PA Republican Blasts Democrats who Don't want Truth Uncovered by Election Audit


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Once again Democrats don't want the truth to be uncovered.

---Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano is leading the charge for a forensic audit in three Pennsylvania counties.---

---“If You’re Afraid of Transparency, You’re Part of the Problem” ---

Once again Democrats don't want the truth to be uncovered.

---Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano is leading the charge for a forensic audit in three Pennsylvania counties.---

---“If You’re Afraid of Transparency, You’re Part of the Problem” ---

Well, that’s a joke
Audits are good if conducted by certified people. Not much of an article, but typical of the Gateway Pundit catering to the clueless. It doesn't mention what Mastriano has in mind. To form any opinion on the matter it would be helpful to know whether his intention is to bring in qualified resources or if it'll be like the case in Maricopa County, Arizona where they decided to send in the clowns?
Well, that’s a joke
I don't find that laughing at the dissolution of this country, is a very good thing. It shouldn't MATTER whether some reject the idea that their neighbors have accepted, that is, that an ELECTION was stolen. You are free to believe as you wish but when you demand that the rights of half of the rest of America be ignored, you and yours will not escape the future consequences of that. THAT is a deal-breaker and we cannot go forward when one half of the country believes- right or not - that the government is illegitimate. I'm not sure what it will take to convince some of those like yourself. Does it HAVE to come to war in the streets? I think with that being one of the potential actions, agreeing to audits will seem like a better idea. How 'bout you?
Audits are good if conducted by certified people.
I agree. But in case you bothered to notice, immediately after the election THAT is exactly what the Right were asking for. All we got was mockery and derision. Since that time the Data Barons have effectively silenced online discussion in the major platforms. If your heroes in DC manage to kill the filibuster and cram HR1 into our legal code, this nation is going to burn. It will happen regardless of whether you believe that or not and once it begins NO ONE will be able to survive it unscathed.
Rational Americans are willing to negotiate on the process but they aren't being given ANY room to look at the election. By the time your group gets finished, an audit is going to seem like a REALLY good idea in comparison to where we'll find ourselves.
There are autistic pygmies in sub-saharan Africa that know the US election was stolen.

Ok, most marxist fucks are exponentially more stupid than autistic pygmies.... I get that.

We'll explain it to you filthy fucking animals when the time is right.
Once again Democrats don't want the truth to be uncovered.

---Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano is leading the charge for a forensic audit in three Pennsylvania counties.---

---“If You’re Afraid of Transparency, You’re Part of the Problem” ---

Another fraudit eh?
I agree. But in case you bothered to notice, immediately after the election THAT is exactly what the Right were asking for. All we got was mockery and derision. Since that time the Data Barons have effectively silenced online discussion in the major platforms. If your heroes in DC manage to kill the filibuster and cram HR1 into our legal code, this nation is going to burn. It will happen regardless of whether you believe that or not and once it begins NO ONE will be able to survive it unscathed.
Rational Americans are willing to negotiate on the process but they aren't being given ANY room to look at the election. By the time your group gets finished, an audit is going to seem like a REALLY good idea in comparison to where we'll find ourselves.

When there was a question about Maricopa County voting machines the county Republicans brought in 2 separate audit organizations that were certified in the process.
Our State Senate brought in the Cyber Ninjas who are totally inept. My heros are those that seek truth, justice and the American way. Not sore losers.
Once again Democrats don't want the truth to be uncovered.

---Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano is leading the charge for a forensic audit in three Pennsylvania counties.---

---“If You’re Afraid of Transparency, You’re Part of the Problem” ---

Of course they didn't want a thorough audit. The reasons were:
1. Even though Trump had donated to Democrat causes in the past, he said he was going to "drain the swamp." Sadly, it's too deeply rooted in the political system.
2. The Democrat Party has been filled with Marxists and as such were determined to win at all costs, even to the point of committing massive fraud to deny any opposing candidates the opportunity to win.
3. Their goal, a one-party strict socialist government, with no opposition and to do that, you have to cheat or go to war to end freedoms.
Does it HAVE to come to war in the streets?
Yes. But it won't happen. But there also won't be any agreement or unity. This stolen election horse shit won't stand with about half the country. So magaturds will do what they need to do to try and avoid the collosal spanking they're due.
Of course they didn't want a thorough audit. The reasons were:
1. Even though Trump had donated to Democrat causes in the past, he said he was going to "drain the swamp." Sadly, it's too deeply rooted in the political system.
2. The Democrat Party has been filled with Marxists and as such were determined to win at all costs, even to the point of committing massive fraud to deny any opposing candidates the opportunity to win.
3. Their goal, a one-party strict socialist government, with no opposition and to do that, you have to cheat or go to war to end freedoms.
If there was a massive fraud, why can't you show how it was done?

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