Palestinians may hand territory ‘keys’ to Israel


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
Giving up the WB instead of negotiations? It would not leave Abbas is a good position with the palestinians who might take it as a betrayal and go after him. All the problems become Israel's responsibility and the PA defaults on their global debts.
It also leaves gaza fully responsible for all their debts and the needs of it's people without benefit of the PA or Israel.

Palestinians may hand territory ‘keys’ to Israel

RAMALLAH: Palestinian negotiators have warned they may pass responsiblity for their territory back to occupying power Israel if peace talks remain stalled, a senior Palestinian official said yesterday.

The official said the Palestinians told US peace envoy Martin Indyk on Friday that unless Israel releases Palestinian prisoners as agreed and freezes settlement building, they could dismantle the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) of President Mahmoud Abbas.

“The Palestinians informed Indyk that if this Israeli intransigence continues, they have several options to resort to,” the Palestinian official said.

“First, handing the keys of the PA to the UN so it will become in charge of the Palestinian people and the state of Palestine, which is under occupation, or that the (Israeli) occupation assumes again full responsibility for everything.”

Under the 1993 Oslo accords which were to have led to an independent Palestinian state, the Palestinians received some autonomy in managing their day-to-day affairs. The PA is in a constant budgetary crisis and only manages to pay its civil servants and provide essential services thanks to generous funding from foreign donors.

But Israel still retains overall control of the occupied West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem while the militant Islamist Hamas threw off PA rule in the Gaza Strip in 2007 and has since run its own administration.

Abbas’s Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Hamas have periodically held talks on reconciliation but they have come to nothing. A PLO delegation is expected to visit Gaza for more talks within a few days.

US Secretary of State John Kerry nudged Israel and the Palestinians to reopen peace talks in July for a nine-month period. The United States is striving to broker an agreement to extend those talks beyond their April 29 deadline, but so far without success.

At Friday’s meeting with the Palestinian negotiators, Indyk “had no new ideas to save the negotiations,” the Palestinian official said yesterday.

Israeli commentator Nahum Barnea, writing in top-selling Yediot Aharonot daily on Sunday, said the Palestinian gambit was a desperate one.

“The Palestinians are playing their last card,” he wrote. “Cancelling... all their achievements and all the obligations they made under the Oslo accords. “If the Palestinians carry out their threat it will have dramatic results. The PA will be dismantled, all its security apparatus will be dispersed.”

That would oblige Israel to fill the vacuum at tremendous financial cost, Barnea added. “The (military) will have to find a way to take the PA’s place: to set up a police force, to take care of education, health services, water, sewage.”
Giving up the WB instead of negotiations? It would not leave Abbas is a good position with the palestinians who might take it as a betrayal and go after him. All the problems become Israel's responsibility and the PA defaults on their global debts.
It also leaves gaza fully responsible for all their debts and the needs of it's people without benefit of the PA or Israel.

Palestinians may hand territory ‘keys’ to Israel

RAMALLAH: Palestinian negotiators have warned they may pass responsiblity for their territory back to occupying power Israel if peace talks remain stalled, a senior Palestinian official said yesterday.

The official said the Palestinians told US peace envoy Martin Indyk on Friday that unless Israel releases Palestinian prisoners as agreed and freezes settlement building, they could dismantle the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) of President Mahmoud Abbas.

“The Palestinians informed Indyk that if this Israeli intransigence continues, they have several options to resort to,” the Palestinian official said.

“First, handing the keys of the PA to the UN so it will become in charge of the Palestinian people and the state of Palestine, which is under occupation, or that the (Israeli) occupation assumes again full responsibility for everything.”

Under the 1993 Oslo accords which were to have led to an independent Palestinian state, the Palestinians received some autonomy in managing their day-to-day affairs. The PA is in a constant budgetary crisis and only manages to pay its civil servants and provide essential services thanks to generous funding from foreign donors.

But Israel still retains overall control of the occupied West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem while the militant Islamist Hamas threw off PA rule in the Gaza Strip in 2007 and has since run its own administration.

Abbas’s Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Hamas have periodically held talks on reconciliation but they have come to nothing. A PLO delegation is expected to visit Gaza for more talks within a few days.

US Secretary of State John Kerry nudged Israel and the Palestinians to reopen peace talks in July for a nine-month period. The United States is striving to broker an agreement to extend those talks beyond their April 29 deadline, but so far without success.

