

que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I finally decided to give it a try. Binged it. HATE Claire. What a selfish bitch. Everytime she sticks her nose into stuff and gets hurt, she blames Jamie.

Jamie and Frank both are idiots to put up with her bullshit.

Anyone else watch this show? (Netflix). Only 2 seasons but that's ok. I don't think I can handle the other 2 seasons with her idiot wishywashiness.
You only watched 2 seasons or you think there are only 2 seasons? There are 4 seasons and the 5th starts in February.

If you think the first season is bad (or first 2) just wait until you see what she does in season 4. Claire, Jamie, etc end up in colonial US (North Carolina) and stay with Jamie's slave owning aunt.
You only watched 2 seasons or you think there are only 2 seasons? There are 4 seasons and the 5th starts in February.

If you think the first season is bad (or first 2) just wait until you see what she does in season 4. Claire, Jamie, etc end up in colonial US (North Carolina) and stay with Jamie's slave owning aunt.
I know there are 2 more seasons with one coming up..which makes 5 seasons. Yes, I am only watching the first two...and that's enough. Too much fucky sucky romantic shit, plus it bugs the crap out of me how she manipulates those two men and they allow it. Disgusting. All she is, is a busybody fucking up everyone elses lives..past AND future.

Long ago I tried to read the book (first one when she started out writing), but didn't like how she wrote. I see the adaptation for movies is just as bad. If they think this skank is a heroine...they need to think again.
I guess what I wanted to see was more of the peasant life. This french hoity toity crap is NOT entertaining to me. I like reading about history, but not when it comes to the super wealthy. I see enough of that in this century.
You only watched 2 seasons or you think there are only 2 seasons? There are 4 seasons and the 5th starts in February.

If you think the first season is bad (or first 2) just wait until you see what she does in season 4. Claire, Jamie, etc end up in colonial US (North Carolina) and stay with Jamie's slave owning aunt.
I know there are 2 more seasons with one coming up..which makes 5 seasons. Yes, I am only watching the first two...and that's enough. Too much fucky sucky romantic shit, plus it bugs the crap out of me how she manipulates those two men and they allow it. Disgusting. All she is, is a busybody fucking up everyone elses lives..past AND future.

Long ago I tried to read the book (first one when she started out writing), but didn't like how she wrote. I see the adaptation for movies is just as bad. If they think this skank is a heroine...they need to think again.
But the book is a bunch of fucky sucky romantic shit so what did you expect?!
I finally decided to give it a try. Binged it. HATE Claire. What a selfish bitch. Everytime she sticks her nose into stuff and gets hurt, she blames Jamie.

Jamie and Frank both are idiots to put up with her bullshit.

Anyone else watch this show? (Netflix). Only 2 seasons but that's ok. I don't think I can handle the other 2 seasons with her idiot wishywashiness.
I watched the first 2/3 seasons and then couldn’t take it anymore. The writer was/ is obsessed with rape. And the heroine is extremely unlikeable. So yeah...it sucked.
I finally decided to give it a try. Binged it. HATE Claire. What a selfish bitch. Everytime she sticks her nose into stuff and gets hurt, she blames Jamie.

Jamie and Frank both are idiots to put up with her bullshit.

Anyone else watch this show? (Netflix). Only 2 seasons but that's ok. I don't think I can handle the other 2 seasons with her idiot wishywashiness.
I watched it but there's nothing new currently scheduled. I read the books and enjoyed the historical research that went into the books. Just skip over the bodice-ripping parts and you'll be OK.
You only watched 2 seasons or you think there are only 2 seasons? There are 4 seasons and the 5th starts in February.

If you think the first season is bad (or first 2) just wait until you see what she does in season 4. Claire, Jamie, etc end up in colonial US (North Carolina) and stay with Jamie's slave owning aunt.
I know there are 2 more seasons with one coming up..which makes 5 seasons. Yes, I am only watching the first two...and that's enough. Too much fucky sucky romantic shit, plus it bugs the crap out of me how she manipulates those two men and they allow it. Disgusting. All she is, is a busybody fucking up everyone elses lives..past AND future.

Long ago I tried to read the book (first one when she started out writing), but didn't like how she wrote. I see the adaptation for movies is just as bad. If they think this skank is a heroine...they need to think again.
But the book is a bunch of fucky sucky romantic shit so what did you expect?!
Loads more than the fucky-sucky shit. You just gotta learn to skip over it all. Lots of historically interesting stuff there.
So here's the thing: It's written by a woman. She (they) have NO IDEA how a man thinks. It is all some romanticized bullshit.

