan, but I'm not...

Not when you consider the fact that Huey Lewis is in his 70's and hasn't toured in years...


I'm a musician. The musicians in the band are what impressed me the most...
Oh well if you did do thst,you would see what I mean.

that’s why Lewis isn’t touring anymore his voice is nothing like it used to be.he can hardly sing at all now.pat will be 70 next year and her voice is nothing at all the same as the way I remember her either as the two videos I posted of her in post#24 prove of a concert she had in the 80,s and the second one from last year.after this tour,she should give it up same as Lewis has.
Good music is not about 'hits' It's about good music. She has been making great music for years and has an incredible voice.
This is her decision and her decision alone.
Kudos to you, Pat for doing the right thing.
Personally I've played that song so many times I could easily live the rest of my life without hearing it. I can imagine how sick of it she must be.
Well at least you got the first two sentences correct.that’s bs thst it’s the right thing,your the only one on the planet that buys into that bullshit.i proved in spades her song has NOTHING whatsoever to do with shootings,that everybody else other than you equates it to someone having an argument with another one and then getting angry and hitting them so her explanation is a fucking copout.

Had she said something like we live in differerent times now than we did back then so I’m not going not to play the song cause it comes across of settling an argument by violence getting into a fight with someone, I would be more understanding of her not performing it but to link it to shootings,give me a break,nobody in their fucking right minds links that song to anything other than hitting someone in the face,or do you have such reading comprehension problems you missed the part of the lyrics I posted of put up your dukes,she ain’t fucking talking about guns there :auiqs.jpg::rofl::uhoh3: give me a fucking break,her explanation is a fucking copout,that’s true she is tired of playing it,she said that in a recent concert last year and I have heard it so many times I really don’t mind,I just mind a copit explanation like the one she gave.
Oh well if you did do thst,you would see what I mean.

that’s why Lewis isn’t touring anymore his voice is nothing like it used to be.he can hardly sing at all now.pat will be 70 next year and her voice is nothing at all the same as the way I remember her either as the two videos I posted of her in post#24 prove of a concert she had in the 80,s and the second one from last year.after this tour,she should give it up same as Lewis has.

She may not have the voice she did back in the 80's, but that broad's still got a set of pipes...
She may not have the voice she did back in the 80's, but that broad's still got a set of pipes...
The good thing fir me is sense I did watch thst video in post 24 of her singing hit me with your best shot from last year, I know what she looks and sounds like now so because of that,I won’t go away leaving dissapointed sense I am not expecting to see much of anything.
I will be going in with low expectations.

sense I’m being smart by doing that,I won’t be leaving dissapointed where had I not seen that video and heard how much her voice had changed it would be a much differerent story cause I would be going in with high expectations expecting a lot and would have left being very dissapointed,this way,there is no way I’m going to leave feeling dissapointed knowing not to expect much of anything. :)
sense I’m being smart by doing that,I won’t be leaving dissapointed where had I not seen that video and heard how much her voice had changed it would be a much differerent story cause I would be going in with high expectations expecting a lot

When she hit it big she was 26 years old. She's almost 70 now.

It would be stupid to go into one of her shows now expecting that she'll sound like she did in 1979...
Well at least you got the first two sentences correct.that’s bs thst it’s the right thing,your the only one on the planet that buys into that bullshit.i proved in spades her song has NOTHING whatsoever to do with shootings,that everybody else other than you equates it to someone having an argument with another one and then getting angry and hitting them so her explanation is a fucking copout.

Had she said something like we live in differerent times now than we did back then so I’m not going not to play the song cause it comes across of settling an argument by violence getting into a fight with someone, I would be more understanding of her not performing it but to link it to shootings,give me a break,nobody in their fucking right minds links that song to anything other than hitting someone in the face,or do you have such reading comprehension problems you missed the part of the lyrics I posted of put up your dukes,she ain’t fucking talking about guns there :auiqs.jpg::rofl::uhoh3: give me a fucking break,her explanation is a fucking copout,that’s true she is tired of playing it,she said that in a recent concert last year and I have heard it so many times I really don’t mind,I just mind a copit explanation like the one she gave.
Let's take a look at what she actually said.
(The title) is tongue in cheek, but you have to draw the line. I can't say those words out loud with a smile on my face, I just can't.
It has nothing to do with what the song is actually about ( she wrote the fucking thing, I'm sure she knows). It about how she feels about singing words like 'Fire Away.' I know you people have issues with 'feeelz' but feeelz/emotions is what music is all about. You can think whatever you want, I really don't care and I know she doesn't. If she feels uncomfortable singing that song, she doesn't have to sing it. She's not going to sing it, and frankly, I think you could find better use of your time than whining about what songs get played at a show.
Side note: I saw The Radiators one time. Their most popular song was 'Confidential.' They didn't play it. No big deal. It was still a great show.
She ins't doing that song anymore due to "mass shootings" lol
Yeah total copout.nobody believes thst nonsense crap the fact the song clearly makes it a point she is referring to being hit in the face and nothing to do whatsoever with guns. The more logical real reason is she is just getting sick of doing the song so that’s the lame excuse she came up with for it.we know fir a fact thst she is tired of singing thst song more so than the others because on YouTube one of her live performances from last year is shown and right before she sings it she says to the audience This is a song I get tired of singing,she did not say thst about the other songs,give us a break pat,we see your real reason for not doing it,we see through your lie.