At Friday’s meeting with the Palestinian negotiators, Indyk “had no new ideas to save the negotiations,” the Palestinian official said yesterday.

Israeli commentator Nahum Barnea, writing in top-selling Yediot Aharonot daily on Sunday, said the Palestinian gambit was a desperate one.

“The Palestinians are playing their last card,” he wrote. “Cancelling... all their achievements and all the obligations they made under the Oslo accords. “If the Palestinians carry out their threat it will have dramatic results. The PA will be dismantled, all its security apparatus will be dispersed.”

That would oblige Israel to fill the vacuum at tremendous financial cost, Barnea added. “The (military) will have to find a way to take the PA’s place: to set up a police force, to take care of education, health services, water, sewage.”
The Palestinians finally admit they can only exist as a dependent entity. Unwilling and unable to take responsibility for their existance. Just like a belligerent teenager.
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That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.
montelatici, et al,

In the Covenant of the League of Nations there was the suggestion that some of the Arabs were not ready for sovereignty and independent governance. The news article out of Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) (Palestinians mull handing territory 'keys' back to Israel) mere suggests that some senior Palestinian officials also have some reservations that the 1988 State of Palestine may not be ready.

That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

I disagree --- that --- "Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state." It is the combined entity we call the Palestinian (the leadership, the people themselves, and the cultural drivers) that has failed to come together and make a go of it. The Palestinian has consistently focused their energies towards confrontation, not negotiation. They have consistently chosen to side with Jihadist and Fedayeen, and not the nation builders.

It may be best, that the Palestinian declare themselves a "failed state" and drop themselves back into "trusteeship." But that is not the only answer. The Palestinians "could" compromise and negotiate a peace, such that they can focus on national aspirations and build a prosperous country.

Most Respectfully,
not the nation builders.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.
not the nation builders.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

Ya, but the French are cowards, everyone knows that. :D
montelatici, et al,

On some of this, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

Well, you don't do a lot of comparative analysis. Non-belligerent occupations don't last very long. The Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan lasted from 1945 – to – 1952. But US Forces Japan (USF-J) are still there. There must be over a hundred various bases in Japan (Army, Navy, Air Force, USMC). Similarly, there are still large military formations in Europe, and have been for some time, even though the Army Occupation was officially over in 1955.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

The idea that the State of Palestine could not possibly rebuild itself while under occupation is pure nonsense. The only reason they could not do it is the self-inflicted mentality the Palestinians imposed upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

You talk of a democratic secular state. Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right. Calling Israel is jewish state protects it's history, heritage and their faith to practice per their sect beliefs.
Secular and orthodox share equal in the government.
Palestinians over populating Israel would not seek a secular government but an islamic one. That is why Israel is a jewish state, to protect the jewish faith. This does not deny right to muslims or christians, it just protect the jews in their own land.

Government and representation of both religion and race is a delicate balance in the middle east. Israel is no the only one struggling to bring them all to a peaceful coexistence and cooperation where neither feel demeaned in any way. Even if the muslim arabs become the majority, it must remain fully representation of all the faiths and people in Israel. At 51% it in not going to turn in to a Islamic arab palestine instead.

If the WB is turned over to Israel, the palestinians will have to apply and become Israeli and learn hebrew. Those with terrorist ties or that have committed terrorist act might be sent to gaza or Jordan, if it will have them. If palestinians are willing to be Israeli and work for the betterment of Israel and protect it against all enemies, including palestinians in gaza or camps outside, then there should be no problem. If they work against Israel from within they will be charged as traitors.

What happens will depend on how the palestinians behave and if they are willing to change their mind set towards Israel. It will take time.
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

You talk of a democratic secular state. Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right. Calling Israel is jewish state protects it's history, heritage and their faith to practice per their sect beliefs.
Secular and orthodox share equal in the government.
Palestinians over populating Israel would not seek a secular government but an islamic one. That is why Israel is a jewish state, to protect the jewish faith. This does not deny right to muslims or christians, it just protect the jews in their own land.

Government and representation of both religion and race is a delicate balance in the middle east. Israel is no the only one struggling to bring them all to a peaceful coexistence and cooperation where neither feel demeaned in any way. Even if the muslim arabs become the majority, it must remain fully representation of all the faiths and people in Israel. At 51% it in not going to turn in to a Islamic arab palestine instead.

