Our Current US Science Czar...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
If y'all have been wondering why the US relevence in science and technology world is STILL on the decline --- you might start at looking at the Counsel that this Prez has chosen as his "science czar"..

Holdren is co-author with 70 eco-radicals Paul and Ann Ehrlich on several books and a close colleague. He has a long track of outrageous and controversial fringe views about eco-economics and population and the environment. Not much of a GENERAL track record that would make him USEFUL in advising how to leverage to BUILD an economy. Especially with views like this one..

WH Science Czar Says He Would Use ?Free Market? to ?De-Develop the United States? | NewsBusters

"A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States," Holdren wrote along with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich in the "recommendations" concluding their 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.

"De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation," Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote.

"Resources must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries," Holdren and his co-authors wrote. "This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being."

CNSNews.com asked Holdren about this passage on Tuesday after he participated in an Environmental Protection Agency forum celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Clean Air Act.

CNSNews.com asked: "You wrote ‘a massive campaign must be launched to restore a high quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States' in your book Human Ecology. Could you explain what you meant by de-develop the United States?"

Holdren responded: "What we meant by that was stopping the kinds of activities that are destroying the environment and replacing them with activities that would produce both prosperity and environmental quality. Thanks a lot."

CNSNews.com then asked: "And how do you plan on implementing that?"

"Through the free market economy," Holdren said.

CNSNews.com also asked Holdren to comment on the declaration he made in 1995 along with co-authors Paul Ehrlich and Gretchen Daily of Stanford University that mankind needed to "face up" to "a world of zero net physical growth" that would require reductions in consumption.

Read more: WH Science Czar Says He Would Use ?Free Market? to ?De-Develop the United States? | NewsBusters

There's no light at the end of this tunnel..
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"How do you plan on implementing all that?"

"... thru the free market system""

AND what was he thinking???
Wouldnt hurt if we gained the reins of political power and could appoint folks who speak our kind of game.

Its like a bad zombie flashback man.....
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A TRUE free market economy is the most efficient and democratic way to distribute the goods of the land, and that the best thing that could happen to the environment is if we had true free-market capitalism in this country, because the free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution of course is waste. The free market also would encourage us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully. But in a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor. They raise standards of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for everybody else, and they do that by evading the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.
A TRUE free market economy is the most efficient and democratic way to distribute the goods of the land, and that the best thing that could happen to the environment is if we had true free-market capitalism in this country, because the free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution of course is waste. The free market also would encourage us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully. But in a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor. They raise standards of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for everybody else, and they do that by evading the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.

This is in another UNIVERSE from the OP.. You have a way of finding the BfGrn sermon in every thread. But since no one cares that we have failed 70s eco-fraud radicals in charge of America's science program --- I'll bite..

See the bold above.. I'll take your bait..

One of the most serious acts of pollution in this nation's history.. Some idiots developed Nuclear Weapons in a big rush and dumped HIGH LEVEL nuclear sludge into 55 gallon drums that are now rusted and busted and leaking at Hanford, Savannah River, and Oak Ridge. These creeps are NOT in a hurry to intercept this radioactive sludge before it hits the rivers. AND the media refuses to give adequate attention to this TOP TEN American pollution disasters..

You go guy.. Explain to me the motives of that "kind of polluter"... Tell me about "political clout" and "profit motive" and "subidies".. It's all there.. Just connect the fucking dots.. To REALLY REALLY be the WORST KIND of UNACCOUNTABLE polluter -- you gotz to have the political power to EXCUSE AND EXEMPT yourself --- I suppose..
I'd focus on fusion...

The benefits of making it work are unimaginable.

I'm glad you showed up.. Because I posted this thread JUST FOR YOU. Almost put
your name on it.. Wanted to show you how much BETTER Science would be if
we just put 70s eco-radicals in charge of Government Science. Here you not ONLY get
conservative fiscal constraints on politically UNPOPULAR topics -- but you get the kicker of folks who sincerely WANT TO HOBBLE THIS COUNTRY because thats the solution to the Earth's problems.. Feel better about DE-DEVELOPING this country Matthew??? Hope you're thrilled with massive IMPROVEMENTS that result...
Even ran into Dr. Roy Spencer taking a whack at this clown..

Roy Spencer, PhD

I have to admit to being a little embarrassed for John Holdren, President Obama’s Science Czar. How did this man ever attain such a lofty position, other than his politics?

A couple of days ago, Holdren went on the record claiming the recent cold weather was due to global warming. Published research has found no evidence to back up such a claim…there has been no long-term change in the baroclinic wave pattern. Besides, how does a reduced equator-to-pole temperature gradient lead to more baroclinic wave activity?

