Our Up And Coming Welfare State?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
I guess we haven't learned anything from California and Greece, among other countries that have tried and failed with big government spending ..A.*

Rep. Paul Ryan tells Newsmax that America is at a “tipping point” and could be headed down a “very dangerous” path toward a social welfare state.

But the Wisconsin Republican insists it’s not too late to change course, and offers a plan he says will balance the budget and erase the huge deficit looming in the country’s future.

Rep. Ryan, first elected in 1998, is the Ranking Republican on the Budget Committee. In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, he notes that congressional Democrats missed the April 15 deadline to adopt a budget and likely won’t pass any budget at all this year.

“If you look at the budget they want to pass, the one the president sent us, it’s got $2 trillion in higher taxes, doubles the debt in five years, triples the debt in 10 years,” he says.

Newsmax - Paul Ryan: Obama Leading America on ?Dangerous Path? to Welfare State
But Ahnuld was going to fix CA right?
I mean there was talk among the right of changing the constitution so he could be president.
But Ahnuld was going to fix CA right?
I mean there was talk among the right of changing the constitution so he could be president.

Talk among the right?
Talk among the bimbos of the country perhaps. But talk among the right?
I dont think so.
But Ahnuld was going to fix CA right?
I mean there was talk among the right of changing the constitution so he could be president.

Talk among the right?
Talk among the bimbos of the country perhaps. But talk among the right?
I dont think so.

Hatch is pushing Arnold bill

Deseret Morning News | Oct 7 2004

WASHINGTON — Officially, a hearing this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee was titled "Maximizing Voter Choice: Opening the Presidency to Naturalized Americans."
A constitutional amendment, proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is called the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment.

Hatch is pushing Arnold bill
But Ahnuld was going to fix CA right?
I mean there was talk among the right of changing the constitution so he could be president.

Yes, I think his other half and her Democratic larger than life family, influenced him too much. Too bad he didn't have a stronger and smarter mind.
Within just six posts, this thread - which is actually about a kind of important issue - has managed to become a debate about a 2004 article about the Arnold Bill. Miss the point much, people?

Try and focus..... 'welfare state'.... like they have in Europe. Well, that's gonna be fun - not.
Within just six posts, this thread - which is actually about a kind of important issue - has managed to become a debate about a 2004 article about the Arnold Bill. Miss the point much, people?

Try and focus..... 'welfare state'.... like they have in Europe. Well, that's gonna be fun - not.

Well Y'all on the right said Arnold was going to fix everything.
Orrin Hatch even submitted a bill so Arnold could become president.

wha happen?
Wrong again?

I have always thought CA to be on the wrong track and the bad thing is since Hollywood is there most of the rest of the country wants to be just like CA.
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Fact is , the Dem's will not pass a budget this year for fear of what would be in it as Paul Ryan states. Once the public hears of this BS it will cause an uproar. So Instead they choose to do nothing, and put it off after the November Election. That way once Repub's take over, it can be their baby.

I think if there is a version of this Budget out there somewhere, It needs to be posted and accessable to all of us to look at. Lets bring some light to this subject

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