Oustanding News: Palin leads in Texas, Wisconsin, Maine, W. Virginia. Ties in Minneso

Seriously, TwistedJoker, you are a loon if you believe he did not know and or approve of Iran Contra, which was against the law.
So, why wasn't he charged, lil' girl?

I mean, Clinton was impeached for being the lying lil' piece o' shit he was fully proven to be......Why wasn't Reagan charged, or impeached?

You loons are just too damn funny. It just drives you fools bonkers that you can't come up with anybody even comparable to Reagan in presidential greatness....I mean seriously, the best you idiots could come up with was Obama's inept ass?........What a bunch o' idiots!....Thanks a lot ya' clowns!.....Ya' fucked this great country up for generations to come......LOSERS!

For the same reason, sissy girl, you were allowed to serve: people knew it but couldn't prove that you were unfit. You were and are a disgrace to the uniform. Reagan was led astray by Poindexter and North (that criminal hoaxster) and broke the law by permitting the operation to go on until the hoaxters were ratted out. Oh, I get it. You think Ollie North was a hero, don't you? No wonder, sissy girl, you have nothing worthwhile to say about this. :lol:

Poindexter was convicted of felonies over his part in Iran-Contra but I don't think he did jail time.
I think she perfectly represents Republicans. And I mean "perfectly".

She represents their worldview. Their feelings on education. Their understanding of national and foreign issues. She exemplifies their understanding of science. She shares their view of corporate regulation. She feels compassion equal to that of the majority of what Republicans feel for the elderly, the infirm, the unemployed. She shares their "family values". She is as honest as most Republicans. She is white and Christian just like 90% of the Republican Party so we know they identify.

There is nothing wrong with a return of a white person back to power in the White House. Palin will be that person. With Obama it has been proven that he is not up to the task as with most affirmitive action candidates for work. Obama has proven on a large scale that affirmitive action fails. Obama also confirms that David Duke was right about affirmitive action and that is how he was elected here in Louisiana to the house of representatives. The voters listened to him. What Palin needs to do is gain a platform on ending generational welfare for families who are able to work instead of milking the system that leads to educational breakdowns and drug use in most minority families.

Odd that you continue to tout Palin's record as governor, but I see you fail to grasp that her current "platform" of ending "milking the system" apparently doesn't include her own state, which is second only to Alabama as receiving the most government subsidies. Federal spending in Alaska was more than $9 billion in 2006 knocked from the #1 spot only by Louisiana as a result of Katrina. Earmarks added as much as $3.4 billion between 1995 and 2008, according the Citizens Against Government Waste. (I previously posted the links.)
She's a fucking stupid ass bitch. Who cares about her? She doesn't know shit about life. She is an angry oppressor of people with different opinions and is very immature in how she deals with her anger and negative emotions. She blames everybody for everything, and that is why she appeals to so many americans right now, because the americans who follow her are just looking for someone to blame: the liberals. It is the same dynamic that existed in Germany when Hitler garnered public opinion from demonizing the jews. The cons are doing the same against the left, by blaming them for everything to galvanize their sense of identity against the left. So, ANY political leader who follows this dialogue of hate is going to appeal to people who want to blame the left. This isn't rocket science. She is simply jumping on this bandwagon. She has absolute nothing to offer herself, except to temporarily offer relief to the masses of people who are understandably upset about the economic situation of this country, but really, she will only make things much, much, worse. Blaming the liberals for everything is SO oversimplistic, and basically a misguided blame. Making our current state of affairs partisan at all, might be our biggest downfall, because we are simply further polarizing an already shattered country that is in despair need of repair on social, political, and economic levels. I fear the day she steps into office, and if she becomes president, I am moving to Australia.
Her policy record as governor shows she was a very smart woman and not stupid. When has Palin showed any negative emotions and anger? Also she knows a lot about life. She knows conservation, she hunts, fishes, camps, ran a business, operated a budget as a councilman, as mayor then governor, ran the oil and gas commission in Alaska and raises 5 kids while being successful. I doubt Obama has ever cleaned a fish or gutted a animal taken from a rifle or bow in his life. We all know he has never operated a budget prior to the election or ran a executive office. It shows now he was very inexperienced.

