Palin Says Obama Will Ban Guns


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
There is no reason to believe that Palin's assertion would not be his objective, in his quest to remove our personal liberties one law and regulation at a time...

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned NRA members Friday that President Barack Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and told a separate gathering that "mama grizzlies" will help Republicans win this November, sweeping away the Democratic agenda.

Palin, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, told National Rifle Association members during their annual meeting that the only thing stopping Obama and his Democratic allies from trying to ban guns is political backlash.

"Don't doubt for a minute that, if they thought they could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and gut the Second Amendment," said Palin, a lifelong NRA member who once had a baby shower at a local gun range in Alaska. "It's the job of all of us at the NRA and its allies to stop them in their tracks."

Much more: Palin Says Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could
She is bat shit crazy just like glen beck.

The Beckerheads and the Palinights are a shrinking demographic.

Obama's record on this issue has been largely overlooked—except by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which recently issued a report card flunking him on all seven issues it deems important. Said President Paul Helmke, "If I had been told, in the days before Barack Obama's inauguration, that his record on gun violence prevention would be this poor, I would not have believed it."

Obama Spurns Gun Control - Reason Magazine

The right wing just lies and lies and lies. It's what they do best. The only thing they are successful at.
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I probably will not bother to own a gun unless the government tells me I cannot.

Assuming, of course society, doesn't fall apart.

Then of course I'll take whatever measures I can to defend myself, just as many of you are already doing.
palin says stuff like this so gop nuts can jerk off to their revolution fantasies instead of her picture
I probably will not bother to own a gun unless the government tells me I cannot.

Assuming, of course society, doesn't fall apart.

Then of course I'll take whatever measures I can to defend myself, just as many of you are already doing.

It is to late the day the Zombies attack to buy a weapon. If you do not have small children in your house buy a shotgun and a couple boxes of shells. Put them in a closet and forget them. I would advice double ought buck or preferably slugs.
There is no reason to believe that Palin's assertion would not be his objective, in his quest to remove our personal liberties one law and regulation at a time...

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned NRA members Friday that President Barack Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and told a separate gathering that "mama grizzlies" will help Republicans win this November, sweeping away the Democratic agenda.

Palin, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, told National Rifle Association members during their annual meeting that the only thing stopping Obama and his Democratic allies from trying to ban guns is political backlash.

"Don't doubt for a minute that, if they thought they could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and gut the Second Amendment," said Palin, a lifelong NRA member who once had a baby shower at a local gun range in Alaska. "It's the job of all of us at the NRA and its allies to stop them in their tracks."

Much more: Palin Says Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

I thought he already had.
Obama will never ban guns. Unlike Palin, Obama is not going to take politically suicide positions on issues.
I thought he already had.

Obama stands by as states pass measures to expand gun rights The Commercial Appeal

When President Barack Obama took office, gun-rights advocates sounded the alarm, warning that he intended to strip them of their arms and ammunition.

And yet the opposite is happening. Obama has been largely silent on the issue while states are engaged in a new and largely successful push for expanded gun rights, even passing measures that have been rejected in the past.

In the meantime, gun-control advocates say, Obama has failed to deliver on campaign promises to close a loophole that allows unlicensed dealers at gun shows to sell firearms without background checks; to revive the assault weapons ban; and to push states to release data about guns used in crimes.

He also signed bills last year allowing guns to be carried in national parks and in luggage on Amtrak trains.

“We expected a very different picture at this stage,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun control group that last month issued a report card failing the administration in all seven of the group’s major indicators.

And the Pro-Gun crowd still thinks Obama is gunning for their guns. Talk about either being ultra paranoid or intentionally dishonest.
Obama may have that on his wishlist? But he has NOT that kind of power until the Second Amendment is amended by the Congress. He can make all the moves towrd this by pressuring his mignons in the Congress to make LAW regarding Guns/Gun Bans?

Their laws have no teeth in regard to the Second Amendment. I'm quite suprised that some of the laws on the books haven't been challanged...and accepted as fact/norm when they *should* be challanged by the people.

It's our fault by not challanging this stuff, and what's it going to take to lull the people out of their slumber?
And yet against the wishes of the people he jammed health care down our throats and is spending more and faster then Bush ever did. Go figure.

Except the majority of Americans supported Health Care Reform, and even the majority supported the bill.
$palin odc.jpg
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