Parlais Vous Francais?


Aug 28, 2003
New York
People from many different cultures and geographical locations openly reject democracy. It is not uncommon to hear angry Arabs, or African Muslims profess their hatred of American democracy, along with queer religious theories, unabashedly toward CNN or FNC cameras. Of course, most of these fanatics, along with most of the population in similar downtrodden places, are illiterate. Not only have most of these morons never read their own holy scriptures, but their own clerics probably haven't either.

Therefore, while their complete lack of common sense is puzzling, the political ignorance of these Muslim lunatics is somewhat justified. Barely understanding how to function daily on a basic level is difficult enough. Without an education of some kind, there is no historical perspective to use as a frame of reference. As a replacement, government and community leaders only offer anti-Western propaganda and fundamental Islam.

These facts are somewhat simple to conceptualize, especially in comparison to relatively civilized countries. It is much more difficult however, to understand civilized people who advocate similarly anti-democratic views.

Many freedom-loving Western capitalists probably just look at the French as harmless and peace-loving people whose most severe cultural misgiving is their peculiar apathy toward anything related to personal hygiene. While this characterization is generally true, some important facts are missing.

The French do have a history of cowardice and hatred of anything Western. Nevertheless, the lengths they will go to propagate their odd beliefs are astounding.

"Francophonie can and must be an alternative to the cultural and linguistic uniformity that threatens the world," French Culture Minister Jacques Toubon said in 1993 at a summit of French-speaking nations.

Uh, Culture Minister?

They defend their culture and language to the point of creating legislation to guarantee that English does not overwhelm their "beautiful" language on signs or in speech. To most people these are simply signs of arrogance, or possibly even low self-esteem. It is not quite that simple. These people will give up freedom, ignore history, destroy their economy, and appease tyrants just to feel good about themselves.

The latest bit of genius to come from the French motherland was very telling. Just last week, CNN reported that France has threatened to stop cooperating with the U.S. in terror investigations after Washington said it would seek the death penalty for suspect Zacarias Moussaoui.

While the elitist French nincompoops attempted to protect yet another known homicidal maniac, John Ashcroft quickly announced that Mr. Moussaoui will be prosecuted aggressively, and his ultimate demise is the goal of the US Government. All of this predictably took place despite the vulgar threats and ultimatums used by French officials.

Plaguing many great thinkers is the ever-evasive solution on how to deal with the French. Obviously, no one who protects terrorists at the expense of countless innocent civilians can be reasoned with. Until French action actually puts us in harms way, let us just let posterity deal the crushing historical blow. France will long continue to be known as the home of weak-kneed odoriferous chain-smoking cowards. 04 02 02 France.htm
Very good jim! great post!

Fuck les français! le paquet de lâches! hahahahahahaha!
Originally posted by janeeng
Very good jim! great post!

Fuck les français! le paquet de lâches! hahahahahahaha!

Non fuck toi ;)
Originally posted by lalala
Excusez moi, je me suis tres ennyeux!

Whoops that meant to say I'm very bored not very boring never could figure out that sentence! :eek:
Etes-vous sûr que vous savez français? Je suppose que je m'ennuie aussi!
janeeng et jimmyc, très drôle (don't worry I will translate after), vos propos anti français montrent bien à quel point vous êtes lobotomisés par vos medias américains, vous ne savez rien sur la France, sur son histoire - allez lire mon message dans "french military victories", daté du 7 septembre 2004.
Vous êtes si sûrs de vous, si arrogants, et après ce sont nous qui le sommes....hahaha.......

To sum up : You know nothing about France and his history, read my answer in "french military victories", from the 09/07/2004.
You say we are cowards only for the Iraq war.....when USA will do the same number of war than France, the world would be very old........(and if they will win also the same number of battles won by france, it would be hard for USA too)
You say that French are arrogants, but are you not now ? yes you are arrogant, more than all the French : you insult France, country who made you free , you insult France's history and France's believe that USA can do all because they are mighter than other....THIS is arrogance....

sinon, bel effort pour le français ;)
Hey easy man. Some of us do speak French here and are of French decent. I'm not ashamed at speaking French and I think it should be preserved as it a beautiful language and culture. The willingness to preserve French is not anti-Western by any means. It is and also has always historically been an alternative to English culture. Will it last? Probably not. But does that does not mean that french speaking nations should trying? I certainly don't think so.