Everything you said, is viewed through a lens, where only the good about palin is allowed to enter, and through that lens, you are right. Everything you said, is right. Yet, if you remove that lens and allowed the rest of the information to reach you, you get a clearer, more accurate picture of reality. People around her, who have worked with her, report a vindictive woman with a fiery anger. Even in household situations with her children and husband, people have reported her incredible temper towards her husband and even kids, and motivations in the workplace to blot out anybody in the way, even if it is done in a less than noble way. She has the emotional maturity of a teenage girl, yet is smart enough to have wielded herself a role of being a true "victim" of the state, the press, the government, and everybody feels like a victim at one time or another, when circumstances greater than yourself are seemingly dictating large portions of your life, so people follow her, because she is not afraid to wear that victim sleeve. People are angry. People feel victimized. That is why she is popular. It is not because she is good at being a governor or actually has anything to offer. It is all a pyschological game, and she is very good at it and knows what she is doing simply to win the hearts of people. She is a true politician, the irony being that she has sold you an image of her being a regular, 'non-washington type,' yet, she is worse than any of them.


Sarah doesn't do anything that doesn't improve Sarah's image, and only Sarah's image. Even the one time she came to watch her daughter Bristol perform on Dancing With the Stars, when the host went into the audience to briefly speak with Sarah, she had arranged to have a little setup behind her with a table and a table lamp that perfected her profile. Her speeches are repetitive and canned, the jokes about Obama and liberals always the same, and using her other two children she drags with her as props is all part of her show.
\ What Palin needs to do is gain a platform on ending generational welfare for families who are able to work instead of milking the system that leads to educational breakdowns and drug use in most minority families.

you're absolutely right, white man. Ha!!! Welfare leads to educational breakdowns and drug use! That's a new one!! That's hilarious. Nice progression I like that. Very simple: Welfare leads to drug use and educational breakdown. I have never read that before. How about this asshole:


That seems like a more positive correlation to me, no? Welfare would seem like another result of poverty. That's why we have it, because we, white people, as The Establishment, have put black people down since this country's inception. Now, we blame them for being where we put them. White people have been suppressing the growth of minorities forever, and that shouldn't be news to anybody. Republicans tend to insist that in this 'great nation,' everybody has an equal shot. So, Jackie Robinson was just delusional? Martin Luther King, jr... what was he doing again? People like you make me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself with your redneck, old-school, outdated, hateful, shameful views on minorities. You probably live in an all white, rural town in the middle of nowhere. The people of which you speak, for which to have prescribed a solution, you know absolutely nothing about. Typical of republicans trying to control the world.

Actually, the biggest drug problem is now methamphetemine, which is most popular and widespread in rural America -- those very locations where Sarah Palin is so adored.
\ What Palin needs to do is gain a platform on ending generational welfare for families who are able to work instead of milking the system that leads to educational breakdowns and drug use in most minority families.

you're absolutely right, white man. Ha!!! Welfare leads to educational breakdowns and drug use! That's a new one!! That's hilarious. Nice progression I like that. Very simple: Welfare leads to drug use and educational breakdown. I have never read that before. How about this asshole:


