CDZ Partisans putting their agenda's over their country and countrymen ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again is a travesty that will have lasting negative effects on so much if it keeps up. How about let's get to judging Trump on his actions as President finally ?? The past is only being used for political theater & volleyball in hopes to gain favor for one party over another. The nation is no longer united, and anyone who thinks it is, well they are as crazy as a loon. One political party or part of it still represents blue collar America and it's principles, while the other part represents corporations, and slight forms of communism mixed with capitalism. The other party has become so radicalized, that it dare not separate in fear that it will be crushed forever. How about let's get some good things done for all for a change. Destroying one another is not the answer.
Can any of you Trump fans point us to of all the calls for unity you made under Obama? You know, where you told everyone how awful it was that the Republicans wouldn't do everything Obama wanted, for the good of the nation.


In that case, your calls for unity obviously lack sincerity, hence we'll be ignoring them.
To support orange-face you have to start from the premise that America isn't great now. And a secondary premise that America being great somehow makes you great and America being just another nation makes you just another person.

Grow the F up.
Micromanaging everything is outright ridiculous, and it is destroying the fabric and character of this nation. We are not communist China nor should we be, and we are not communist Russia nor should we be, and we are not and should not ever want to become them. When Trump say's let's roll back some of the craziness, then everyone knows exactly what he and his adminstration means. It goes along with making America great again, and that means making it great in character also. Is anyone tired of all the micro-managing of everything to the point it is sufficating the character of this nation ? How much control are we finally going give before we are completely consumed ?
To support orange-face you have to start from the premise that America isn't great now.

Do YOU believe America is still great after electing "orange-face?"

P.S. I don't recall conservatives referring to Obama as "black-face." Do you?
Can any of you Trump fans point us to of all the calls for unity you made under Obama? You know, where you told everyone how awful it was that the Republicans wouldn't do everything Obama wanted, for the good of the nation.


In that case, your calls for unity obviously lack sincerity, hence we'll be ignoring them.
Nice to see we have at least one adult in the room. Oh, wait, I take that back....

From no supporter of Trump.
Of course we have our hardcore partisan ideologues putting party over country.

That's how they roll, hope things go into the toilet when the other guy has the power.

That's a given at this point.

So same story just different President...
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again is a travesty that will have lasting negative effects on so much if it keeps up. How about let's get to judging Trump on his actions as President finally ?? The past is only being used for political theater & volleyball in hopes to gain favor for one party over another. The nation is no longer united, and anyone who thinks it is, well they are he is as crazy as a loon. One political party or part of it still represents blue collar America and it's its principles, while the other part represents corporations, and slight forms of communism mixed with capitalism. The other party has become so radicalized, that it dare not separate in fear that it will be crushed forever. How about let's get some good things done for all for a change? Destroying one another is not the answer.
Choke Koch

Only pacifist surrender-monkeys propose compromise. The twin enemies of democracy, the Birchers and the Commies, must both be obliterated just like the Nazis and the Japanese fascists were.
So same story just different President...

You mean the same old conservative phony-equivalence big lie is being used to excuse Republican corruption again.

Obama ran what was possibly cleanest administration in US history. That's not debatable. Zero indictments. Zero. That's never happened before. And that was with a corrupt Republican congress creating partisan investigations of everything that was possible to investigate. It's likely that none of us will ever again see an administration that clean again in our lifetimes.

In contrast, Trump now runs what may be the most corrupt administration in US history.

Conservatives now pull this "both sides are the same" nonsense because there's no possible way to defend Trump's corruption. Thus, they have to create an alternate reality where poor innocent Trump is being picked on just because the Democrats are so corrupt. And that's nonsense. Any honest and loyal American will point out that Trump and Obama were attacked for exactly the same reasons -- because the Republican party is corrupt.
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again is a travesty that will have lasting negative effects on so much if it keeps up. How about let's get to judging Trump on his actions as President finally ?? The past is only being used for political theater & volleyball in hopes to gain favor for one party over another. The nation is no longer united, and anyone who thinks it is, well they are he is as crazy as a loon. One political party or part of it still represents blue collar America and it's its principles, while the other part represents corporations, and slight forms of communism mixed with capitalism. The other party has become so radicalized, that it dare not separate in fear that it will be crushed forever. How about let's get some good things done for all for a change? Destroying one another is not the answer.
Choke Koch

Only pacifist surrender-monkeys propose compromise. The twin enemies of democracy, the Birchers and the Commies, must both be obliterated just like the Nazis and the Japanese fascists were.
Can any of you Trump fans point us to of all the calls for unity you made under Obama? You know, where you told everyone how awful it was that the Republicans wouldn't do everything Obama wanted, for the good of the nation.


In that case, your calls for unity obviously lack sincerity, hence we'll be ignoring them.
. You actually believe Obama wanted unity ??? Good grief that is dumb.
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again is a travesty that will have lasting negative effects on so much if it keeps up. How about let's get to judging Trump on his actions as President finally ?? The past is only being used for political theater & volleyball in hopes to gain favor for one party over another. The nation is no longer united, and anyone who thinks it is, well they are he is as crazy as a loon. One political party or part of it still represents blue collar America and it's its principles, while the other part represents corporations, and slight forms of communism mixed with capitalism. The other party has become so radicalized, that it dare not separate in fear that it will be crushed forever. How about let's get some good things done for all for a change? Destroying one another is not the answer.
Choke Koch

Only pacifist surrender-monkeys propose compromise. The twin enemies of democracy, the Birchers and the Commies, must both be obliterated just like the Nazis and the Japanese fascists were.
How does the article I wrote have typo errors as seen here, but when look back at the original article/ the errors aren't there. ??? Hmmmm.
Keeping Trump off balance
ROTFL!!! Typical Trumpkin! Blame others for their own failings.

The only person keeping Trump "off balance" is Trump. When one is the POTUS, what one chooses to say and do determines what others talk about, not the other way around.

Trump's bumbling has put front and center in the news "Russia gate" all the while the fact that the DPRK had its most successful missile launch has gone all but unmentioned by major news outlets and the Administration. The only thing good about that is that Trump has, thus far, shown himself to be a neophyte on tough foreign policy, so he's not been forced to prominently show us as much yet again.
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again .

How dare anyone criticize your Dear Leader?

How dare anyone comment on what Trump says- or does?

After all- Trump can't stop talking about how he is the most picked on President in history......poor lil snowflake.
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again .

How dare anyone criticize your Dear Leader?

How dare anyone comment on what Trump says- or does?

After all- Trump can't stop talking about how he is the most picked on President in history......poor lil snowflake.
. The ignoring of Hillary's crimes, and the pass that the Obama administration got should clear Trump to fulfill his term of 8 years. Every bit of the hyperbole going on against Trump should end as based upon the precident set by our law and justice system's bias for the Demon-crats during their run or reign of terror on this republic.
Keeping Trump off balance, and not instead focused on continuing to make America great again .

How dare anyone criticize your Dear Leader?

How dare anyone comment on what Trump says- or does?

After all- Trump can't stop talking about how he is the most picked on President in history......poor lil snowflake.
. The ignoring of Hillary's crimes,.

LOL- you can't even stay on your own topic- about how we are not supposed to criticize your Dear Leader

How dare anyone criticize your Dear Leader?

How dare anyone comment on what Trump says- or does?

After all- Trump can't stop talking about how he is the most picked on President in history......poor lil snowflake.

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