Our Military people want a new CIC

Wow - a whole 3,000 of them! :lol:

  • What were the questions asked?
  • What was the breakdown of stateside and overseas?
  • What was the breakdown of officers and enlisted?
  • What was the breakdown of the branches?
  • Which states were they from - smart ones like Connecticut and Oregon, or dumbfuck ones like South Carolina and Kentucky?

Bullshit poll, loser OP author.
Poor Synthia. Just can't comprehend that not everyone worships his Lord Obama. :(
I can't comprehend stupidity. But reading your posts, I'm starting to get a sense of it.
Oh, you mean my posts where I highlight your stupidity?

You're welcome. You're starting to see what a moron you are, and that's progress! :clap2:
You are pathetically unoriginal, and unoriginally pathetic:


Let me get this straight:

You claim I'm unoriginal, and prove it by quoting ME?

Yes. To show that you are a one trick pony, and pathetically unoriginal.

And your FAIL gets bumped once more. :lol:
Looks like yours did, actually.

Remember, folks:

If you say something you've said before, you're unoriginal.

Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times Group, a demographic that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.

"Being a veteran..." What did you do, four years? Six? Where'd you serve, the chow hall?

I'm a veteran, many of my friends, acquaintances, associates, and co-workers are veterans and I will vouch that you DO NOT speak for the majority. Obama is about as competent as CIC as he is as POTUS. That is, totally incompetent, clueless, and worthy of contempt. Your hero is a coward.

braveman thanked this.

So much for his claim that all who served deserve respect.

Like I said: he's a phony.
I thanked only the bolded? Only that?

Prove it.

Oh, you can't. All you have is raging butthurt.

The second part is what I agreed with.

You'll just have to deal with it, boy.
The military is the military and it is under the command of the president. The military doesn't like the chow, too bad, they don't like their commanders, too bad, they're volunteers. Those that are prima donnas, should just accept their discharges, when their time is up and get a job. A permanent career military may not be a good thing if this is the result. Then again maybe they are just bitching.
The military is the military and it is under the command of the president. The military doesn't like the chow, too bad, they don't like their commanders, too bad, they're volunteers. Those that are prima donnas, should just accept their discharges, when their time is up and get a job. A permanent career military may not be a good thing if this is the result. Then again maybe they are just bitching.

Have you ever served?

Doesn't sound like.
The military is the military and it is under the command of the president. The military doesn't like the chow, too bad, they don't like their commanders, too bad, they're volunteers. Those that are prima donnas, should just accept their discharges, when their time is up and get a job. A permanent career military may not be a good thing if this is the result. Then again maybe they are just bitching.

Have you ever served?

Doesn't sound like.

Whether I served or not is immaterial, any citizen has a right to criticize the military, just as we have the right to criticize the president--unless you are in the military.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


I was not aware that the military insists on our President have military service before they will obey his orders.
The military is the military and it is under the command of the president. The military doesn't like the chow, too bad, they don't like their commanders, too bad, they're volunteers. Those that are prima donnas, should just accept their discharges, when their time is up and get a job. A permanent career military may not be a good thing if this is the result. Then again maybe they are just bitching.

Have you ever served?

Doesn't sound like.

Whether I served or not is immaterial, any citizen has a right to criticize the military, just as we have the right to criticize the president--unless you are in the military.
You haven't served, or you wouldn't have said the last bit, which is patently ridiculous.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


I was not aware that the military insists on our President have military service before they will obey his orders.
They don't.

But as someone who served under Obama as Commander-in-Chief, we'd prefer someone who isn't utterly incompetent.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


I was not aware that the military insists on our President have military service before they will obey his orders.

You aren't aware of much, in general.

That isn't what was said.
The military is the military and it is under the command of the president. The military doesn't like the chow, too bad, they don't like their commanders, too bad, they're volunteers. Those that are prima donnas, should just accept their discharges, when their time is up and get a job. A permanent career military may not be a good thing if this is the result. Then again maybe they are just bitching.

Have you ever served?

Doesn't sound like.

Whether I served or not is immaterial, any citizen has a right to criticize the military, just as we have the right to criticize the president--unless you are in the military.

No it isn't pissant.

Its completely material to the argument.

You never served or you wouldn't type that shit.
Surprising, they must really like extended tours in foreign shit holes and cuts to veterans benefits.

Vast majorities of our men and women in uniform don't want to be led by someone who never ran so much as an Hotdog Stand in his life before becoming their boss.

That surprises you?


I was not aware that the military insists on our President have military service before they will obey his orders.

Insistence isn't the issue, desire is.

They want someone who isn't an asshole that cowers to our enemies.
Have you ever served?

Doesn't sound like.

Whether I served or not is immaterial, any citizen has a right to criticize the military, just as we have the right to criticize the president--unless you are in the military.

No it isn't pissant.

Its completely material to the argument.

You never served or you wouldn't type that shit.

Any citizen has the right to criticize the military, one needn't have served for that right.
But so I am not accused of sandbagging or playing I gotcha, I served while you were still filling your diapers with green house bricks.
Whether I served or not is immaterial, any citizen has a right to criticize the military, just as we have the right to criticize the president--unless you are in the military.

No it isn't pissant.

Its completely material to the argument.

You never served or you wouldn't type that shit.

Any citizen has the right to criticize the military, one needn't have served for that right.
But so I am not accused of sandbagging or playing I gotcha, I served while you were still filling your diapers with green house bricks.

Sorry kid, I doubt it.

If thats true you are in your 60's and you should know better.

I went in in 76....

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