That seems like a more positive correlation to me, no? Welfare would seem like another result of poverty. That's why we have it, because we, white people, as The Establishment, have put black people down since this country's inception. Now, we blame them for being where we put them. White people have been suppressing the growth of minorities forever, and that shouldn't be news to anybody. Republicans tend to insist that in this 'great nation,' everybody has an equal shot. So, Jackie Robinson was just delusional? Martin Luther King, jr... what was he doing again? People like you make me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself with your redneck, old-school, outdated, hateful, shameful views on minorities. You probably live in an all white, rural town in the middle of nowhere. The people of which you speak, for which to have prescribed a solution, you know absolutely nothing about. Typical of republicans trying to control the world.
Yes I am white and proud of it. I live in Louisiana in David Dukes District now and when he was elected to the House Of Representatives. Minorities on welfare is a infection down here and they are tearing our schools and cities apart with their uncivilized tribal mannerisms that is causing chaos in the Houma, New Orleans area. We had thought Katrina had purged the problem and that normality would have returned but liberal bureaucrats thought it was best not to tear the projects down and we are now worse off than before and leading again in murder rates due to drug use, gangs, generational welfare families and integration. What we need is a strong candidate who will take these tasks to the challenge. I see Palin standing up like Duke did and not letting political correctness stand in the way to combat this problem. So far Palin is the only candidate who is sick and tired and speaks her mind to the problems we face. She proved she was strong in the mid terms. Her "Take Back The 20" targeting 20 democratic districts that went for Obama in 2008 was successful with her taking 19 of them back. Palin will save a lot of money to taxpayers by cutting these welfare programs and SSI on those who are bilking the system with fraudulent means. These people can work and they need to realize that this way of life is wrong and that they are born with a brain and put their clothes on one pants leg at a time just as every other working person with dignity and pride. If you cut the welfare then they will have no choice but to get out and find a job. I am a oil and gas rig drilling contractor who had men work under me with strong work ethics for decades since I retired from the army. It makes you feel patriotic when you see these people strive for excellence and strive for their families to put food on the table for them. Minorities on welfare lack that pride and dignity and something needs to be done to turn that diseased hand out mentality they have that the democrats and that communist MLK put upon the American taxpayers back in the 60s. Anyway Palin needs to be our candidate to combat this epidemic that is fleecing America. She will get the support of the oilfield here as well as small business all over the US if Obama doesn't extend Bush tax cuts. If he doesn't extend them, she will hammer him all the way to the White House and send him packing.

Thanks for finally showing your true colors (no pun intended). One of the mods actually thought from your Palin posts (in another thread) that you were a liberal plant posting that stuff just to garner reactions. Ooops.
What are you talking about????
Once people sit down and study Palins record on policy as governor, they will understand that she will be hard to beat. That was kept from the masses the last time by the media.

Sure. Funny that we can find it all on her website. :eusa_whistle:
Which website are you looking at? For starters try this:

Governor Sarah Palin’s Accomplishments

Energy Independence, Development, and Environmental Stewardship

*Governor Palin’s cornerstone accomplishment is AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act). During the Palin administration, TransCanada and Exxon formed an alliance to build a natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the Lower 48. Under Governor Palin’s governance, the project was expanded and revised from what previous governors had proposed with an open policy process for the Alaskan people. More progress was made on this effort than in the previous 30 years. This is the largest private sector infrastructure project in North American history and helps put us on the path to energy independence.

*Governor Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and natural gas at Pt. Thompson for the first time in decades.

*Governor Palin created the Alaska’s Petroleum Integrity Office to oversee all aspects of energy development and to make sure oilfield equipment was safe to operate and a Climate Change Subcabinet to comprehensively and honestly evaluate climate change.

Fiscal Conservatism

*Governor Palin reduced earmark requests for the state of Alaska by 80% during her administration, requesting only earmarks that would benefit the country as a whole.

* Governor Palin reduced spending in her budget for Fiscal Year 2010 by more than one billion dollars from the previous governor’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget, a 9.5% real reduction in spending. Her FY2010 budget was $10.57 billion compared to Governor Murkowski’s FY2007 budget of nearly $11.7 billion. At the same time, she fulfilled her campaign promise to forward fund education, allowing districts greater flexibility and predictability in their planning.