If the WB is turned over to Israel, the palestinians will have to apply and become Israeli and learn hebrew. Those with terrorist ties or that have committed terrorist act might be sent to gaza or Jordan, if it will have them. If palestinians are willing to be Israeli and work for the betterment of Israel and protect it against all enemies, including palestinians in gaza or camps outside, then there should be no problem. If they work against Israel from within they will be charged as traitors.

What happens will depend on how the palestinians behave and if they are willing to change their mind set towards Israel. It will take time.

he knows all of that.

I've yet to see it post it's displeasure with all the muslim countries in the mid east.
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

You talk of a democratic secular state. Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right. Calling Israel is jewish state protects it's history, heritage and their faith to practice per their sect beliefs.
Secular and orthodox share equal in the government.
Palestinians over populating Israel would not seek a secular government but an islamic one. That is why Israel is a jewish state, to protect the jewish faith. This does not deny right to muslims or christians, it just protect the jews in their own land.

Government and representation of both religion and race is a delicate balance in the middle east. Israel is no the only one struggling to bring them all to a peaceful coexistence and cooperation where neither feel demeaned in any way. Even if the muslim arabs become the majority, it must remain fully representation of all the faiths and people in Israel. At 51% it in not going to turn in to a Islamic arab palestine instead.

If the WB is turned over to Israel, the palestinians will have to apply and become Israeli and learn hebrew. Those with terrorist ties or that have committed terrorist act might be sent to gaza or Jordan, if it will have them. If palestinians are willing to be Israeli and work for the betterment of Israel and protect it against all enemies, including palestinians in gaza or camps outside, then there should be no problem. If they work against Israel from within they will be charged as traitors.

What happens will depend on how the palestinians behave and if they are willing to change their mind set towards Israel. It will take time.

Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right.

Look stop it. That is a lie. Only Jews can immigrate freely to Israel, only Jews can buy land, a non-Jew citizen cannot bring his/her non-Jewish spouse to Israel and there are countless other differences, similar to the petty Apartheid laws in South Africa, in rights for non-Jews as opposed to Jews. Ok, it is a Jewish state and they are free to make the laws they want, but don't spread that crap that non-Jews have equal rights, it is patently untrue and dishonest.
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

You talk of a democratic secular state. Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right. Calling Israel is jewish state protects it's history, heritage and their faith to practice per their sect beliefs.
Secular and orthodox share equal in the government.
Palestinians over populating Israel would not seek a secular government but an islamic one. That is why Israel is a jewish state, to protect the jewish faith. This does not deny right to muslims or christians, it just protect the jews in their own land.

Government and representation of both religion and race is a delicate balance in the middle east. Israel is no the only one struggling to bring them all to a peaceful coexistence and cooperation where neither feel demeaned in any way. Even if the muslim arabs become the majority, it must remain fully representation of all the faiths and people in Israel. At 51% it in not going to turn in to a Islamic arab palestine instead.

If the WB is turned over to Israel, the palestinians will have to apply and become Israeli and learn hebrew. Those with terrorist ties or that have committed terrorist act might be sent to gaza or Jordan, if it will have them. If palestinians are willing to be Israeli and work for the betterment of Israel and protect it against all enemies, including palestinians in gaza or camps outside, then there should be no problem. If they work against Israel from within they will be charged as traitors.

What happens will depend on how the palestinians behave and if they are willing to change their mind set towards Israel. It will take time.

Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right.

Look stop it. That is a lie. Only Jews can immigrate freely to Israel, only Jews can buy land, a non-Jew citizen cannot bring his/her non-Jewish spouse to Israel and there are countless other differences, similar to the petty Apartheid laws in South Africa, in rights for non-Jews as opposed to Jews. Ok, it is a Jewish state and they are free to make the laws they want, but don't spread that crap that non-Jews have equal rights, it is patently untrue and dishonest.

Land laws in Jordan and the WB are the ones that discriminatory. You might not understand the land laws in Israel but they allow arabs to lease and in some cases buy.

