Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Territorial Border Crossings
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: See the Ground Truth!

OK, you listed checkpoints. Checkpoints can be anywhere.

Not one of these is a standard Security Check Point...

These are Border Crossing points...

For instance The Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty was signed on 26 October 1994, at the southern Border Crossing of Wadi ‘Araba.

The Treaty Annex I deals with the Israel-Jordan International Boundary Delimitation and Demarcation. The Emek Ha'arava/Wadi Araba area of the International land boundary shall be demarcated, under a joint boundary demarcation procedure, by boundary pillars which will be jointly located, erected, measured and documented on the basis of the boundary shown in the 1:20,000 orthophoto maps referred to in Article 2-C-(1) above. Between each two adjacent boundary pillars the boundary line shall follow a straight line.

There is no question about the boundary if you are on the ground and looking at it.

Wadi 'Araba Border Crossing.jpg

This is what the Border Crossing looks like from the Jordanian side. It is impossible to mistake it from a security checkpoint.


Most Respectfully,
Women's Rights In Islam by Linda Sarsour

Like when they proselytize everywhere saying "Islam is the liberator of slaves",
when in reality Muslims have enslaved ten times the number of Africans
than the entire Western world combined?

Last edited:
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: One State Solution (Democracy)
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What most people overlook is that in the proposal for the development of any government administrative model, there is more than one model that supports any political Decision Support System (DSS).

◈ Representative democracy is a system where citizens choose government representatives among their citizens.​
◈ Direct democracy is when the citizens form a governing body and vote directly on issues.​
◈ A constitutional democracy limits the powers of government through the nation's constitution.​

The characteristics of a democracy are:

◈ elections used to replace the government​
◈ human rights for people​
◈ participation by citizens in DSS​
◈ equality under the law​

One Democratic State - Dr.Leila Farsakh, and Dr. Jeff Halper

And here is the fatal flaw in the "One Democratic State" presentation by
Dr Farsakh and Dr Halper. That would be the adverse political and economic impact such an incorporation ignite. None of the neighboring nations are democracies.

◈ Lebanon parliamentary republic​
◈ Syria is a presidential republic; highly authoritarian regime
◈ Jordan is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy
◈ Egypt is a presidential republic
◈ Turkey is a presidential republic
◈ Saudi Arabia is a absolute monarchy

† Human Development Scale (ANNEX TABLE A7.1, Human Development Index HDI)

This idea of a one-state democracy from the river to the sea is really a regime change, with Israel being a parliamentary democracy and both the Gaza Strip and the Ramallah Government being a truant government (a failed state supporting terrorism) that would collapse if it were not for the donor contributions and indirect UNRWA umbilical support. It only carries the outward appearance of an entity of a government. But in reality cannot perform the routine duties of a government. It has an executive leadership that openly skims the donor contributions as supplemental income to support their life style and rewards the terrorist ad their families for their unlawful activities.

I don't know that there is actually a name for such an entity that pretends to be a state. What I do foresee is that it would, if emerged with a fictional state, be likely to terminally infect a functional government.


Most Respectfully,
The characteristics of a democracy are:

◈ elections used to replace the government◈ human rights for people◈ participation by citizens in DSS◈ equality under the law
You forgot to include the religious obligation of gee-had as a means to perpetuate hatreds for a competing faith that date back to the 7th century.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: What Type of Government is the Palestinian Authority.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure that "P F Tinmore's" response tells us anything. I think he meant to say the Palestinian Authority (PA), as a government is similar to → or comparable to, → the Bantustan Government (AKA: Black Africa).

I don't know that there is actually a name for such an entity that pretends to be a state.
The PA is a bantustan government.
It’s funny when you use terms you don’t understand.

The Bantustan Government was a matter of "racial segregation" (based on Black ethnic grouping and Black speech and linguistic patterns). It was a result of an "apartheid" policy to keep the Black and the Whites separated. It essentially separated the South African (white) citizenship and left the new decisions of nationality and citizenship up to an autonomous territorial reserve for Black South Africans. It was a territorial reserve with little or no nation building capacity.

The separation between sovereign Israel territory - on on side of the border demarcations and - Ramallah Government to the East, and the Gaza Strip Government to the South. The Israeli sovereignty was a UN recommendation made real; becoming a self-governing nation and the nation of the Greatest Human Development in the Region (so says the UN). It is NOT a separation based on ethnic, racial, or religious criteria. This Bantustan criteria simply is not born-out by the facts.