But this part of Holdren’s history takes the cake. As described at zombietime.com, Holdren co-authored a book chapter with Paul Ehrlich (the honorary Failed Forecast Czar) back in 1971 entitled Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide. In that chapter, they forecast both a human-caused ice age and human-caused warming, with the latter being the biggest threat.

What is astounding from a science perspective is that Holdren blamed warming on waste heat, the result of humans and their energy use, rather than a slowly increasing greenhouse effect. He predicted that the localized nature of this waste heat would eventually spread to be a global problem.

The White House "infomercial" that Dr. Roy refers to is covered below... Where this dude seems to flash back to the 70s and describes how the "polar vortexes" will get "groovier" (or he said "wavier") as GW progresses.

White House: Global Warming Deniers Wrong to Reference Polar Vortex - US News and World Report

"If you've been hearing that extreme cold spells like the one that we're having in the United States now disproves global warming, don't believe it," Holdren said at the opening of the two-minute video, sitting in front of green screen displays of satellite weather data and clips of winter storms.

In the White House's YouTube video, Holdren explained that as the planet continues to warm, and the temperature difference between the Arctic and lower latitudes shrinks, the "polar vortex" of cold air that swirls around the far north will instead become "wavier," dipping further south and carrying extreme cold with it.

Somethings gotten "dippier" and "groovier" in Washington.. Who let the cold out of the Arctic hummmmmmMMM?
Didn't George Carlin already do a "hippy dippy weatherman" bit??
A TRUE free market economy is the most efficient and democratic way to distribute the goods of the land, and that the best thing that could happen to the environment is if we had true free-market capitalism in this country, because the free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution of course is waste. The free market also would encourage us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully. But in a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor. They raise standards of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for everybody else, and they do that by evading the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.

This is in another UNIVERSE from the OP.. You have a way of finding the BfGrn sermon in every thread. But since no one cares that we have failed 70s eco-fraud radicals in charge of America's science program --- I'll bite..

See the bold above.. I'll take your bait..

One of the most serious acts of pollution in this nation's history.. Some idiots developed Nuclear Weapons in a big rush and dumped HIGH LEVEL nuclear sludge into 55 gallon drums that are now rusted and busted and leaking at Hanford, Savannah River, and Oak Ridge. These creeps are NOT in a hurry to intercept this radioactive sludge before it hits the rivers. AND the media refuses to give adequate attention to this TOP TEN American pollution disasters..

You go guy.. Explain to me the motives of that "kind of polluter"... Tell me about "political clout" and "profit motive" and "subidies".. It's all there.. Just connect the fucking dots.. To REALLY REALLY be the WORST KIND of UNACCOUNTABLE polluter -- you gotz to have the political power to EXCUSE AND EXEMPT yourself --- I suppose..

SO, let me ask a question. Because the US military is guilty of pollution, we must turn our head when private industry pollutes?

We can do any flavor polluter you want on another thread as long as your anti capitalist theories and wild ass generalizations still work. Realize that this nuclear disaster in the making is not an isolated incident. Youve got all kinds of waivers cut for govt operations. From D.C. administration to TVA power plants, to current and decommed military bases. And youll find that private industry has far more market disincentives to pollute than these yahoos do..
Even ran into Dr. Roy Spencer taking a whack at this clown..

Roy Spencer, PhD

I have to admit to being a little embarrassed for John Holdren, President Obama’s Science Czar. How did this man ever attain such a lofty position, other than his politics?

A couple of days ago, Holdren went on the record claiming the recent cold weather was due to global warming. Published research has found no evidence to back up such a claim…there has been no long-term change in the baroclinic wave pattern. Besides, how does a reduced equator-to-pole temperature gradient lead to more baroclinic wave activity?

But this part of Holdren’s history takes the cake. As described at zombietime.com, Holdren co-authored a book chapter with Paul Ehrlich (the honorary Failed Forecast Czar) back in 1971 entitled Overpopulation and the Potential for Ecocide. In that chapter, they forecast both a human-caused ice age and human-caused warming, with the latter being the biggest threat.

What is astounding from a science perspective is that Holdren blamed warming on waste heat, the result of humans and their energy use, rather than a slowly increasing greenhouse effect. He predicted that the localized nature of this waste heat would eventually spread to be a global problem.

The White House "infomercial" that Dr. Roy refers to is covered below... Where this dude seems to flash back to the 70s and describes how the "polar vortexes" will get "groovier" (or he said "wavier") as GW progresses.