Jamie tolerates shit from Clair that would result in spous-i-cide, and he comes back every time, hopelessly in love, with nary a hard feeling because she refused to do what he told her to do and it resulted in some minor catastrophe.

As I understand it, the author did a little bit of research initially, then wrote the book. Surprisingly, the book became popular in Scotland and England, and the people reading it there began giving her feedback that allowed her to correct both the historical shit and the cultural shit. So aside from the story itself, there are some good and valuable insights in Scottish history.

I would have stopped watching years ago, but my wife is addicted, so we watch it.
When I first heard the premise of the show, I initially thought that the writers and author were attempting to make some comparison of relatively modern times with those found three centuries ago. The first few episodes looked to be a way to explore the culture shock between the two, and then there was some kind of moral enforcement of the modern upon the past.

It quickly became apparent that the story really had no specific goal or statement to carry it forward. I have only managed to get to the third episode in season two because I have not had much time to continue watching.

The sex scenes were pretty good. The story arc seems to be lacking.
John Randall is wackadoodle, but I ADORE the guy that plays him. SOOOO damn good at it! You feel pity...until he shows his sadistic nature...then turns around and the pity party rears its ugly head until he go wacky again with his neverending cruelty.

Stupid Claire. Or..not so stupid. If Frank didn't exist, she would have never met Jamie..nor been near the stones. She was there only due to Frank and their second honeymoon. Maybe thats why she is so gung ho on making sure Frank's ancestor is born. Still...she's a major bitch that is worse than Mrs Cravitz! Nose in everyone's business trying to "fix" things but its not for the people...its for her own gain. Selfish skank. Why nobody really sees that, I don't understand.

Meanwhile..I will see if I can find Seasons 3 and 4 on Amazon. For the history. Not because of two grown idiot men and one skanky sleazeball noseybody.:D
For those who don't know..Mrs Cravitz was Bewitched nosey neighbor that butted in every chance she got.
John Randall is wackadoodle, but I ADORE the guy that plays him. SOOOO damn good at it! You feel pity...until he shows his sadistic nature...then turns around and the pity party rears its ugly head until he go wacky again with his neverending cruelty.

Stupid Claire. Or..not so stupid. If Frank didn't exist, she would have never met Jamie..nor been near the stones. She was there only due to Frank and their second honeymoon. Maybe thats why she is so gung ho on making sure Frank's ancestor is born. Still...she's a major bitch that is worse than Mrs Cravitz! Nose in everyone's business trying to "fix" things but its not for the people...its for her own gain. Selfish skank. Why nobody really sees that, I don't understand.

Meanwhile..I will see if I can find Seasons 3 and 4 on Amazon. For the history. Not because of two grown idiot men and one skanky sleazeball noseybody.:D
The history stuff is pretty cool. They felt wool, malt grain, and lots of other things. I just skip over the sex stuff. After the first couple of times, it's boring.
Isn't this the show where the main character gets raped or almost raped in every episode? And then one of the men rapes the other man. There sure is a lot of rape. When the French guy tried to rape her, it was played for laughs. Like, rape is funny if it's a French guy trying to rape you, or something...
I finally decided to give it a try. Binged it. HATE Claire. What a selfish bitch. Everytime she sticks her nose into stuff and gets hurt, she blames Jamie.

Jamie and Frank both are idiots to put up with her bullshit.

Anyone else watch this show? (Netflix). Only 2 seasons but that's ok. I don't think I can handle the other 2 seasons with her idiot wishywashiness.
Really? Do you know what she said about you, Gracie?
Isn't this the show where the main character gets raped or almost raped in every episode? And then one of the men rapes the other man. There sure is a lot of rape. When the French guy tried to rape her, it was played for laughs. Like, rape is funny if it's a French guy trying to rape you, or something...
Books are the same. Just skip through the bodice-ripping trash. Watching the show? Time to get a beer and a bowl of popcorn.
Isn't this the show where the main character gets raped or almost raped in every episode? And then one of the men rapes the other man. There sure is a lot of rape. When the French guy tried to rape her, it was played for laughs. Like, rape is funny if it's a French guy trying to rape you, or something...
Yes. Everyone gets raped. The friend that’s afraid of sex,the adopted son,Jaime etc...except of course for the main heroine that Jaime narrowly saves from a rape repeatedly.

The author is obsessed with sexual violence.

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