Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, , et al,

BLUF: This is an example and self-evident proof that the common Arab Palestinian supports the factions of their populations that have conducted kidnapping and murders, hi-jacked aircraft and even a cruise liner, intercepted public buses → lined-up and machine-gunned all the passengers
(including a dozen children), conducted suicide bombing of public businesses, and more. And they claim that this is legal.


It is why they are not a member of the moral society in which we live. Martyrs represent the worst aspect of humanity. These two women are just a symptom of the psychotic behaviors; that are passed on from generation to generation.


Most Respectfully,
Veterans are honored all over the world.
Normal people around the world don't celebrates veterans of the enemy - only traitors do.

And who is holding the sign?

A family that sent a suicide bomber into a Pizza restaurant.
These are your "veterans" - cowardly filth who doesn't deserve to be even called a man.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, , et al,

BLUF: This is an example and self-evident proof that the common Arab Palestinian supports the factions of their populations that have conducted kidnapping and murders, hi-jacked aircraft and even a cruise liner, intercepted public buses → lined-up and machine-gunned all the passengers
(including a dozen children), conducted suicide bombing of public businesses, and more. And they claim that this is legal.


It is why they are not a member of the moral society in which we live. Martyrs represent the worst aspect of humanity. These two women are just a symptom of the psychotic behaviors; that are passed on from generation to generation.


Most Respectfully,
Veterans are honored all over the world.
Normal people around the world don't celebrates veterans of the enemy - only traitors do.

And who is holding the sign?

A family that sent a suicide bomber into a Pizza restaurant.
These are your "veterans" - cowardly filth who doesn't deserve to be even called a man.
Is that more cowardly that someone in an airplar dropping bombs on family homes.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Your commentaries here seem to suggest two equally obnoxious political and loyalty positions.

Our friend Shusha shines a light on an extremely important distinction. In no way can you relate the two meanings, no matter which meanings you choose to compare: (See: American Heritage Dictionary, ed 3)

◈ vet·er·an n. 1. A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or a capacity: a veteran of political campaigns. 2. A person who has served in the armed forces: “Privilege, a token income... were allowed for veterans of both world wars” (Mavis Gallant). 3. An old soldier who has seen long service. — adj. 1. Having had long experience or practice: a veteran actor. 2. Of or relating to former members of the armed forces: veteran benefits.​
◈ mar·tyr n. 1. One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles. 2. One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle. 3. a. One who endures great suffering: a martyr to arthritis. b. One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy. — v. tr. mar·tyred, mar·tyr·ing, mar·tyrs. 1. To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs. 2. To inflict great pain on; torment.​
As you can see:

The first one relates to "experience" • "service" • "soldier" • "armed forces."​
The Second one relates to "suffering" • "religious principles" • "to further a belief, cause, or principle." And my personal favorite: great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.​

What is the difference between a martyr and a veteran?
Veterans are honored all over the world.
Is that more cowardly that someone in an airplar dropping bombs on family homes.

You are very correct → the dropping of "bombs on family homes" has a relationship to the distant characteristic of "cowardice." But this cowardice has to do with the misfeasance, malfeasance and/or nonfeasance on the part of the Arab Palestinians, rather than the Israelis. In most cases
(not every case • but most cases) the Arab Palestinians bring the death and destruction upon themselves. IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity. They bear the responsibilities for casualties incurred as a result of Hostile Arab Palestinian criminal activity (Article 68 GCIV - C&IHL).

Arab Palestinian Causes of Civilian Casualties.png


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Your commentaries here seem to suggest two equally obnoxious political and loyalty positions.

Our friend Shusha shines a light on an extremely important distinction. In no way can you relate the two meanings, no matter which meanings you choose to compare: (See: American Heritage Dictionary, ed 3)

◈ vet·er·an n. 1. A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or a capacity: a veteran of political campaigns. 2. A person who has served in the armed forces: “Privilege, a token income... were allowed for veterans of both world wars” (Mavis Gallant). 3. An old soldier who has seen long service. — adj. 1. Having had long experience or practice: a veteran actor. 2. Of or relating to former members of the armed forces: veteran benefits.​
◈ mar·tyr n. 1. One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles. 2. One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle. 3. a. One who endures great suffering: a martyr to arthritis. b. One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy. — v. tr. mar·tyred, mar·tyr·ing, mar·tyrs. 1. To make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to religious beliefs. 2. To inflict great pain on; torment.​
As you can see:

The first one relates to "experience" • "service" • "soldier" • "armed forces."​
The Second one relates to "suffering" • "religious principles" • "to further a belief, cause, or principle." And my personal favorite: great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.​

What is the difference between a martyr and a veteran?
Veterans are honored all over the world.
Is that more cowardly that someone in an airplar dropping bombs on family homes.

You are very correct → the dropping of "bombs on family homes" has a relationship to the distant characteristic of "cowardice." But this cowardice has to do with the misfeasance, malfeasance and/or nonfeasance on the part of the Arab Palestinians, rather than the Israelis. In most cases
(not every case • but most cases) the Arab Palestinians bring the death and destruction upon themselves. IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity. They bear the responsibilities for casualties incurred as a result of Hostile Arab Palestinian criminal activity (Article 68 GCIV - C&IHL).


Most Respectfully,
IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

Um, “palestine” is Israel. It was a fictional Roman name imposed on Jews, about 2,000 years ago, in retribution for the Jewish Bar Kokhba Revolt. “Palestinian“ was a made-up European name for Jews in the British Mandate, which Britain called palestine.

BBC documentary on Bar Kokhba rebellion in Judea (“land of the Jews”) against Roman Empire. There were no “palestinians”

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

Natives who can't pronounce the name of the land?
Last edited:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

Natives who can't pronounce the name of the place?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: And herein rests the dispute. Who attacked who and for what.