>>State-owned lands. Israeli Arabs have equal access to state-owned land—four-fifths of the entire country—both in theory and in practice. Indeed, about half of the land they cultivate is directly leased to them by the Israeli government through the ILA.
Moreover, when it comes to residential land, the ILA sometimes offers Israeli Arabs more favorable terms from than it does to Israeli Jews. Thus, the ILA charged the equivalent of $24,000 for a capital lease on a quarter of an acre in new Jewish communities near Beersheva while Bedouin families in the nearby community of Rahat paid only $150 for the same amount of land. In a different case, when a Jewish policeman from Beersheva, Eleizer Avitan, applied to the ILA to lease land in a Bedouin community under the same highly subsidized terms available to the Bedouins, the ILA refused to lease him land there under any terms, so he sued. Israel's Supreme Court ruled in favor of the ILA, saying that what might be viewed as ILA discrimination against the Jewish citizen Avitan was justified as affirmative action for Bedouin citizens.
JNF land is leased to Arab citizens of Israel, for both short- and long-term use. Thus, the ILA has leased on a yearly basis JNF-owned land in the Besor Valley (Wadi Shallala), near Kibbutz Re'em, to Bedouins for use as pasture. Arab citizens have also leased JNF-owned land for housing purposes via a legal device that evades the restrictions against precisely such long-term use: The land in question is traded to the government so that it can be leased out and the JNF receives other land in return. Such swaps have sometimes taken place under threat of court action.
Private lands. There are no restrictions on the purchase of private land in Israel. Israeli Arabs or non-citizens, including Arab foreigners, may freely purchase it. The Israeli authorities have placed no obstacles in the way of such purchases, which are proceeding, as Israel's Deputy Housing Minister Meir Porush recently noted:
The Palestinian Authority is encouraging purchases of land in Israeli territory by wealthy Palestinians. It is a matter of Palestinian figures tied to the real estate business, and living mainly in London, who try to purchase homes and lands in Jerusalem through agents and lawyers who live mainly in Ramallah.

Clearly, many journalists reporting on Israel's land policies have uncritically accepted charges leveled by activists and Palestinian spokesmen. Typifying the problem was a New York Times article in which reporter Joel Greenberg made four major errors in one sentence:
In Israel, Palestinians cannot buy state land, which is 91 percent of the country's territory, and state land held by the Jewish National Fund cannot even be leased to Israeli Arabs.
In fact, state land amounts not to 91 percent of Israel's territory but to roughly 80 percent; neither Arabs nor Jews can buy state land; the Jewish National Fund holds no state land; and JNF land is leased, with some restrictions, to Israeli Arabs.<<
~by Alexander Safian Middle East Quarterly
Oh stop it. You are a propagandist of the highest order. From the United States Department of State 2013 report on Israel. This is the United States, the only country that vetoes any anti-Israel UNSC resolutions.

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the NGO Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews."

- See more at: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013
montelatici, et al,

On some of this, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

Well, you don't do a lot of comparative analysis. Non-belligerent occupations don't last very long. The Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan lasted from 1945 – to – 1952. But US Forces Japan (USF-J) are still there. There must be over a hundred various bases in Japan (Army, Navy, Air Force, USMC). Similarly, there are still large military formations in Europe, and have been for some time, even though the Army Occupation was officially over in 1955.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

The idea that the State of Palestine could not possibly rebuild itself while under occupation is pure nonsense. The only reason they could not do it is the self-inflicted mentality the Palestinians imposed upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,

Rocco, you are always blabbering on about how the Palestinians are too incompetent to build their country.

So, why isn't this TV station on the air?

[ame=]27 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

It is the worst thing they could do as it would sink any chances they had of a nation. It will show they hold the UN in contempt and have no intentions of allowing peace. The best thing for Israel is to pre-empt the Palestinians and draw back the troops from most areas of the west bank and start the process of incarceration now. Have the Palestinians build the compounds themselves and start the "policing process" by putting the Palestinians in the camps. Supply them with basic foods, water, sewage treatment and power.
Forget about demographics as they will have lost their only chance of a nation and under Israeli rule there would be population laws brought in so removing any threat of a take over. As well the UN has a special deal that makes Israel protected and no other nation can take over the land while the UN exists
not the nation builders.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

Tell that to Italy, Germany, Japan and many other "states" that were occupied by a foreign army after WW2.
montelatici, et al,

On some of this, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

Well, you don't do a lot of comparative analysis. Non-belligerent occupations don't last very long. The Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan lasted from 1945 – to – 1952. But US Forces Japan (USF-J) are still there. There must be over a hundred various bases in Japan (Army, Navy, Air Force, USMC). Similarly, there are still large military formations in Europe, and have been for some time, even though the Army Occupation was officially over in 1955.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

The idea that the State of Palestine could not possibly rebuild itself while under occupation is pure nonsense. The only reason they could not do it is the self-inflicted mentality the Palestinians imposed upon themselves.

