Over 180 years and only ONE single "solution"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The Democrat Party has existed for over 180 years (188 to be exact) and in all of that time they've literally only come up with one single "solution" - have government control it so they can throw money at it.

It has been a spectacular failure. Social Security is insolvent. Medicare and Medicaid have failed so badly that Barack Obama went around in 2009 screaming at the top of his lungs that the U.S. desperately need "Obamacare" because the cost of healthcare was so much, Medicare and Medicaid were unsustainable (which is the same "logic" as saying, I can't afford this BMW so I'm going to purchase a Lamborghini).

It really illustrates their limited mental capacity. No critical thought. No fundamental understanding of economics. No knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. Just the same 200 year old, tired mindset of "have government control it".

Well, not only has Obamacare been an unimaginable failure, but now liberals are pitching the same old tired solution to "fix" this monumental failure: throw more money at it. It's the same stupidity they used with the "stimulus package" where they threw over a trillion dollars at the economy and promised that if we allowed them to, unemployment would never hit 8%. Instead, it ballooned over 10%. The liberal concept of "have government control it and throw money at it" never works. History has proven it.

The Democrat Party has existed for over 180 years (188 to be exact) and in all of that time they've literally only come up with one single "solution" - have government control it so they can throw money at it.

It has been a spectacular failure. Social Security is insolvent. Medicare and Medicaid have failed so badly that Barack Obama went around in 2009 screaming at the top of his lungs that the U.S. desperately need "Obamacare" because the cost of healthcare was so much, Medicare and Medicaid were unsustainable (which is the same "logic" as saying, I can't afford this BMW so I'm going to purchase a Lamborghini).

It really illustrates their limited mental capacity. No critical thought. No fundamental understanding of economics. No knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. Just the same 200 year old, tired mindset of "have government control it".

Well, not only has Obamacare been an unimaginable failure, but now liberals are pitching the same old tired solution to "fix" this monumental failure: throw more money at it. It's the same stupidity they used with the "stimulus package" where they threw over a trillion dollars at the economy and promised that if we allowed them to, unemployment would never hit 8%. Instead, it ballooned over 10%. The liberal concept of "have government control it and throw money at it" never works. History has proven it.

White House Is Spending Millions to Battle Obamacare Rate Hikes
John Q. Adams, the champion of the small man and limited govt. Fascinating.

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