Out With the Old


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I'm still trying to figure out how this made it into theNY slimes??
Oh well...........The Op-Ed is pretty right on........

October 8, 2006
Op-Ed Contributor
Out With the Old
IN the brevity of this encounter let me say that Republicans striving to maintain control of the House and Senate should be mindful of the two historic conditions of the present moment.

First, the Old Order is passing. The political party that has for three generations favored government solutions for all manner of human discomfort is now down to one desideratum, to wit, banish the sinful Republicans from government and restore virtue to public life, virtue as embodied by Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros and various aging rock stars. For most Americans, this is a hard sell. :D

Second, within the Democratic Party, the 1960’s generation is passing. The Clintons, the Gores and John Forbes Kerry have worn out their welcome with a younger generation of Democrats. This rising generation may have no New Deals to propound, but it cites its colossal anger as reason for the electorate to support it. In prosperous and free America, anger is not a fetching political program.

Given these conditions, the Republicans should affirm the New Order that has made them politically numero uno. Affirm growth economics. Affirm national security. Remind the Republican base of the conservative judges who have been confirmed, and rouse that base with the promise of more to come. Finally, reassure the base that the Republicans’ older generation in leadership is giving way to vigorous advocates of libertarian, conservative policies, like Representatives Mike Pence, John Shadegg and Paul Ryan.

— R. EMMETT TYRRELL JR., founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator.
The paper's been under attack for being too biased since 9-11, and the constant Bush-bashing really hasn't helped do much to correct that perception.

The Democrat party can't stay in the 1960's, it needs to find a new unifier other than Roe v. Wade or anti-anywar. The new polling has many Democrat cantidates plummeting all of a sudden, probably mostly due to the NK crisis, little of their support is steady.

It's getting too late for them to do a Democrat Party version of 1994, the old "Contract with America" were positive, concrete steps that the elusive "swing voter" could grasp.

They're disproportiantley represented in politics, but these type of voters never respond to a purely positive or negative campaign, it only works if it's a mix. Intense emotions like anger can't sustain a political party;it just scares and disgusts "independents".
The paper's been under attack for being too biased since 9-11, and the constant Bush-bashing really hasn't helped do much to correct that perception.

The Democrat party can't stay in the 1960's, it needs to find a new unifier other than Roe v. Wade or anti-anywar. The new polling has many Democrat cantidates plummeting all of a sudden, probably mostly due to the NK crisis, little of their support is steady.

It's getting too late for them to do a Democrat Party version of 1994, the old "Contract with America" were positive, concrete steps that the elusive "swing voter" could grasp.

They're disproportiantley represented in politics, but these type of voters never respond to a purely positive or negative campaign, it only works if it's a mix. Intense emotions like anger can't sustain a political party;it just scares and disgusts "independents".

Very well said.....And I agree
The Democrats aren't a party at all,(the Democrats of old are history).. Hell they just kicked Joe Liberman out....Whats that tell you?
Their like a splinter of all sorts of a messmash of parties...And none of them good for our country...

I say (thank goodness their not working).......:banned:

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