Partisanship and being right


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Thinking of recent issues I'm coming down on the side of conservatives on I wanted to make a post about how partisanship between liberals and conservatives is always going to only be 'half-good.'

If you stick to one side or the other, you're going to be wrong as much as you're right. Whereas, if like me you try to only ever be on the right side of an issue, regardless of whose side that coincides with then you'll always be on the right side of an issue - your side.

Sometimes my side happens to also be that of liberals, sometimes it's that of conservatives. But I'd rather be right than partisan ALL the time. Consequently, I don't identify as either liberal or conservative. I don't take sides like that as much as 'right or wrong' side.

I don't expect my way of approaching issues to catch on of course, but just thought I'd mention it's an option. Be on your own side, the right side all the time. Not on anyone else's side because then you're going to be wrong as much as right (unless you're some rare bird who's in perfect step with which ever side you're on.)

The behavior of partisan ideologues has always fascinated me, and I can tell you that your sincere and reasonable attempt here will fall on deaf ears.

For whatever reason, these are people who have a need to be on a "side" and will support and spin for that "side" no matter what -- even when they know, down deep, that what they're doing is intellectually dishonest. They don't want to betray their "side" and will avoid it at all costs. And, of course, they will deny that.

There's another important element to this, though, perhaps even more important and destructive: I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious, and there is general agreement that people really can essentially talk themselves into believing damn near anything. This comes from a combination of saying the same things over and over, exposing themselves to only certain types of information.

What I'm saying is that it's entirely possible that, at a fundamental level, these people are being honest, they really do believe their own spin. There are many examples of this throughout history, of course, and it often doesn't turn out well. And, as a result, there really is no way to communicate with them constructively. It simply can't happen.

You don't "change" partisan ideologues. They may evolve over time, but their mind is not going to change with reason or facts. Try to do that and you'll see them become even more zealous in defense of their spin.

It's fascinating to observe, but trying to change this behavior is wasted time.

When have liberals ever been right in the past 20 years? With some exceptions you can go back 50 years. Why would anyone want to associate with a record of failure matched only by Communism?

The behavior of partisan ideologues has always fascinated me, and I can tell you that your sincere and reasonable attempt here will fall on deaf ears.

For whatever reason, these are people who have a need to be on a "side" and will support and spin for that "side" no matter what -- even when they know, down deep, that what they're doing is intellectually dishonest. They don't want to betray their "side" and will avoid it at all costs. And, of course, they will deny that.

There's another important element to this, though, perhaps even more important and destructive: I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious, and there is general agreement that people really can essentially talk themselves into believing damn near anything. This comes from a combination of saying the same things over and over, exposing themselves to only certain types of information.

What I'm saying is that it's entirely possible that, at a fundamental level, these people are being honest, they really do believe their own spin. There are many examples of this throughout history, of course, and it often doesn't turn out well. And, as a result, there really is no way to communicate with them constructively. It simply can't happen.

You don't "change" partisan ideologues. They may evolve over time, but their mind is not going to change with reason or facts. Try to do that and you'll see them become even more zealous in defense of their spin.

It's fascinating to observe, but trying to change this behavior is wasted time.


"Fall on deaf ears..."

You heard it. I always figure even if they disagree with me and call me names, what they read from me is now in their heads forever more. :)

"This comes from a combination of saying the same things over and over, exposing themselves to only certain types of information."

Huxley incorporated that into "Brave New World" with '65,000 repetitions makes one truth.'

"It's fascinating to observe, but trying to change this behavior is wasted time."

All leisure time is 'wasted time.' Argueing over the merits of my wasted time vs your wasted time vs their wasted a waste of time. :)
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