Pamela Gellar Banned from Twitter

As much as I like the President
I’m sure President Biden welcomes this expression of unity.
You mean to say Joe welcomes the opportunity to expand the police state, imprison more Americans, muzzle fee speech, undermine the Constitution and our civil liberties, and you will gladly support him but only because he is a Democrat.

Dumb no?
Shows how scared the left is. They know they can't compete with the message, so they just silence it. A sure sign of weakness, not strength.
Sounds like 'sour grapes' to me, after your side went too far... well... go ahead and call it weakness... doesn't matter... just so long as your False Gods are muzzled.

Yep, just so long as any competing opinions aren't heard. Why? Because you know your opinions are weak. If they were strong you'd encourage the oppositions opinions and you could stand up and say "See, look what they think and look at why I'm right." But you can't do that. Not hard to win a car race if you're the only car on the track, but that doesn't mean yours is the fastest.

Sour grapes? I'd say sour grapes are cutting the tongues out of your opponents mouths. That doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes you look extremely weak.

We live in an eclectic age of information. The Fairness Doctrine was dropped in the 80's because we no longer relied on 3 networks for our news. Now it is even more diverse. Imposing any type of restrictions like the old doctrine would be near impossible to enforce.
It seems interesting to me that the Founders' Age that relied on a marketplace of idea did not have anything remotely like a twitter or YouTube where "users" could get a FREE platform to connect their ideas to "readers." Rather, you had to have printing press and the means to get your printed words read, sometimes literally "posting" pages physically to walls and windows. Franklin apprenticed as a printer with his older brother, and Paine immigrated to America with Franklin's aid and became a magazine editor.

Now loons think they somehow have an entitled right to having access to an audience bored enough to jump into tales of conspiracy that somehow give their lives meaning.
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions

View attachment 454417
The thread premise is a lie.

There is no purge.

This has nothing to do with the left.

Private social media are at complete liberty to edit content as they see fit.
Oh brother. Really? So now you claim to be a free market advocate.

Google, FB, Twitter, and the rest of big tech are monopolies. You do know something about monopolies don’t you?
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions

View attachment 454417
The thread premise is a lie.

There is no purge.

This has nothing to do with the left.

Private social media are at complete liberty to edit content as they see fit.
It's interesting to me that Right Wing media are now being sued ala Nick Sandaman. Including Nick's lawyer. Touche!

BUT presumably private social media companies don't have any liability for allowing users to post proven false information. It is sort of a conundrum, imo. And a dangerous one.
Fascism is rearing its ugly head in the USA. The left is on the march. Seig heil.

And your failed Fascist wannabe prick-tater president happily marched his fatass off to Florida after the failure of his MAGA Riot.
You don't know what a fascist is.

Actually I do. Your little Pee Wee game isn't working on those with a brain.

Nothing unconstitutional about a private social media platform banning her.
Thank you. Its like me kicking someone off my property claiming I took their first amendment rights.

It's truly Orwellian. They think they are protecting free speech by demanding private companies publish their screeds.

It's truly Orwellian. They think they are protecting Democracy by deciding who should win and then rigging the election.

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