It’s honestly no big deal to me personally because the song is not thst long,now if this was back in seventys or eightys when she was first starting out,I would be pissed as hell and hate her but sense she doesn’t have the same voice she did back then,it’s not that big a deal to me,I would rather prefer to just watch that video in post 24 from a concert of hers way back in the 80; s myself personally. Its not thst long a song,just a couple minutes or so so no big deal to me,now if she did not sing Invincible,I would have a cow and forever hate her,that’s my favorite,awesome music and it’s a pretty long song as well.i would want to hit HER with my best shot if she did not sing THAT song.i would be leaving the concert yelling fuck that bitch,she can go to hell,that again is ONLY if she announced she was not going to sing Invincible though but Hit me with your best shot? Honestly I don’t care,no biggie,no big deal at all.feel bad fir her other fans though thst are pissed at her and it’s a big deal to them though.
When she hit it big she was 26 years old. She's almost 70 now.

It would be stupid to go into one of her shows now expecting that she'll sound like she did in 1979...

She ins't doing that song anymore due to "mass shootings" lol
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Just got back from seeing pat benatar tonight and Canon Shooter you were right,you totally hit the nail on the head when you said even though her voice does not sound the same she still has got a set of pipes. :thup: She still sounds good and can really belt it out with the best of them,to be almost 70 and still sound as good as she does is mind boggeling.i don’t know how she does it.

She sounds much better in person than she does in thst video in post#24 from thst concert from last year I can tell you that much.In thst video,she doesn’t sound very good but again,she sounds MUCH better in person live than on video.

I went into this concert not expecting anything knowing she sounds so differerent than she used to.i had very low expectations. She far exceeded any of my expectations I had of much so in fact thst I will go as far as saying this was one of my top five favorite concerts I have ever attended before.:yes_text12: Her hubby,he can still play a mean guitar as well,he has not lost his touch one bit.

If she comes back to my city four or five years from now,I am so much there.:thup:

I have seen other artists and other bands in recent years thst were favorite bands of mine I grew up watching in the 80’s and their voices sound like shit today so thsts why I went into this concert with very low expectations not expecting much at all.while other artists and band members from the 80’s sound like shit now,pat benatar is one of the rare exceptions thst does not fall into thst catagory at all,on the contrary,she can still belt them out with the best. :thup:

I’ll take her set of lungs matter of fact over Most youngster musicians out there any day of the year.:)
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Sounds like it was a blast.

immediately after the concert i went home and watched a couple of her songs from a 1983 concert she gave sense i was depeived of seeing her when she was drop dead gorgeous and i could watch these videos here hundreds of times and not get tired of her.last night before.

miketx listeN to her here sing HEARTBREAKER

this second one below SHADOWS OF THE NIGHT is my second favorite song of hers.take a look at it and tell me if when she smiles at the end of the song,if she has the same effect on you she had on me,?

that smile of hers just makes my heart melt and want to go back into a time machine back then and reach through the screen and give her a hug.LOL

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James and I saw her in concert in the early 80's Ha a great time and she was much better than expected. Some said she sounded like shit live in concert and that she was strictly a studio musician. She wasn't.

On the other hand, I'd eat dirty dead yak's ass before I went to see duran duran.
deannalw i am so damn jeoulous of you when you got to see her when she was drop dead gorgeous like this and she had a smaile as you can see at the end of this song that makes your heart melt.

Sounded like you enjoyed yourself....Piss on the haters that don't take near 40 years into consideration.
All they are used to is auto-tune. ;)
I wasnt a hater but i had strong doubts about her if she would still sound good because you listen to most the rock stars from back then in that era,they sound terrible but SHE still has a strong pair of lungs and sounds better than most the youngster wanna be's out there.i went in with very low expectations but she EXCEEDED them.

she sounds MUCH better in person than she does on a youtube video,youtube videos dont do her voice justice on how she still sounds really good.
deannalw i am so damn jeoulous of you when you got to see her when she was drop dead gorgeous like this and she had a smaile as you can see at the end of this song that makes your heart melt.

Yes- she was beautiful as well as talented.
Yes- she was beautiful as well as talented.

see i never really got to see how beautiful she really was until doing a google search of her and seeing that concert of hers because her most famous song HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT was before MTV came out. i knew of her mostly cause of that song because the radio stations have always played that one the most over any of her others. she can be really beautiful when she wants to be as evidenced in that video but she could also not be so pretty at times..the only mtv videos of her i ever remember seeing her in growing up when MTV was out was in LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD

and in this one.neither of these videos did she ever do anything for me because in the love is a battlefield one,she is playing a hooker and that always turned me off to her and is this next one Invincible,she STILL does nothing for me because she has a butch haircut.,she does not look good at all in this video with this butch haircut. she should have ALWAYS kept that look she had in that 1983 live performance.:mad:

in this video she is wearing wayyyyyy too much makeup for my taste and like i said,i dont like that butch haircut of hers. yuck.

that was not smart of her to change her look,she should have ALWAYS kept that look she had in that 1983 performance.:mad:
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see i never really got to see how beautiful she really was until doing a google search of her and seeing that concert of hers because her most famous song HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT was before MTV came out. i knew of her mostly cause of that song because the radio stations have always played that one the most over any of her others. she can be really beautiful when she wants to be as evidenced in that video but she could also not be so pretty at times..the only mtv videos of her i ever remember seeing her in growing up when MTV was out was in LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD

and in this one.neither of these videos did she ever do anything for me because in the love is a battlefield one,she is playing a hooker and that always turned me off to her and is this next one Invincible,she STILL does nothing for me because she has a butch haircut.,she does not look good at all in this video with this butch haircut. she should have ALWAYS kept that look she had in that 1983 live performance.:mad:

Time marches on and so do hair-dos... ;)
Time marches on and so do hair-dos... ;)
i understand that but that was just like three years later,makes NO SENSE WHY she could not have kept that gorgeous look she has in that 1983 performance?:mad: Laura Branigan always kept the same look,she should have as well.

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