*Governor Palin opposed much of the "stimulus", wanting only to accept 55% of the money allocated to Alaska, specifically only dollars dedicated to infrastructure [projects. Although the Alaskan legislature ultimately overturned her veto, she stood firm on her commitment to help Alaska to become more self-sufficient while not adding to not add to the skyrocketing national debt.

* Governor Palin invested $5 billion in state savings.

Walking the Walk on Fiscal Responsibility

*Governor Palin sold the private jet purchased by the previous governor. She state it was an unnecessary financial burden on the state and was unable to land on many of the state’s landing strips.

* To cut costs that would be incurred by continuing to use a personal driver like previous governors, the governor drove herself from Wasilla to her office in Anchorage. She also dismissed the governor’s personal chef stationed in Juneau, Alaska’s capital.

* Governor Palin accepted less state per diem for herself and her family than her predecessors even though she had a larger family.

10th Amendment Advocacy/Promotion of State Constitution

*Showing that she is a strong supporter of the 10th amendment, Governor Palin advocated for the sovereignty of the state of Alaska.

*Governor Palin’s administration sued the federal government for placing the polar bear on the endangered species list, as this restriction affected energy development which would increase energy costs.

*A Constitutionalist, Governor Palin signed Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) bill into law. The Alaska constitution states that the Alaskan people own the oil and other resources. This law ensures that the "owners", the people of Alaska, receive a clear and equitable share of oil profits.

National Defense/Veterans

*Governor Palin supported ground-based missile defense Ft Greely and other Alaskan Bases around to protect America from America’s enemies. She criticized the Obama administration for cuts that they made to this national defense system.

*Governor Palin, with Senators Murkowski and Begich, fought for retirement benefits from the federal government that were due to the Alaska Territorial Guard members who fought during World War II. These benefits were eventually rewarded to these veterans by the federal government.

* Governor Palin visited Alaskan soldiers in Kosovo and Kuwait.


*Governor Palin signed bipartisan ethics reform legislation into law that helped to hold both the legislative and executive branches accountable.

*Governor Palin put the state checkbook online, allowing all constituents to see how state money was being spent.

Health Care

*Governor Palin introduced health care transparency legislation which aimed at putting information in the hands of consumers about cost and quality of health care as a way to make health care consumer driven and accessible.

Sanctity and Dignity of All Life

* Governor Palin strongly supported both parental consent and parental notification legislation.

*Governor Palin increased educational funding for special needs’ children.

*Governor Palin implemented the Senior Benefits Program to support low income seniors.

Positions Held while Governor

* Chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

*Vice Chair of the National Governors Association Natural Resource Committee.

* She served as chair of the Alaska Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska’s most valuable non-renewable resources: oil and gas. She was elected by her peers to serve as president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors. In this role, she worked with local, state and federal officials to promote solutions to the needs of Alaska’s communities.

She exposed legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders, including the former state Attorney General and the State GOP Chairman (who was also an Oil & Gas Commissioner), who was doing work for the party on public time and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Several went to jail.

Governor Palin signed several pieces of legislation and resolutions during July 2009. They were:

•SB-125: Encourage aerospace development in AK
•SB-177: Extend sunset for sport fishing guides and address harvest data collection
•Pro-energy development and missile defense resolutions

HJR-27: Alaska a Sovereign State
HJR-25: Hydro-Electric a Renewable Resource
HJR-28: Oppose Federal Restriction on Oil and Gas Development
HJR-12: Support Missile Defense System
•SB-88: Power cost equalization
•Defending Second Amendment rights.

SB-201: Extends Concealed Carry Permit Expiration to 5 Years from Birthday
HJR-17: Urges Congress not to pass HR-45.The federal legislation would put burdensome licensing and registration controls on individual gun owners.
SJR-10: Urges Congress to pass S-371. The legislation was to ensure that citizens of each state who are licensed or authorized by their home state to carry a concealed weapon, could do so in another state as long as they comply with the laws of that state.
SJR-3: The resolution expresses support to Congress for repealing the ban on carrying a firearm on National Park Service lands.
•SB-3 Requiring information sharing between two agencies.
•HRJ-19 Supports requirement of escort for loaded tankers traversing Prince William Sound.
•The Governor appointed 29 people to boards, commissions and councils and made three judicial appointments between July 6, 2009 and July 26, 2009.