Being French does not mean agreeing with the nation and current ruling party of France. Despite its objectors in the US and abroad, it is a proud and fine culture and the current "in-vogue" view of French history is hardly accurate. I, for one, am not ashamed at part of my heritage.
Isaac Brock said:
Comments certainly weren't directed at you Merlin by any stretch. The original comment i do believe to be serious. I can take a good ribbing any day and can deal with "surrender monkey" comments anyday, but completely calling down part of one's heritage doesn't exactly tickle my funny bone.

Sorry Isaac. I got my wires crossed and ended up in the wrong thread by mistake. I removed my message, but obviously not soon enough.

Sorry about that.

Or should I say "Le oops"?
Merlin1047 said:
Sorry Isaac. I got my wires crossed and ended up in the wrong thread by mistake. I removed my message, but obviously not soon enough.

Sorry about that.

Or should I say "Le oops"?

I should also say "oops". I didn't check the thread after I posted! I'll edit it.
padisha emperor said:
janeeng et jimmyc

To sum up : You know nothing about France and his history

You say we are cowards only for the Iraq war.

You say that French are arrogants, but are you not now ?

yes you are arrogant,
you insult France,

country who made you free ,

you insult France's history and France's deads...

.you believe that USA can do all because they are mighter than other....

THIS is arrogance....

sinon, bel effort pour le français ;)

It's a shame that you couldn't comprehend the original post in this thread. Look at the very bottom of my post. You see that link there? That will bring you to a page where this article was from. You know what that means? That means I didn't write the article.

Please take the time to read before throwing your insults around.
I saw the link. I wasn' t insult you. I only said that you are arrogant. If it is an insult, I think that I've been a lot insulted here ;)

the facts that you wrote this or not is not important : you read it, take it and put it here. So you may think like the author, and he, through you, insult France.
If I put here a French article who insult UAS, All of you will insult me.

(a last thing : the author from the Net page where the article is shouldwork his french : 3 words in french, and a big mistake. :D :D - this is not arrogance, but just a constatation. ;) )
padisha emperor said:
I saw the link. I wasn' t insult you. I only said that you are arrogant. If it is an insult, I think that I've been a lot insulted here ;)

Ok then, dumbass!

Oh, and that's not an insult, just my friendly way of summing you up. :)
So fun...have you your personal TV show ?

So many people tell me "you're arrogant" here, just because I'm french. I'm not, or I tried to be not. I even believe you said it to me. Be sure that when my message are arrogant, this is not my wish - really - but I can say something with the bad way.

And man : in the sentence you quoted, the "you are arrogant" was not for you personaly, but for USA.
You insult France so many times that I allowed myslef to say this "awful declaration".... :)
padisha emperor said:
So fun...have you your personal TV show ?

So many people tell me "you're arrogant" here, just because I'm french. I'm not, or I tried to be not. I even believe you said it to me. Be sure that when my message are arrogant, this is not my wish - really - but I can say something with the bad way.

And man : in the sentence you quoted, the "you are arrogant" was not for you personaly, but for USA.
You insult France so many times that I allowed myslef to say this "awful declaration".... :)

Part of me doesn't want to waste this very goodsite here, in the French forum, but have to. It says why we feel the way we do:

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

None So Blind
There's a nightmare that recurs to some people where you fall into a dark pond where a ravenous beast is lurking; but friends are at hand. You call out for help and they turn, but with blank faces, and walk away. Roger Simon describes that feeling.

When I first "came out" on this blog as an apostate from the liberal church, I heard a number of old friends and acquaintances whispering, sometimes in front of me and sometimes behind my back, "Poor Roger, he's scared. He got mugged by 9/11." Well, no. I don't scare that easily. I have my share of problems, but unbridled fear isn't one of them. I was angry.

But now I am scared. 9/11 didn't scare me. The Atocha railroad station didn't scare me. The horrors of the Russian schoolhouse didn't even scare me. It was the reaction by many in Europe and in our media to what happened in that school that has me terrified. Sure the Russians have historically brutalized and mistreated the Chechens, but this barbarism was far beyond a reaction to that. It goes to the core of our common humanity. It was a gauntlet thrown down at Western civilization and yet some still choose to look the other way. But if the sight of children being stripped and shot in the back after having had their gymnasium pre-wired with explosives doesn't wake them up, I don't know what will.

