PA Donors' Money Promised to Hamas


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
They should put a freeze on PA bank accounts, state, and personal of government officals, in the US

PA Donors' Money Promised to Hamas

by Malcolm Lowe
June 24, 2014 at 4:00 am

PA Donors' Money Promised to Hamas

In view of the prospect that US money will soon go to Hamas personnel via the PA, the US Congress has every right to stop that financial aid. We still think, however, that it would be smarter to condition such aid money on a Palestinian commitment to remove all the rockets from Gaza under international supervision. Getting rid of those rockets would revolutionize the prospect of advances in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Imagine the prestige that would accrue to Secretary of State John Kerry if, within his term of office, the US succeeded in removing rockets from Gaza as well as chemical weapons from Syria.

A previous article pointed out that the new Palestinian "unity government," since it rules Gaza as well as the West Bank, has made itself responsible for the existence of thousands of rockets in Gaza that are aimed at Israel. At the very least, the article argued, all aid money going to the Palestinian Authority [PA] should now be made conditional on a commitment of that government to surrender all those rockets to international control. The elimination of Syria's chemical weapons provides an obvious model.

Now it has emerged that the entire personnel of the Hamas regime in Gaza is about to be put on the PA payroll. According to a report in YNet News:
"As is known, the PA has proven largely incompetent in collecting income tax, municipal taxes, electricity bills and water bills. The much respected Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was forced to resign in April 2013 over his attempts to introduce a credible form of income tax. In any event, that Palestinian income tax law (announced in September 2011) envisaged a maximum rate for both individuals and corporations of only 30%, with most Palestinians paying far less.

Consequently, the PA, which is by far the biggest employer of Palestinians, is helplessly dependent on two sources of money: taxes that are collected by Israel and passed on to the PA, and donor money from the US and the EU. The threat to stop all that money could hardly be resisted."

So even with financial aid from donors - and let's not forget the UN paying for all the Palestinians in those camps! - the PA can't figure out how to collect taxes and utility payments. Even IFF they had a state and nobody was shooting any rockets, etc - the Palestinian state would be a basket case because they've NEVER been able to manage their money. That is NOT an 'external' problem.

Aah, once again Mr. Tinmore is able to pull out a video from the load of them in his barn. Perhaps if his people would stop buying weapons and concentrate on building their economy, they would be better off. Since Dubai does such a good job of building and probably has a ton of money left over, maybe Mr. Tinmore can attempt to convince them to help their Muslim brothers out. Say, does Mr. Tinmore have any videos of that huge new development going up that has all the amenities for the rich Arabs to enjoy there while the people nearby are languishing in a refugee camp. Have you put in your reservation for one of these apartments yet, Mr. Tinmore?
Pfffft. You are so uninformed/misinformed.

It is you, Mr. Tinmore, who appear to be living in some kind of Arab dreamland.

You don't know anything about Palestine except what the liars in Israel have told you.

Since you haven't lived in the area for a long time, you only hear what your Hamas bosses tell you. Are you even aware of what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or don't you care about the bodies piling up?

2003 some of the market was cleared to make way for a security access point in the wall to permit crossing from the WB to Israel held land.

Thank you.

Israel wanted to steal the land.

You mean, Mr. Tinmore, you didn't want your friends to be able to get into Israel for their jobs or to get to a hospital if needed. Say, folks, remember that Arab woman whose life was safed by an Israeli hospital, and then she went back to suicide bomb it? That's what you call gratitude.
2003 some of the market was cleared to make way for a security access point in the wall to permit crossing from the WB to Israel held land.

Thank you.

Israel wanted to steal the land.

You mean, Mr. Tinmore, you didn't want your friends to be able to get into Israel for their jobs or to get to a hospital if needed. Say, folks, remember that Arab woman whose life was safed by an Israeli hospital, and then she went back to suicide bomb it? That's what you call gratitude.

So you want me to accept Israel stealing land to make an access point through an illegal wall that should not be there?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Thank you.

Israel wanted to steal the land.

You mean, Mr. Tinmore, you didn't want your friends to be able to get into Israel for their jobs or to get to a hospital if needed. Say, folks, remember that Arab woman whose life was safed by an Israeli hospital, and then she went back to suicide bomb it? That's what you call gratitude.

So you want me to accept Israel stealing land to make an access point through an illegal wall that should not be there?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Evidently you don't care that the security wall also saved a lot of lives of your brethren. Didn't you think your brethren were also riding buses when the suicide bombers were active. If you could have gotten your bethren to behave themselves, there would have been no need for a fence. By the way, Mr. Tinmore, when you call someone cuckoo, please look in the mirror. There you will find cuckoo.
It doesn't matter what you 'accept': you're totally irrelevant, as are your decade-old propaganda videos and the rest of your l'il show.
You mean, Mr. Tinmore, you didn't want your friends to be able to get into Israel for their jobs or to get to a hospital if needed. Say, folks, remember that Arab woman whose life was safed by an Israeli hospital, and then she went back to suicide bomb it? That's what you call gratitude.

So you want me to accept Israel stealing land to make an access point through an illegal wall that should not be there?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Evidently you don't care that the security wall also saved a lot of lives of your brethren. Didn't you think your brethren were also riding buses when the suicide bombers were active. If you could have gotten your bethren to behave themselves, there would have been no need for a fence. By the way, Mr. Tinmore, when you call someone cuckoo, please look in the mirror. There you will find cuckoo.

[ame=]Israeli Barrier: Security or Apartheid? - Jeff Halper - YouTube[/ame]

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