Governor Palin's total appointments for 2009 was123, including 116 to boards, commissions and councils, five judicial appointments, one legislative and one attorney general. Governor Palin averaged one appointment every 1.67 days during 2009.
•The Governor vetoed $28.6 million in stimulus money that would have involved federal interference with the state of Alaska.
Governor Palin signed bills removing experience caps on teacher's salaries and extending boat safety programs.

Governor Palin signed legislation that gave struggling charter schools a one-year grace period to increase enrollments or integrate with other charter schools. She also signed legislation that authorizes Alaska "to enroll in the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children."

Governor Palin signed legislation granting birth certificates for stillborn babies

Governor Palin signed legislation authorizing the state to fund retirement benefits for Alaska Territorial Guard veterans. The federal government ceased funding benefits on April 1, 2009

Governor Palin signed legislation safeguarding student loans

Sarah Palin was Commander of the Alaska National Guard. Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the first line of defense unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units in the United States. As governor of Alaska, Palin was briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism daily.

Governor Palin was the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.
USArmyRetired, you are look some of our "constitutional experts" who want to interpret our history as stopping in 1791. You do the same thing with SP. In fact, she was inverted in the polls when she left office. If the GOP nominates her for the candidacy, the GOP hands the election to the Dems.

Utter nonsense Jake. The people were not aware of her record and accomplishments because of the medias love for Obama. They kept it out of the news. This time will be different. All they did was attack her character and concentrate on allegations made up by her rivals without factchecking them. That's all. Now the media is obssessed again following her every move and this new show will put some things to rest and people will figure out she is not the person the media demonized her to be. Also on the other hand if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts you will see her waltz right into the oval office because business large and small will be furious. He would be stupid to raise taxes right after they got their butts handed to them two weeks ago. She would hammer him on it ferociously.

You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.
USArmyRetired, you are look some of our "constitutional experts" who want to interpret our history as stopping in 1791. You do the same thing with SP. In fact, she was inverted in the polls when she left office. If the GOP nominates her for the candidacy, the GOP hands the election to the Dems.

Utter nonsense Jake. The people were not aware of her record and accomplishments because of the medias love for Obama. They kept it out of the news. This time will be different. All they did was attack her character and concentrate on allegations made up by her rivals without factchecking them. That's all. Now the media is obssessed again following her every move and this new show will put some things to rest and people will figure out she is not the person the media demonized her to be. Also on the other hand if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts you will see her waltz right into the oval office because business large and small will be furious. He would be stupid to raise taxes right after they got their butts handed to them two weeks ago. She would hammer him on it ferociously.

You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.

How long does it to twitter one message when something happens? How long does it take to look on facebook and post something in a day? Get real maggie!!!
There is nothing wrong with a return of a white person back to power in the White House. Palin will be that person. With Obama it has been proven that he is not up to the task as with most affirmitive action candidates for work. Obama has proven on a large scale that affirmitive action fails. Obama also confirms that David Duke was right about affirmitive action and that is how he was elected here in Louisiana to the house of representatives. The voters listened to him. What Palin needs to do is gain a platform on ending generational welfare for families who are able to work instead of milking the system that leads to educational breakdowns and drug use in most minority families.

Those kinds of comments make me sick. I thank God every single day that I am intelligent enough not to think like you.