The first task in a nightmare is to discover which parts are wholly imaginary and which have real counterparts. In this scenario Roger Simon is real but the "liberal church" from which he expects outrage has now become entirely fictive. Or rather it has faded into non-existence in a positive sense and come into its own in the negative. The only literary character that ever frightened me was Edward Rolles Weston in C.S. Lewis' science-fiction classic Perelandra. Nothing before or since has ever been so horrible as the description of the brilliant Weston being taken over by the evil whose existence he denied. In the story, Weston decides to corrupt an Edenic planet purely as demonstration of intellectual power; an ultimate exercise in vanity. But on the way Weston discovers he cannot hold evil at arm's length, that is become him. The protagonist of Perelandra, Professor Ransom, describes his confrontation with a Weston who has now turned into the Un-Man. Effects are magnified on that alien planet and evil has eaten him out.

'But this is very foolish,' said the Un-Man. 'Do you not know who I am?'

'I know what you are,' said Ransom. 'Which of them doesn't matter.'

'And you think, little one,' it answered, that you can fight with me? You think He will help you, perhaps? Many thought that. I've known Him longer than you, little one. They all think He's going to help them -- till they come to their senses screaming recantations too late in the middle of the fire, moldering in concentration camps, writhing under saws, jibbering in mad-houses, or nailed on to crosses. Could He help Himself?' -- and the creature suddenly threw back its head and cried in a voice so loud that it seemed the golden sky-roof must break, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani.'

And the moment it had done so, Ransom felt certain that the sounds it had made were perfect Aramaic of the first century. The Un-Man was not quoting; it was remembering. These were the very words spoken from the Cross, treasured through all those years in the burning memory of the outcast creature which had heard them, and now brought forward in hideous parody; the horror made him momentarily sick.

The Left, having declared itself above the pettiness of all moral belief now finds its emptiness filled by the ugliest and darkest blood-cult on the planet. It was a proud Tower, but its windows are now dark and its rooms filled with old and withered things. Laugh at it. There is nothing left to fear.

posted by wretchard
padisha emperor said:
janeeng et jimmyc, très drôle (don't worry I will translate after), vos propos anti français montrent bien à quel point vous êtes lobotomisés par vos medias américains, vous ne savez rien sur la France, sur son histoire - allez lire mon message dans "french military victories", daté du 7 septembre 2004.
Vous êtes si sûrs de vous, si arrogants, et après ce sont nous qui le sommes....hahaha.......

To sum up : You know nothing about France and his history, read my answer in "french military victories", from the 09/07/2004.
You say we are cowards only for the Iraq war.....when USA will do the same number of war than France, the world would be very old........(and if they will win also the same number of battles won by france, it would be hard for USA too)
You say that French are arrogants, but are you not now ? yes you are arrogant, more than all the French : you insult France, country who made you free , you insult France's history and France's believe that USA can do all because they are mighter than other....THIS is arrogance....

sinon, bel effort pour le français ;)

The French people have a right to be proud of their country's history, just as the citizens of any other nation have. It is true that France played a major role in the victory at Yorktown during the American revolution. All good stuff.

Are Americans arrogant because we "believe that USA can do all because they are mightier than others" ? Perhaps.

What I find hard to swallow is the French governments position regarding the United States foriegn policy. They criticize the United States at every turn and the we find out later that not only do Germany and Russia have close economic ties with Iraq, but so does France. France still does a robust weapons trade with many countries and yet criticizes the US for conducting weapons sales to her allies. The French government accusses the US of starting wars for oil, yet actively encourages the strife in Sudan and other African nations because of France's lucrative oil interests in those countries.

NOTE: I have posted links supporting these assertions in other threads, but will search them out again if need be.

The bottom line is that the French government and some French citizens are very quick to denigrate the United States for pursuing its own interests (for which they declare the US "arrogant") and yet does exactly the same thing. France does not hesitate to further their own interests; perhaps even at the expense of their allies. That too could be called arrogant.
CSM said:
The bottom line is that the French government and some French citizens are very quick to denigrate the United States for pursuing its own interests (for which they declare the US "arrogant") and yet does exactly the same thing. France does not hesitate to further their own interests; perhaps even at the expense of their allies. That too could be called arrogant.

CSM, I know that during your career you have found that there are basically two types of people in leadership positions. One type supports his subordinates and contemporaries, helps them in the performance of their duties and makes everyone around him look good. He usually doesn't receive enough credit for his efforts, but he takes satisfaction in a job well done.

Then there is the type who attempts to make himself look good by making others look bad. He hoards information like miser's gold. He is critical and quick to complain and ultimately he runs an organization that is demoralized and inefficient.

The French are like that second person. Their day of greatness has passed. Now all they can do is point fingers at the real or perceived flaws of others.

They should be pitied.
Apparently Bill Gertz' new book, TREACHERY tears the French a new asshole(sorry Jimmy). All the scoop on how they armed Saddam up the the very end. Despicable!

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