Palestinian Fauxtography Of The Day - Chocolate edition


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Palestinian Serial Fauxtographer Never Rests

‘Ms Palestinian Fauxtography’ Mariam Ghnem recently tweeted out these photos

Naturally, not everything is as she claims.

The kid on the left? He stayed on the streets because he was afraid of his father at home.

(Auto-translation follows)
A child sleeps on the streets of Azza, refusing to go to his home because of his fear of his father, who forces him to return.
Activists shared on the social networking sites “Facebook” a picture of a child sleeping on the streets of Gaza, refusing to go to his home because of his fear of his father, who forces him not to return to the home unless he sold him chocolate in full.
The kid on the top right? The earliest instances of it I could find are that it is a kid from Gaza. But there are conflicting accounts: at least one source claims the kid was sleeping in Al Shifa hospital and his entire family was killed, while others claim he was in an entirely different neighborhood of Gaza, and do not mention that his family perished.

Thee photos are also not current, all being at least 4 or more years old. If the situation in Gaza is so dire, surely Mariam et al. should be able to tweet out current photos, instead of going back to 2016 and beyond.

If they cannot even stick to one story, what are the chances any of them are true?
For all we know, the kid was just caught sleeping on the ground with a cat and an entire false backstory developed.


As usual, they say one thing in Arabic and the total opposite in English.

Nothing new here, since Arafat realized during the 90's how gullible are the Westerners,
this has been the default practice for decades, and they don't even attempt to hide it.
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Why the need to lie so boldly?

Recently the 'Pal Info Center' even tried to pass a picture from the TV series "Grey's Anatomy",
as a French volunteer in Gaza...

But how does one get more moronic than that, did they hope no one would notice,
was this initially intended for the Arab audiences who wouldn't know,
and simply mixed up their Arab and English portals?

Or was it more kinda typical "in the face" insult to the intelligence...

I think a combination of all the above.

But clearly integrity is not on their list of priorities.

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Why does it have to be a lie. Why is it not just another example of how Arabs in Palestine can not rule themselves.

Arab father throws his child to the streets,
they go blaming da Jooos.

It's not a lie?

It's a friggin blood libel, plain a simple.

BTW don't worry, many of them can buy YOU a house.

Why does it have to be a lie. Why is it not just another example of how Arabs in Palestine can not rule themselves.

Arab father throws his child to the streets,
they go blaming da Jooos.

It's not a lie?

It's a friggin blood libel, plain a simple.

BTW don't worry, many of them can buy YOU a house.

you seemed to misread my post,

Sorry, my bad.

But seriously, we're dealing here with compulsive liars,
running a disinfo scheme of industrial proportions,
that would make even Geobbles shy.

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