And Sarah Palin was a failure as a governor and she will never be president. You can keep trying to shove her down everybody's throats, but it won't work. You're completely delusional.
First of all, I like Palin.....Should she be considered presidential material?....No!.....I just love the fact that she hammers Obama's idiot ass and drives the liberal loons friggin' bonkers...That alone endears her to my heart.Secondly, you can't say she was a failure as governor. And could certainly never provide the proof. All you have is loony liberal idiotic talking points......Truly fuckin' laughable, and it makes ya' look like a fool.Thirdly, USAretired is a loon. Anybody believing ANYTHING David Duke says is a fuckin' moron, and seriously makes me wonder if he had the balls to talk that shit while in the ARMY. I know a few of my fellow RANGERS who were black that would have loved to have him in a barracks setting after the lights went out. And trust me, it wouldn't have been pretty.

Just sayin'!

As you were, carry on!

Thanks for your input. But I completely disagree with these remarks. Just sayin'.
Utter nonsense Jake. The people were not aware of her record and accomplishments because of the medias love for Obama. They kept it out of the news. This time will be different. All they did was attack her character and concentrate on allegations made up by her rivals without factchecking them. That's all. Now the media is obssessed again following her every move and this new show will put some things to rest and people will figure out she is not the person the media demonized her to be. Also on the other hand if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts you will see her waltz right into the oval office because business large and small will be furious. He would be stupid to raise taxes right after they got their butts handed to them two weeks ago. She would hammer him on it ferociously.

You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.

How long does it to twitter one message when something happens? How long does it take to look on facebook and post something in a day? Get real maggie!!!

I really hope you will answer this question. How do you reconcile the fact that Sarah Palin is a known bust when answering questions in any type of interview, where she doesn't have control over questions being asked??
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You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.

How long does it to twitter one message when something happens? How long does it take to look on facebook and post something in a day? Get real maggie!!!

I really hope you will answer this question. How do you reconcile the fact that Sarah Palin is a know bust when answering questions in any type of interview, where she doesn't have control over questions being asked??
That's funny. She took on questions from moderators in 3 debates with Governor Tony Knowles and Governor Frank Mulkowski (Lisa Mulkowski' dad). She answered them so good she became Governor.
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I think all of us here believe welfare is mismanaged and needs to be reformed yet once again to train and transform recipients into taxpayers. However, before going further, will you, US Army Retired, please research and post the total numbers of whites, blacks, and other minorities on government assistance both nationally and in Louisiana. Then give us the % of each race on government assistance. Once you have done that, we can have a rational and reasonable and, hopefully, an agreeable discussion on this matter.

I am waiting for you to clear up your difficulty with race, USAR, in view of the post above.
\ What Palin needs to do is gain a platform on ending generational welfare for families who are able to work instead of milking the system that leads to educational breakdowns and drug use in most minority families.

you're absolutely right, white man. Ha!!! Welfare leads to educational breakdowns and drug use! That's a new one!! That's hilarious. Nice progression I like that. Very simple: Welfare leads to drug use and educational breakdown. I have never read that before. How about this asshole:


That seems like a more positive correlation to me, no? Welfare would seem like another result of poverty. That's why we have it, because we, white people, as The Establishment, have put black people down since this country's inception. Now, we blame them for being where we put them. White people have been suppressing the growth of minorities forever, and that shouldn't be news to anybody. Republicans tend to insist that in this 'great nation,' everybody has an equal shot. So, Jackie Robinson was just delusional? Martin Luther King, jr... what was he doing again? People like you make me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself with your redneck, old-school, outdated, hateful, shameful views on minorities. You probably live in an all white, rural town in the middle of nowhere. The people of which you speak, for which to have prescribed a solution, you know absolutely nothing about. Typical of republicans trying to control the world.

Actually, the biggest drug problem is now methamphetemine, which is most popular and widespread in rural America -- those very locations where Sarah Palin is so adored.
Still waitin' to see those charges against Reagan.

You loony fuckin' idiots are all sayin' he's a criminal, so, WHERE'S THE CHARGES?

