Over 500,000 enrolled in December


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
And 2/3 of the signups are for medicaid. That is not obamacare and the obozo-sucking press needs to stop saying it is.
Obamacare is already dead. It died in November 2013. America will bury the body in November 2014.

And of course the President, who will be Obama will allow that....:lol:
Can anyone say 'UNCLE!' Obama is calling Obamacare a hardship...you can't make this stuff up ...unbelievable

Obamacare is alive in name only. The administration just cancelled the individual mandate;

"In a CMS notice released around 9 p.m. without fanfare (not the way an organized government announces important policy changes if it wants them to be noticed) the administration said http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/.../cancellation-consumer-options-12-19-2013.pdf it would allow people whose 2013 insurance plans had been canceled to be exempted from the individual mandate penalty in 2014, and would also allow such people — regardless of their ages — to purchase catastrophic-coverage plans that are otherwise available only to people 30 and under in the individual market under Obamacare.

...First, the individual mandate is probably done for.

I would now assume that no one will pay the individual mandate fine for 2014. The administration may give up on the mandate in the course of the ongoing enrollment period if the political pressure is great enough, or they may keep up the pretense of it through the end of the enrollment period in March (when it will have finished its work, so to speak, since its purpose is to influence choices made during that period) but then exempt everyone from it as they did with the employer mandate for this year. Having now exempted from the fine people whose policies were canceled and who haven’t spent the money to get more expensive and less appealing new coverage, the politics of still applying the fine to everyone else who is uninsured this year will probably just not be sustainable, and the politics of exempting people from it (especially if they can hold out on doing so until after March 31) will be far too appealing for this White House to resist. They may claim the mandate will be back in 2015, but if they do exempt everyone from it in 2014 it will be hard to bring it back."

Pounding on the Panic Button | National Review Online
Obamacare is already dead. It died in November 2013. America will bury the body in November 2014.

And of course the President, who will be Obama will allow that....:lol:
He may not have a choice if insurance companies bail on the business exchange and/or stop taking any more subsidy policies on the existing exchange and/or there is a massive increase in premiums. And no single payer will never pass the house and given the economic boost from the last shutdown, which the GOP will point out citing administration figures, Obama has zero leverage.
The operative: "Obama says".

IOW, Politifact's Lie of the Year winner says. :doubt:
Cool it girl, this POS legislation has immunized the country to actual socialized medicine and totally screwed the finances of blue states such an CA, IL, MA and NY with the last three being put in danger of default. If anyone but a D had done this we would never hear the end of this.
The operative: "Obama says".

IOW, Politifact's Lie of the Year winner says. :doubt:
Cool it girl, this POS legislation has immunized the country to actual socialized medicine and totally screwed the finances of blue states such an CA, IL, MA and NY with the last three being put in danger of default. If anyone but a D had done this we would never hear the end of this.
How is that germane to the subject matter at hand?

Supposing the number is true, a huge stretch if you ask me, ten times more people have lost insurance policies that they liked. If a republican president had tossed out that 500,000 number, the cubbiest of cub reporters could have instantly done the math and called him on his claim.

This is batty. Only a devoted Obie fluffer, like the OP and the butt kissers at Huffpo, could believe that this is some kind of good news for their side.
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The operative: "Obama says".

IOW, Politifact's Lie of the Year winner says. :doubt:
Cool it girl, this POS legislation has immunized the country to actual socialized medicine and totally screwed the finances of blue states such an CA, IL, MA and NY with the last three being put in danger of default. If anyone but a D had done this we would never hear the end of this.
How is that germane to the subject matter at hand?

Supposing the number is true, a huge stretch if you ask me, ten times more people have lost insurance policies that they liked. If a republican president had tossed out that 500,000 number, the cubbiest of cub reporters could have instantly done the math and called him on his claim.

This is batty. Only a devoted Obie fluffer, like the OP and the butt kissers at Huffpo, could believe that this is some kind of good news for their side.
My point exactly or as Napoleon pointed out never interfere with an opponent that is self-destructing. Keep pouring the koolaid until the Ds are no longer a major party and then let's do the same for the GOP.
Half A Million Americans Enrolled In Obamacare This Month, Obama Says

Half a million sign-ups in just three weeks is an uptick from the pace in previous months. Through November, almost 1.2 million people enrolled nationwide, with about 365,000 in private insurance and 803,000 in Medicaid, the Department of Health and Human Services reported last week.

The one hope the GOP has is beginning to slip away....:eek:

So after lying to the American public over 40 times about them being able to keep the insurance and doctors they like--YOU BELIEVE WHAT HE SAYS NOW?--

5.9 MILLION individual policies were cancelled due to the Obamacare mandates. If you add in spouses and children covered under those plans--you're talking about another 12 million that were added to the uninsured rolls in this country. This hasn't even moved into the employer mandate. Democrats wisely decided to postpone that until after the mid-term elections.

According to your article a whopping 803,000 signed up for FREE medicade and only 365,000 actually pushed the BUY button--and you refer to this as a SUCCESS---:cuckoo:

Maybe a little elementary math would help you here.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: insuring the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured.

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Half A Million Americans Enrolled In Obamacare This Month, Obama Says

Half a million sign-ups in just three weeks is an uptick from the pace in previous months. Through November, almost 1.2 million people enrolled nationwide, with about 365,000 in private insurance and 803,000 in Medicaid, the Department of Health and Human Services reported last week.

The one hope the GOP has is beginning to slip away....:eek:

one problematic issue is right there in the 'breakdown' of the numbers you posted..... do you see it?

another is; what constitutes an enrollment?

and if things were going so swimmingly, they would not have pulled the trigger on the hardship section......qed.
Half A Million Americans Enrolled In Obamacare This Month, Obama Says

Half a million sign-ups in just three weeks is an uptick from the pace in previous months. Through November, almost 1.2 million people enrolled nationwide, with about 365,000 in private insurance and 803,000 in Medicaid, the Department of Health and Human Services reported last week.

The one hope the GOP has is beginning to slip away....:eek:

one problematic issue is right there in the 'breakdown' of the numbers you posted..... do you see it?

another is; what constitutes an enrollment?

and if things were going so swimmingly, they would not have pulled the trigger on the hardship section......qed.

2/3 are signing up for Medicaid. :lol:
Half A Million Americans Enrolled In Obamacare This Month, Obama Says

Half a million sign-ups in just three weeks is an uptick from the pace in previous months. Through November, almost 1.2 million people enrolled nationwide, with about 365,000 in private insurance and 803,000 in Medicaid, the Department of Health and Human Services reported last week.

The one hope the GOP has is beginning to slip away....:eek:

Over 500,000 enrolled in December

enrolled in liberal speakease means they have put

a plan in their shopping cart

very few are enrolled in the true sense of enrolled

this could very likely happen

in jan

And 2/3 of the signups are for medicaid. That is not obamacare and the obozo-sucking press needs to stop saying it is.

even if it was true

that is far short of what they need

it is far shorter considering another 5 million lost coverage

thanks to obama
This thing is crashing very badly.
Communication to insurance companies is excruciatingly slow, many times the subsidies have not been attached, billing is a mess.
Some customers who we had gotten through early on have been somehow dropped out of the system.

This is a cluster fuck of epic proportions and the Boi King owns it.
This thing is crashing very badly.
Communication to insurance companies is excruciatingly slow, many times the subsidies have not been attached, billing is a mess.
Some customers who we had gotten through early on have been somehow dropped out of the system.

This is a cluster fuck of epic proportions and the Boi King owns it.
Wait until states reduce their contributions to medicaid but not medicare in order to play hardball.

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