IF they followed the Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) (including the Geneva Convention), THEN death and destruction would not follow back to them as a consequence of their unlawful activity.
Israelis are only attacked due to their unlawful activity.

When you reduce the political equation to solve for a solution, then you have three factors that describe the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as it relates to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

◈ The Arab League attacked Israel first.​
◈ For the most part, the Arab League disputed are resolved by agreement.​
◈ The Arab Palestinians refused to accept the outcome and continued the conflict.​

Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?

Break it down, one piece at a time...


Most Respectfully,
Question: What is the nature of the complaint by the Arab Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

Um, “palestine” is Israel. It was a fictional Roman name imposed on Jews, about 2,000 years ago, in retribution for the Jewish Bar Kokhba Revolt. “Palestinian“ was a made-up European name for Jews in the British Mandate, which Britain called palestine.

BBC documentary on Bar Kokhba rebellion in Judea (“land of the Jews”) against Roman Empire. There were no “palestinians”

Had Jews not rebelled against the occupying Roman Empire, the name of their country would not have been changed to palestine, an attempt to erase the ancient Jewish heritage of the country, and the terms “palestine“ and “palestinian“ would not even exist today.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, , et al,

BLUF: This is an example and self-evident proof that the common Arab Palestinian supports the factions of their populations that have conducted kidnapping and murders, hi-jacked aircraft and even a cruise liner, intercepted public buses → lined-up and machine-gunned all the passengers
(including a dozen children), conducted suicide bombing of public businesses, and more. And they claim that this is legal.


It is why they are not a member of the moral society in which we live. Martyrs represent the worst aspect of humanity. These two women are just a symptom of the psychotic behaviors; that are passed on from generation to generation.


Most Respectfully,
Veterans are honored all over the world.
Normal people around the world don't celebrates veterans of the enemy - only traitors do.

And who is holding the sign?

A family that sent a suicide bomber into a Pizza restaurant.
These are your "veterans" - cowardly filth who doesn't deserve to be even called a man.
Is that more cowardly that someone in an airplar dropping bombs on family homes.

If that is the intent the yes,
there's no such question about the intent of a suicide bomber.

Militants who intentionally fire from within civilian population,
carry all the responsibility for the consequences.
Including those at preparation stage.
Last edited:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is useless, maybe even less than useless, without a date (period) and area (territory).

The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

And, if there is a complaint, what is the suggested remedy?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is useless, maybe even less than useless, without a date (period) and area (territory).

The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

And, if there is a complaint, what is the suggested remedy?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is useless, maybe even less than useless, without a date (period) and area (territory).

The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

And, if there is a complaint, what is the suggested remedy?


Most Respectfully,
Arabs colonizing Jews’ ancient homeland.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is useless, maybe even less than useless, without a date (period) and area (territory).

The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when settlers came down from Europe with the stated goal of moving the natives aside and setting up their own place.

And they did just what they said.

And, if there is a complaint, what is the suggested remedy?


Most Respectfully,
Arabs colonizing Jews’ ancient homeland.

Ancient Jewish synagogue in Syria centuries before any mosques

Dura-Europos: Excavating Antiquity | Yale University Art Gallery
Why Israel Fears the Nakba: How Memory Became Palestine’s Greatest Weapon

Israel is afraid of Palestinian memory, since it is the only facet of its war against the Palestinian people that it cannot fully control.

On May 15, thousands of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine and throughout the ‘shatat’, or diaspora, participated in the commemoration of Nakba Day, the one event that unites all Palestinians, regardless of their political differences or backgrounds.

For years, social media has added a whole new stratum to this process of commemoration. #Nakba72, along with #NakbaDay and #Nakba, have all trended on Twitter for days. Facebook was inundated with countless stories, videos, images, and statements, written by Palestinians, or in global support of the Palestinian people.

The dominant Nakba narrative remains – 72 years following the destruction of historic Palestine at the hands of Zionist militias – an opportunity to reassert the centrality of the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees. Over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homes in Palestine in 1947-48. The surviving refugees and their descendants are now estimated at over five million.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is another unsubstantiated claim.

Why Israel Fears the Nakba: How Memory Became Palestine’s Greatest Weapon

Israel is afraid of Palestinian memory, since it is the only facet of its war against the Palestinian people that it cannot fully control.

Most of us do not remember the memories in the first stage of our lives (between one and four years old). "Research has indicated that most people’s earliest memories, on average, date back to when they were 3-1/2 years old." (See: Psychology Today)

Let's see if you can connect the dots here...

Life expectancy at birth: This entry contains the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages. It can also be thought of as indicating the potential return on investment in human capital and is necessary for the calculation of various actuarial measures. Life expectancy at birth field listing See the Pyramid Chart.

total population: 75.9 years

male: 73.8 years​

female: 78.1 years (2020 est.)​

population pyramid

The Nakba was ≈ 72 years ago. Add 3.5 years until memories start to stick. That is 75+ years old if you were of a memory forming age at the time of the Nakba. There were less than 700,000 refugees
(less than a million displaced persons and not all of them were forced transfers). Of that number, there are less than a half-% (.005). That means (all things being equal) optimistically there would be ≈ 3.5K in the population that "might have memories" of that period. Even at age 6, memory perception is somewhat dubious. Someone that is 80 years old trying to recall events at the early ages of 3 to 6 yo would have some difficulty distinguishing facts from the storytelling.

It is not reasonable to assume that anyone in their right mind is going to base any credibility on pre-school memories that are over three-quarters of a century old.

Most Respectfully,

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