USArmyRetired, you are look some of our "constitutional experts" who want to interpret our history as stopping in 1791. You do the same thing with SP. In fact, she was inverted in the polls when she left office. If the GOP nominates her for the candidacy, the GOP hands the election to the Dems.

Utter nonsense Jake. The people were not aware of her record and accomplishments because of the medias love for Obama. They kept it out of the news. This time will be different. All they did was attack her character and concentrate on allegations made up by her rivals without factchecking them. That's all. Now the media is obssessed again following her every move and this new show will put some things to rest and people will figure out she is not the person the media demonized her to be. Also on the other hand if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts you will see her waltz right into the oval office because business large and small will be furious. He would be stupid to raise taxes right after they got their butts handed to them two weeks ago. She would hammer him on it ferociously.

You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.
Got proof?

Of course you don't!.....Just your average everyday liberal idiot talkin' out of their loony liberal ass!
you're absolutely right, white man. Ha!!! Welfare leads to educational breakdowns and drug use! That's a new one!! That's hilarious. Nice progression I like that. Very simple: Welfare leads to drug use and educational breakdown. I have never read that before. How about this asshole:


That seems like a more positive correlation to me, no? Welfare would seem like another result of poverty. That's why we have it, because we, white people, as The Establishment, have put black people down since this country's inception. Now, we blame them for being where we put them. White people have been suppressing the growth of minorities forever, and that shouldn't be news to anybody. Republicans tend to insist that in this 'great nation,' everybody has an equal shot. So, Jackie Robinson was just delusional? Martin Luther King, jr... what was he doing again? People like you make me sick. You should be ashamed of yourself with your redneck, old-school, outdated, hateful, shameful views on minorities. You probably live in an all white, rural town in the middle of nowhere. The people of which you speak, for which to have prescribed a solution, you know absolutely nothing about. Typical of republicans trying to control the world.

Actually, the biggest drug problem is now methamphetemine, which is most popular and widespread in rural America -- those very locations where Sarah Palin is so adored.
Still waitin' to see those charges against Reagan.

You loony fuckin' idiots are all sayin' he's a criminal, so, WHERE'S THE CHARGES?


You make no sense. One is a criminal, whether charged or not, if one engages in criminal behavior. Reagan did that in empowering Poindexter and North to violate the law.
How long does it to twitter one message when something happens? How long does it take to look on facebook and post something in a day? Get real maggie!!!

I really hope you will answer this question. How do you reconcile the fact that Sarah Palin is a know bust when answering questions in any type of interview, where she doesn't have control over questions being asked??
That's funny. She took on questions from moderators in 3 debates with Governor Tony Knowles and Governor Frank Mulkowski (Lisa Mulkowski' dad). She answered them so good she became Governor.

Well, I am not from Alaska so I did not see those debates. It is her performance as a vice-presidential candidate that I am talking about. She did two interviews that I recall. One with Charlie Gibson and one with Katie Couric. She was absolutely terrible.

I have no reason to think she would do better as a presidential candidate. And the pressure would be twice as intense for her to shine not only in interviews, but also the televised debates.
Utter nonsense Jake. The people were not aware of her record and accomplishments because of the medias love for Obama. They kept it out of the news. This time will be different. All they did was attack her character and concentrate on allegations made up by her rivals without factchecking them. That's all. Now the media is obssessed again following her every move and this new show will put some things to rest and people will figure out she is not the person the media demonized her to be. Also on the other hand if Obama doesn't extend the Bush tax cuts you will see her waltz right into the oval office because business large and small will be furious. He would be stupid to raise taxes right after they got their butts handed to them two weeks ago. She would hammer him on it ferociously.

You do realize, I hope, that rather than boning up on what she will need to know as a president, Sarah spends almost all her free time either on Twitter or Facebook.
Got proof?

Of course you don't!.....Just your average everyday liberal idiot talkin' out of their loony liberal ass!