Most Respectfully,

Rocco, you are always blabbering on about how the Palestinians are too incompetent to build their country.

So, why isn't this TV station on the air?

[ame=]27 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]

First Filistin al-Ghad was a private run satellite channel among state run media.
Second, it was shut down before 2011 for lack of licenses. There was also controversy about who actually owned it, Al Mustaqbal or Mohammed Dahlan.
The incompetency is the political rivalry and power plays get in the way or business and what the people might benefit from.
not the nation builders.

You can't build a nation when a foreign Army has their jack boots on your neck and controls all borders, air space and territorial sea.

And of course an occupied people must resist and fight occupation. The occupier would never leave any country/colony if it were comfortable being the occupier. Get real. Would the French have left Algeria if the Algerians had not made life difficult for the French. 1.5 million were killed between French and Algerians before the French left.

Ya, but the French are cowards, everyone knows that. :D

Not as cowardly as the Palestinians though, they fire from behind children. Then the Italians who had tanks with 1 forward gear and 6 reverse ones.
That is probably the best thing the Palestinians can do. The Israelis will not allow the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the U.S. will not pressure Israel, so it is a waste of time for the PA to play government. They should try to live peacefully as best they can under Jewish rule for the foreseeable future until the non-Jewish population becomes substantially larger than the Jewish population and perhaps then a democratic secular state can be established, peacefully.

You talk of a democratic secular state. Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right. Calling Israel is jewish state protects it's history, heritage and their faith to practice per their sect beliefs.
Secular and orthodox share equal in the government.
Palestinians over populating Israel would not seek a secular government but an islamic one. That is why Israel is a jewish state, to protect the jewish faith. This does not deny right to muslims or christians, it just protect the jews in their own land.

Government and representation of both religion and race is a delicate balance in the middle east. Israel is no the only one struggling to bring them all to a peaceful coexistence and cooperation where neither feel demeaned in any way. Even if the muslim arabs become the majority, it must remain fully representation of all the faiths and people in Israel. At 51% it in not going to turn in to a Islamic arab palestine instead.

If the WB is turned over to Israel, the palestinians will have to apply and become Israeli and learn hebrew. Those with terrorist ties or that have committed terrorist act might be sent to gaza or Jordan, if it will have them. If palestinians are willing to be Israeli and work for the betterment of Israel and protect it against all enemies, including palestinians in gaza or camps outside, then there should be no problem. If they work against Israel from within they will be charged as traitors.

What happens will depend on how the palestinians behave and if they are willing to change their mind set towards Israel. It will take time.

Israel represents all faiths and they are equal right.

Look stop it. That is a lie. Only Jews can immigrate freely to Israel, only Jews can buy land, a non-Jew citizen cannot bring his/her non-Jewish spouse to Israel and there are countless other differences, similar to the petty Apartheid laws in South Africa, in rights for non-Jews as opposed to Jews. Ok, it is a Jewish state and they are free to make the laws they want, but don't spread that crap that non-Jews have equal rights, it is patently untrue and dishonest.

You are the one LYING little girl as anyone can migrate to Israel if the hit the criteria. It is the same for people migrating to America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Greece. Anyone from the above countries can not bring their spouse in automatically either, nor can a Jew who marries a palestinian. Non Jews can buy land, it is the vendor that does not have to sell them the land. The same things apply in many of the worlds Nationality Laws with Islamic nations being the worst offenders.
But you are correct in saying that non Jews don't have equal rights in Israel, they don't have the right to be called up for military service. If they want to defend their country they have to apply to enlist.

Now go away and think about all the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA you are being told to spout, and see if it is factual or a pack of LIES.
Oh stop it. You are a propagandist of the highest order. From the United States Department of State 2013 report on Israel. This is the United States, the only country that vetoes any anti-Israel UNSC resolutions.

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the NGO Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews."

- See more at: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013

As I said it is the VENDOR that does not have to sell to the buyers, in this case it is a Non Government Organisation or NGO that does not sell to non Jews to keep its tiny little parcels of land truly Orthodox. So when you claim that it is an Israeli law you are LYING AS ONLY AN ISLAMONAZI PROPANDIST CAN