Our President is clueless

Our President has record low approval rates for an incoming President. Yesterday's demonstrations showed why

He needs to start acknowledging that there are a shitload of people out there that do not support him and start mending fences. otherwise, it will be a painful four years
Like it was for Scott Walker in Minnesota? He still won re election.

Don't protest. Convince 3 people who don't vote to start voting
Trump doesn't know he's president yet. He may never know it.
------------------------------------------------ Trump isn't YOUR kinda President but he is my kinda President and he is officially the President Carbineer !!

A man who on his first day as president prioritizes ranting about how big the inaugural crowd was is not really the president.
The far and alt right America are being mocked by the great, patriotic American majority
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them
He's right. Don't protest, vote in 2018 an 2020

2017 is the first indicator. Governors' races in NJ and VA, legislative races in NJ, VA, and NC, and several special House elections for the seats of Republicans leaving to be in Trump administration.
Republicans have deep pockets and their candidates are well funded with dark money even at a local level.

The American people are allowing Republicans to perform a great experiment. They will remove safety nets, Defunding, deregulate, shrink the government, pass right wing legislation, break unions, get us into wars a diplomatic president would avoid, build bombs not bridges. They'll be tough on crime and ban abortion. This is what the voters asked for.

You get the point. We're going to try it their way. I say Americans need a dose of Republican rule so they will realize they don't like it. Hopefully that's 2 years from now not 8 or even 12 years
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to both control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.
FACT: your opinion has no weight on anyone else. Stop being intimidated. You won.

FACT: Trump has all time lows going into inauguration, and defiance of objective fact is nothing more than Alt Right fake nonsense.

FACT: you and your corrupt lying candidate lost

FACT: if you take a poll in Pelosi's district it will not be favorable to Trump.

FACT: Clinton and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.

Dregs of society
That is exactly what is the Far and Alt Right.

far right is a tiny group of idiots, they have no power or influence. alt right is a made up creation of the dem/libs, it does not exist.

however, the far left as exemplified by idiots like Madonna and Whoopi makes up the majority of the ever shrinking dem/lib party.
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

They deserve to be mocked. Hence, why Trump won. America is tired of the bullshit and hypocrisy.
Let's see if this is truly the end of the bullshit and hypocrisy.

I suspect the trump administration will show its hypocrisy every day for the next 4 years
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to both control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.
FACT: your opinion has no weight on anyone else. Stop being intimidated. You won.

FACT: Trump has all time lows going into inauguration, and defiance of objective fact is nothing more than Alt Right fake nonsense.

FACT: you and your corrupt lying candidate lost

FACT: if you take a poll in Pelosi's district it will not be favorable to Trump.

FACT: Clinton and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

You and your corrupt candidate won. Fact

Fact: trumps not just a businessman he's a Business, man!
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to both control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.
FACT: your opinion has no weight on anyone else. Stop being intimidated. You won.

FACT: Trump has all time lows going into inauguration, and defiance of objective fact is nothing more than Alt Right fake nonsense.

FACT: you and your corrupt lying candidate lost

FACT: if you take a poll in Pelosi's district it will not be favorable to Trump.

FACT: Clinton and Obama have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

You and your corrupt candidate won. Fact

Fact: trumps not just a businessman he's a Business, man!

Your corrupt candidate lost
Trump doesn't know he's president yet. He may never know it.
------------------------------------------------ Trump isn't YOUR kinda President but he is my kinda President and he is officially the President Carbineer !!

A man who on his first day as president prioritizes ranting about how big the inaugural crowd was is not really the president.
---------------------------------------------------- he addressed the lies coming from lefty media and I don't blame him Carbineer !!
---------------------------------------------------- he lied about the truth that the crowds were much larger in the country and across the world, and true America will not let him get away with lying Sur 'ismoe!!!
TRUMPS got the control and the bully pulpit and direct communication called twitter as he puts the lefty media in its place jake / sur !!:afro:
across the world , who cares what foreigners think or protest other that the fact that their protest show their fear of the Trump which is a nice thing sur . If your 'illary obama ' had been elected the world would be cheering for your hilary / obama and you'd be happy . The way things stand Now though , all you have to look forward to is an upcoming election in 4 years 'sur' jake , [ chuckle]
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them
He's right. Don't protest, vote in 2018 an 2020

The right to protest is as sacred as the right to vote

Our President's utter disdain for the protestors does not bode well for a man suffering with approval rates in the high 30s

But Trump chooses to declare the polls as bogus and the protests as irrelevant.

Not the mark of a true leader

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