Senior Member
Our good friend and ally in the 'war on terror', <a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/23/AR2006072300737.html>Pakistan, is building a third heavy water reactor</a> at the Kushab nuclear facility, in addition to the two it already has. According to reports, this reactor will be capable of producing enough plutonium for 40 to 50 nukes each year.
Now, why does Pakistan get to produce all of the nukes it wants with the tacit approval, as in the utter silence, of the Bush administration on this issue? Pakistan is in far greater danger of falling to Islamic fundamentalists in the near term than Iran is of developing a nuclear weapon so, why is the Bush administration so fixated on putting a halt to Iran's nuclear program rather than bringing Pakistan's to a halt? Myopia?...arrogance?...Stupidity?...All of the above?
Now, why does Pakistan get to produce all of the nukes it wants with the tacit approval, as in the utter silence, of the Bush administration on this issue? Pakistan is in far greater danger of falling to Islamic fundamentalists in the near term than Iran is of developing a nuclear weapon so, why is the Bush administration so fixated on putting a halt to Iran's nuclear program rather than bringing Pakistan's to a halt? Myopia?...arrogance?...Stupidity?...All of the above?