Palestinian leaders undecided on Kerry's latest peace proposal

Hamas says return to peace talks a 'disaster' GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- "The United States has deluded the Palestinian Authority into thinking that there will be a positive outcome in negotiations with Israel, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum told Ma'an Saturday.*The senior Hamas official said the PA's return to negotiations is a "disaster" and a cover for the Israeli agenda of Judaization, settlement building and the displacement of Palestinians.The recent breakthrough in a return to talks places Palestinian reconciliation at risk, Barhoum added, stressing that it would lead to a great loss of Palestinian rights and a "grand prize" for Israel."Stopping political reconciliation for negotiations between the PA and Israel is very dangerous," he said."For Hamas, reconciliation is a strategy that must be implemented instantly in light of the current Arab and global situation and US and European collusion with Israel."The Islamist group's spokesman went on to say that Israel and the US are "extorting" the PA to distance itself from Hamas....It is unclear how a peace settlement could be implemented without the consent of Hamas, who won parliamentary elections in 2006 and now rule the Gaza Strip." Hamas says return to peace talks a 'disaster' | Maan News Agency. Palestinian leaders are not undecided about peace talks.
Well there ya go. It looks like the leadership is no longer "undecided". Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss and opportunity. Palestinian Mentality at it's finest.
Yeah, what you just said made a lot of sense! Try again, this time when you're sober perhaps. :cuckoo:
Of coarse it does, because you just got done accusing me of something, you're un-able to explain why.

If you can't explain the reason for your conclusion, then it's obvious what you just said, is bullshit.

Ah, yes yes, "of coarse" it does. You just took me to skool. LOL
It's the height of arrogance for the USA to think it should be the mediator between Israel and Palestine.
I'm not so sure the US thinks we should be, so much as there's nobody else making the attempt..... Of course we are doing so for our US goals: a world at peace provides a much broader market for growing our economy.

Ron Paul is right.
He may be: odds are, he's going to be right about something or other sooner or later. I suppose this might be the one.....

We need to butt the fuck out of other people's business.
Ah, let's enjoy the morsel of irony here....a random American, totally unvetted in any way, telling the US Government what they should - or shouldn't - do : )) This is one of the joys of being an American..... Seriously, if the US announced that we were NOT going to get involved here, that would leave a vacuum and that would tend to be even worse for the US.
YAWN.... Who cares what the UN says? Have they ever dealt with Israel's claims starting from 1948 to present? Regardless of what the UN " says"; Israel and the Palestinians can come to any agreement they want! FINALLY Kerry and THE ARAB LEAGUE RECOGNIZE THIS !!!
Who cares what Israel say's?

If there is one country on this planet that deserves a beat down, it's them.

I realize you don't but who gives a F**K? Obviously, Kerry and the Arab League do which is why they are pushing Abbas to " negotiate".
Deal with it :tongue:
What's with the ???????????

And besides, when you have massive Arab troops lining up at Israel's borders, blocking shipping and critical supply channels, and Arab leaders bragging about how they will soon be destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea, do you think Israel is going to wait until the first shot gets fired? DOY! Or maybe what Arabs did is considered an aggression upon Israel's national security and an ACT OF WAR. Yeah, let's go with door number 2....

Military historian you're not. Ha ha ha. All you have are these repetitive Muslim propaganda pieces, that we've all heard like a thousand times. In other words, YA GOT NOTHING AS USUAL.

Next?????!!!!!!?????!! Ha ha ha.

I have promises again and agai from the british that Palestine would be free and independent for the Arabs.

you have lies.

Zionist lies atre your only tool.

It's " repetitive Muslim Propoganda" that they sent the U.N. away? It's " repetive Muslim Propoganda" they blocked the Straits of Tiran? It's " repetitive Muslim Propoganda" they started to build up their Military at Israel's Borders? I am not even mentioning Nasser's comments; just actions Military Historian you are not.. lol ::clap2: :clap2: All you have are Pro Palestinian Lies; Translation; YOU HAVE NOTHING AS USUAL :razz:


Wait.... " Palestine" would be free and independent for the Arabs.. Translation; NO JEWISH STATE.....NJA

You have lies. Pro Palestinian bigoted racist lies are your only tool :eusa_angel:
The Israelis kill and enslave Christians, perform " Honor Killings", Behead, kill those who don't convert etc. etc. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality :cuckoo:
There's video's of them shooting at people fishing and farming.

How fucked is that?

YAWN..... WHO CARES? Even if that's true how can you compare that to BEHEADING, " HONOR KILLINGS", ENSLAVING. etc. etc. Want to know what the " Religion of Peace" is all about? There's a link that defines it all. I will not put it up but if anyone wants it I will be happy to E- Mail it to them. Let's just say it's BLOODY and I advise you don't eat before you view it !
Nah, that is an ARAB CLAIM, and as they say, if I had a penny for all the lies and false Arab claims, I would be richer than Bill Gates! LOL

The Arabs, believed that they had been short-changed by the British promise to give Syria to the French, and likewise by the promise of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. The Arabs claimed that Palestine was included in the area promised to them, but the British denied this.

I posted all the real ebidence at the beigning of the thread.

all u have is lies and denial. i feel bad for you.
who fired the first shots?

you call me a liar even thouhg you know israel started the war by attackig the egytpian airforc while they were on the ground and not even in the air to attack israel.

zionists started the war you know it but lie about it.

sorry that we don;t belive your zionist lies but have history to tell us the facts.

Who said that the belligerent that fired the first shots is the one who started the war?

Why would Israel want to start a war with three countries 100 times its size with a much larger army?

and why did you ignore the facts of the events that led to Israel's pre - emptive strike ?

its obvious!

they wanted the war so they could conquer the rest of palestine like they dreamed of doing since 1949!!!!

Yawn...... Documentation that they wanted to conquer " Palestine". lol The Arabs initiated the 67 War, Israel won it, yet it was Israel who wanted to " conquer" lol Typical Pro Palestinian mentality :cuckoo: :clap2:

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