Palestinian Fauxtography of the Day - "Switch the title" edition #345678899


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
At some point you think you'll get used
to how blatantly they flaunt with disregard for minimal intellectual integrity.

Read the title of the video...

Now get this - the voice in the video,
is a guy shouting "a rocket fell on us!", in Hebrew.

Maybe they delete the comments, I haven't seen this being reported by anyone yet.
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Several dozen settlers squatted early on Tuesday at the site of a West Bank settlement Israel withdrew from as part of the 2005 Gaza disengagement, with several lawmakers from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party making a visit in a show of support.

Under the disengagement, the Sa-Nur settlement was one of several northern West Bank settlements evacuated in addition to all the settlements in the Gaza Strip.

The squatters, a group of 20 families with children, including some former residents of Sa-Nur and Likud MK Ariel Kallner, spent the night at an old fortress at the site and began refurbishing it for longer habitation.

Israeli troops later arrived at the scene and the defense establishment called the demonstration a provocation, saying that the squatters would be evicted shortly.
The squatters' presence at the site is in violation of a law passed at the time of the disengagement when the late Ariel Sharon was prime minister.

Huh- re the last paragraph vs the first paragraph- looks like somebody didn't get the memo-


Several dozen settlers squatted early on Tuesday at the site of a West Bank settlement Israel withdrew from as part of the 2005 Gaza disengagement, with several lawmakers from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party making a visit in a show of support.

Under the disengagement, the Sa-Nur settlement was one of several northern West Bank settlements evacuated in addition to all the settlements in the Gaza Strip.

The squatters, a group of 20 families with children, including some former residents of Sa-Nur and Likud MK Ariel Kallner, spent the night at an old fortress at the site and began refurbishing it for longer habitation.

Israeli troops later arrived at the scene and the defense establishment called the demonstration a provocation, saying that the squatters would be evicted shortly. The squatters' presence at the site is in violation of a law passed at the time of the disengagement when the late Ariel Sharon was prime minister.

Huh- re the last paragraph vs the first paragraph- looks like somebody didn't get the memo-

Ok genius, do you even get
that your first and second paragraphs talk about different places?

Or do I have to explain to you that there're no Jews living in Gaza to speak Hebrew,
and the lunacy of using a video with only Hebrew speech, not a single Arabic word,
documenting explosions and rockets shot from the opposite direction,
as a supposed proof for "being attacked by Israel"?

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