*O'Yeah, Christians Are Safe In Iraq Too!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Look around fools, the Christians which are few, are being attacked in Iraq, everyday, it would seem.
2. Just today muslims went into thier Church and started shooting Christains!!!!!!!
3. Thats what they will do when they get better established here and Europe.
4. You my friend are just too trusting.
5. Link and sample:Iraqi forces free hostages from church; 19 killed - Yahoo! News

"BAGHDAD – Islamic militants held around 120 Iraqi Christians hostage for nearly four hours in a church Sunday before security forces stormed the building and freed them, ending a standoff that left at least 19 people dead, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.

Security officials said the militants, who were allegedly linked to al-Qaida in Iraq, were on the phone with Iraqi authorities demanding the release of imprisoned female insurgents when security forces stormed the building.

The standoff began at dusk when the militants attacked the nearby Iraqi stock exchange, officials said. Police then chased the insurgents toward the Our Lady of Deliverance church — one of Baghdad's main Catholic places of worship."

6. Its not too late for you to do something, don't wait till your sitting ducks.:eek:

American right wing Confederate Christians don't care about Iraqi Christians. I think because they are too brown?

Here is a great video explaining the plight of the Iraqi Christians by someone named "dearrdd". Hmm, I wonder who that is?

I've been meaning to update it. It's gotten way worse for Christians in Iraq. Also for women and gays.


Just because I have no "occult" beliefs doesn't mean I'm not ashamed at what Republicans did in Iraq for oil. Does anyone believe it was for something other than oil? Or to make money off of misery?
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Sorry bout that,

1. So you are saying Chritians, ie Booosh, did it to the Christians in Iraq yesterday?:confused:
2. Another rabid libturd on the loose if so.:eek:

Yep, we surely made things better in every way in our invasion of Iraq. History is not going to be kind about that misadventure.
Sorry bout that,

Yep, we surely made things better in every way in our invasion of Iraq. History is not going to be kind about that misadventure.

1, Thats what one lib thinks.
2. Saddam was hated by his own people, we gave them the vote and purple finger.
3. Did Saddam the bucther ~ rapist do that?
4. Giving them the vote was monumental, which they don't deserve as a people, dogs and killers.

HUH? You mean We did not convert those people to our way of thinking by killing 10% of them?

I guess we need to kill some more of them?
HUH? You mean We did not convert those people to our way of thinking by killing 10% of them?

I guess we need to kill some more of them?


And the rest of the middle east should be thanking us for the Iraqi refugees that have newly populated their countries..like in Jordan.
You've got to love the way these idiots blame everybody but the wakos that comment these acts. I'm sure the Iraq people would rather be fighting these idiots as free people, then to be slaves of Saddam. and I'm still waiting for all that oil we stole from them
You've got to love the way these idiots blame everybody but the wakos that comment these acts. I'm sure the Iraq people would rather be fighting these idiots as free people, then to be slaves of Saddam. and I'm still waiting for all that oil we stole from them

Stole? No one wanted to steal any oil..let alone give it away.

What they wanted to do was control a commodity. Which they did.

Oil companies made more money during the eight years of the Bush administration then any other industry or capitalistic venture at any time in history.

That wasn't because they wanted to flood the market with the commodity they sell..
Sorry bout that,

1. So you are saying Chritians, ie Booosh, did it to the Christians in Iraq yesterday?:confused:
2. Another rabid libturd on the loose if so.:eek:


The invasion and occuaption of Iraq had some unintentional consequences. One of them is that women, minorities (including the Iraqi Christians) all lost rights.
Sorry bout that,

They didn't have any problems when Saddam was there.

1. So saddam was better for Iraq, is what you're saying?


When? Saddam was better for Iraq when Ronnie Raygun and GHWB were supporting him by not only giving him money but allowing him to purchase western technology.

Iraqis enjoyed much more secular freedoms before the US led invasion and occupation.
Sorry bout that,

They didn't have any problems when Saddam was there.

1. So saddam was better for Iraq, is what you're saying?


When? Saddam was better for Iraq when Ronnie Raygun and GHWB were supporting him by not only giving him money but allowing him to purchase western technology.

Iraqis enjoyed much more secular freedoms before the US led invasion and occupation.

Truth. And why we should not be involved in nation building.
And we need to get our own house in order first.
Sorry bout that,

Yep, we surely made things better in every way in our invasion of Iraq. History is not going to be kind about that misadventure.

1, Thats what one lib thinks.
2. Saddam was hated by his own people, we gave them the vote and purple finger.
3. Did Saddam the bucther ~ rapist do that?
4. Giving them the vote was monumental, which they don't deserve as a people, dogs and killers.


2. Yeah the only thing they hate worst that Saddam is the occupation of their land by foreigners.

It's not up to us to spread Democracy. No where in our Constitution does it say the government has the right (nor duty) to use the US Military might to do this.
You've got to love the way these idiots blame everybody but the wakos that comment these acts. I'm sure the Iraq people would rather be fighting these idiots as free people, then to be slaves of Saddam. and I'm still waiting for all that oil we stole from them

The wakos would not be attacking anyone in Iraq if the invasion and occupation had not occured. Given the amount of death and destruction since the Shockingly Aweful invasion occured I bet most Iraqis long for the calm days where all they had to worry about was Saddam and his hinchmen.

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