Zone1 Pastor Jonathon Shelley Slams Husbands Asking Their Wives When They Are Ready to Have A Family

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
He says it like women don't have any say of having children and going through labor and pregnancy. You know if men could actually get pregnant I think that he would be singing a different tune.

He says it like women don't have any say of having children and going through labor and pregnancy. You know if men could actually get pregnant I think that he would be singing a different tune.
You are right 100%. His position is unfair to women.

Patriarchy is unviable in 2023. Almost no Conservative in 2023 supports the return of Patriarchy.

During pre-Industrial age, Patriarchy, strict gender roles, and large families were needed for survival.
You are right 100%. His position is unfair to women.

Patriarchy is unviable in 2023. Almost no Conservative in 2023 supports the return of Patriarchy.

During pre-Industrial age, Patriarchy, strict gender roles, and large families were needed for survival.

They gave birth to their labor so they had to produce more food to feed them. And, if dad got sick or hurt mother had to take over hog killing or chopping firewood.
Misandry is out of control and needs to stop NOW!
They gave birth to their labor so they had to produce more food to feed them. And, if dad got sick or hurt mother had to take over hog killing or chopping firewood.
Even at that time wife-beating was illegal. It was illegal in England and in American Colonies.

In 2023, 100% of Conservative women and 99% of Conservative men believe that women should have at least equal rights to men. Of course, this pastor is rejected by almost all other Christians.
Some "religious" folk hold that a woman only counts for half a man. Such attitudes deserve eradication.
When the Patriarchy existed, it benefited men at the expense of women.

In 2023, the Patriarchy is unviable. Anyone who advocates for Patriarchy is a social pariah. I advocate only for equality and still get a lot of pushback.
He says it like women don't have any say of having children and going through labor and pregnancy. You know if men could actually get pregnant I think that he would be singing a different tune.

Always the same with these articles. Independent churches run by a crazy person, almost never ordained (because who would ordain them?). This guy loves the media attention the Christian haters give him, period and end of story.
When the Patriarchy existed, it benefited men at the expense of women.

In 2023, the Patriarchy is unviable. Anyone who advocates for Patriarchy is a social pariah. I advocate only for equality and still get a lot of pushback.
In a great part of the world, what you appear to refer to as "patriarchy" is not in the past tense. The condition of women in North America and Europe is incomparably better than that in great swaths of the planet. One entire religion is based upon domination of females by males, justified by the claim that males are too weak to allow females equality. Women in America have equal standing before the law.

Maybe it's time whites start breeding like the dark races. I'd prefer this family as my neighbor than what I see in Detroit. At least this man looks capable of providing for his beautiful family.

Where is this woman's husband?


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