Our history is flat wrong! See the video of the Cocain mummies!


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2016
We have been testing a three thousand year old mumie from egypt who tested positive for large amounts ouf cocain and nicotine. These things need plants from north and south america in order to make these things and cocain is significately more advanced chemestry than what we thought they undertood. This mummy was obviously a party girl. There is no way she could have had these drugs in her system unless they were getting to north america.
Judging by that butchering of the English language, someone has been 'researching' his topic a little too much.
Judging by that butchering of the English language, someone has been 'researching' his topic a little too much.
ya, three days no sleep. I just some times latch on to stuff and cant let go. I quit computer programming because of it. Not that I am into spell checking a blog but hey what ever we all have our things we order in importance. All right I lied I did not completely quit computer programming I downloaded andriod developer and thats what kept me up but this was interesting also

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