On the Israeli side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Ethnic groups
Jewish 74.4% (of which Israel-born 76.9%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 15.9%, Africa-born 4.6%, Asia-born 2.6%), Arab 20.9%, other 4.7% (2018 est.)​
Hebrew (official), Arabic (special status under Israeli law), English (most commonly used foreign language)​
Jewish 74.3%, Muslim 17.8%, Christian 1.9%, Druze 1.6%, other 4.4% (2018 est.)​

On the West Bank side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Ethnic groups
Palestinian Arab, Jewish, other​
Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by Israeli settlers and many Palestinians), English (widely understood)​
Muslim 80-85% (predominantly Sunni), Jewish 12-14%, Christian 1-2.5% (mainly Greek Orthodox), other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1% (2012 est.)​

On the Gaza Strip side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Ethnic groups
Palestinian Arab​
Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by many Palestinians), English (widely understood)​
Muslim 98.0 - 99.0% (predominantly Sunni), Christian <1.0%, other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0% (2012 est.)​

If anything, one could draw a conclusion that Israel is more diverse in it's Ethnic groups, Languages, and Religious tolerance than the territories in dispute (West Bank and Gaza Strip).

This constant badgering and attempts to associate Israel with either "Apartheid" or descriptively as a "Bantustan" like government is just NOT substantiated in terms of real evidence. This approach is the uneducated attempting to rally more of the uneducated in the audience. But on only take a few minutes to fact-check this Arab Palestinian claim to learn that this is false, inaccurate, AND misleading information that is circulated with the intention to deceive.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: What Type of Government is the Palestinian Authority.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I'm not sure that "P F Tinmore's" response tells us anything. I think he meant to say the Palestinian Authority (PA), as a government is similar to → or comparable to, → the Bantustan Government (AKA: Black Africa).

I don't know that there is actually a name for such an entity that pretends to be a state.
The PA is a bantustan government.
It’s funny when you use terms you don’t understand.

The Bantustan Government was a matter of "racial segregation" (based on Black ethnic grouping and Black speech and linguistic patterns). It was a result of an "apartheid" policy to keep the Black and the Whites separated. It essentially separated the South African (white) citizenship and left the new decisions of nationality and citizenship up to an autonomous territorial reserve for Black South Africans. It was a territorial reserve with little or no nation building capacity.

The separation between sovereign Israel territory - on on side of the border demarcations and - Ramallah Government to the East, and the Gaza Strip Government to the South. The Israeli sovereignty was a UN recommendation made real; becoming a self-governing nation and the nation of the Greatest Human Development in the Region (so says the UN). It is NOT a separation based on ethnic, racial, or religious criteria. This Bantustan criteria simply is not born-out by the facts.

On the Israeli side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Jewish 74.4% (of which Israel-born 76.9%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 15.9%, Africa-born 4.6%, Asia-born 2.6%), Arab 20.9%, other 4.7% (2018 est.)​

Hebrew (official), Arabic (special status under Israeli law), English (most commonly used foreign language)​

Jewish 74.3%, Muslim 17.8%, Christian 1.9%, Druze 1.6%, other 4.4% (2018 est.)​

On the West Bank side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Palestinian Arab, Jewish, other​

Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by Israeli settlers and many Palestinians), English (widely understood)​

Muslim 80-85% (predominantly Sunni), Jewish 12-14%, Christian 1-2.5% (mainly Greek Orthodox), other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1% (2012 est.)​

On the Gaza Strip side of the Border Barriers you will find:
Palestinian Arab​

Arabic, Hebrew (spoken by many Palestinians), English (widely understood)​

Muslim 98.0 - 99.0% (predominantly Sunni), Christian <1.0%, other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0% (2012 est.)​

If anything, one could draw a conclusion that Israel is more diverse in it's Ethnic groups, Languages, and Religious tolerance than the territories in dispute (West Bank and Gaza Strip).

This constant badgering and attempts to associate Israel with either "Apartheid" or descriptively as a "Bantustan" like government is just NOT substantiated in terms of real evidence. This approach is the uneducated attempting to rally more of the uneducated in the audience. But on only take a few minutes to fact-check this Arab Palestinian claim to learn that this is false, inaccurate, AND misleading information that is circulated with the intention to deceive.


Most Respectfully,

It seems that P.F. Tinmore misses the point that words / terms thrown carelessly around tend to lose any connection to their intrinsic meaning. The use of poorly chosen slogans such as “Bantustan” and “apartheid”, hurled at Israel are neither accurate nor relevant. I suppose such terms are intended to be inflammatory but instead, generate mere face palm moments.

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