Proof?? I hear what she posted on FB and also what she tweeted almost every single day on the news. I know this because it irritates me. I don't care what she has to say. It's usually something stupid or untrue.
Check this out: Twitter and the Cowardice of Sarah Palin

Since prematurely leaving the Last Frontier State’s governorship in 2009, Sarah Palin has avoided potentially devastating repeat performances of her sit-down disasters from 2008 with Katie Couric and Charles Gibson by rarely if ever subjecting herself to questions from serious journalists.

Insulated by her role as a Fox News contributor, Palin instead turns to Twitter and Facebook to communicate with the legitimate media. Rather than tearing down the walls that shield the powerful, the medium is instead being used as a cudgel of self-preservation by Palin.

It was especially evident during the health care reform debate last summer when Palin claimed on Facebook that “Obama’s ‘death panel’” could decide the fate of her son who has Down syndrome or her parents. Repeated frequently by right-wing politicians, bloggers, talk radio hosts, and Fox News personalities, the assertion quickly became conservative conventional wisdom.

It mattered little that the non-partisan PolitiFact.com described such claims as “a ridiculous falsehood.” In the months following the “death panel” lie Palin was able to skate on by with the press returning time and again to breathlessly report her latest online musings despite her documented track record of misinformation.

For a medium designed to increase communication between people, Palin’s use of these social networks has been remarkably one sided.

Perhaps sensing that he may only be able to land a sit-down with Palin by propositioning her on Twitter, ABC News’ Jake Tapper embarked on a days-long campaign to convince the former GOP vice presidential nominee to join him for an on-air interview. Weeks later he remains unsuccessful in that mission.

Using Twitter, Palin also inserted herself into the debate surrounding the proposed Islamic cultural center in lower Manhattan — the “Ground Zero Mosque” as right-wingers call it — making up a new word in the process. She initially wrote, “Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate.”

After it was pointed out that “refudiate” isn’t actually a word, Palin compared herself to the Bard writing, “English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too.” She then replaced her original post with an equally extreme sentiment, saying “Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real.”

In other words, she sees all Muslims as a reminder of the horrific 9/11 attacks.

Again, for Palin this was an act of one-sided communication. She posted her views on Twitter and the press ran with it as news even though she refused to engage with them on the substance — if there was any — of her argument.

When Palin does avail herself for an interview it’s usually with the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, or Greta Van Susteren — her Fox News colleagues. Lord knows they’ve never pitched a softball she wasn’t able to hit over right field.

Laughably, Palin had the gall to attack the “lamestream media” recently for supposedly failing to ask President Obama “those basic questions” by which I’m assuming she means the press hasn’t been hard enough on him. The irony of such a charge was obviously lost on her.

Palin often tells her followers “don’t retreat, instead reload!” Perhaps she should take her own advice and “reload” for another round of interviews with real reporters who will ask her “those basic questions.”

Of course, I’m not holding my breath. Palin prefers to hide behind her keyboard, showing her cowardice 140 characters at a time.

Twitter and the Cowardice of Sarah Palin SpeakEasy

Does Karl Frich have her number or what????
I really hope you will answer this question. How do you reconcile the fact that Sarah Palin is a know bust when answering questions in any type of interview, where she doesn't have control over questions being asked??
That's funny. She took on questions from moderators in 3 debates with Governor Tony Knowles and Governor Frank Mulkowski (Lisa Mulkowski' dad). She answered them so good she became Governor.

Well, I am not from Alaska so I did not see those debates. It is her performance as a vice-presidential candidate that I am talking about. She did two interviews that I recall. One with Charlie Gibson and one with Katie Couric. She was absolutely terrible.

I have no reason to think she would do better as a presidential candidate. And the pressure would be twice as intense for her to shine not only in interviews, but also the televised debates.

She did more interviews than that Rin. Some weren't that bad. (and I am not a big Palin supporter). I would hate to watch me interviewed. I would embarrass the crap out of myself.
We're all human, and subject to human err. Well, at least I am. Won't speak for others I suppose.

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