White House: Global Warming Deniers Wrong to Reference Polar Vortex - US News and World Report

"If you've been hearing that extreme cold spells like the one that we're having in the United States now disproves global warming, don't believe it," Holdren said at the opening of the two-minute video, sitting in front of green screen displays of satellite weather data and clips of winter storms.

In the White House's YouTube video, Holdren explained that as the planet continues to warm, and the temperature difference between the Arctic and lower latitudes shrinks, the "polar vortex" of cold air that swirls around the far north will instead become "wavier," dipping further south and carrying extreme cold with it.

Somethings gotten "dippier" and "groovier" in Washington.. Who let the cold out of the Arctic hummmmmmMMM?
Didn't George Carlin already do a "hippy dippy weatherman" bit??

WOW, are you REALLY surprised Spencer takes a shot at Holdren? A man who is a mouthpiece for the biggest polluters on the planet.

You are an intelligent moron.

Really? Do you even know his resume and who has been paying his salary? Its lame the way you leftists avoid any original thinking with this juvenile repetition of that accusation.. Must save a lot of calories and book reading to remain that dumb on purpose huh?
Even ran into Dr. Roy Spencer taking a whack at this clown..

The White House "infomercial" that Dr. Roy refers to is covered below... Where this dude seems to flash back to the 70s and describes how the "polar vortexes" will get "groovier" (or he said "wavier") as GW progresses.

Somethings gotten "dippier" and "groovier" in Washington.. Who let the cold out of the Arctic hummmmmmMMM?
Didn't George Carlin already do a "hippy dippy weatherman" bit??

WOW, are you REALLY surprised Spencer takes a shot at Holdren? A man who is a mouthpiece for the biggest polluters on the planet.

You are an intelligent moron.

Really? Do you even know his resume and who has been paying his salary? Its lame the way you leftists avoid any original thinking with this juvenile repetition of that accusation.. Must save a lot of calories and book reading to remain that dumb on purpose huh?

"original thinking"...not allowed at the Marshall Institute...

In a 2009 essay, former Marshall Institute Executive Director Matthew B. Crawford, wrote that after he commenced with the group in September 2001:

"...certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its figurehead, I was making arguments I didn't fully buy myself. Further, my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain cognitive style — that of the corporate world, from which he had recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning."
I noticed that the pollution card was played in this thread.

Well three of the additives set by the far left government from the 70's causes much of that pollution and smog. Since the far left will not bend and take these out of the fuel mixture pollution and smog will always be threat. The biggest problem in tackling such tasks are they very people that created this mess, the far left.
A TRUE free market economy is the most efficient and democratic way to distribute the goods of the land, and that the best thing that could happen to the environment is if we had true free-market capitalism in this country, because the free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution of course is waste. The free market also would encourage us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully. But in a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor. They raise standards of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for everybody else, and they do that by evading the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.

This is in another UNIVERSE from the OP.. You have a way of finding the BfGrn sermon in every thread. But since no one cares that we have failed 70s eco-fraud radicals in charge of America's science program --- I'll bite..

See the bold above.. I'll take your bait..

One of the most serious acts of pollution in this nation's history.. Some idiots developed Nuclear Weapons in a big rush and dumped HIGH LEVEL nuclear sludge into 55 gallon drums that are now rusted and busted and leaking at Hanford, Savannah River, and Oak Ridge. These creeps are NOT in a hurry to intercept this radioactive sludge before it hits the rivers. AND the media refuses to give adequate attention to this TOP TEN American pollution disasters..

You go guy.. Explain to me the motives of that "kind of polluter"... Tell me about "political clout" and "profit motive" and "subidies".. It's all there.. Just connect the fucking dots.. To REALLY REALLY be the WORST KIND of UNACCOUNTABLE polluter -- you gotz to have the political power to EXCUSE AND EXEMPT yourself --- I suppose..

Crap. Flat, you are completely out of touch with reality. Were it 55 gallon drums, we would be having far less problems. And unaccountable entities, whether they be government or private, always end up destroying things that they do not value. The solution are regulations that not only hold the entities accountable, but also the leaders accountable. Accountable as in seizure of assets and prison terms for gross violations.

Back to the '55 gallon drums'. Here is the real situation at Hanford;

Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup Plant May Be Too Dangerous - Scientific American

The most toxic and voluminous nuclear waste in the U.S.—208 million liters —sits in decaying underground tanks at the Hanford Site (a nuclear reservation) in southeastern Washington State. It accumulated there from the middle of World War II, when the Manhattan Project invented the first nuclear weapon, to 1987, when the last reactor shut down. The federal government’s current attempt at a permanent solution for safely storing that waste for centuries—the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant here—has hit a major snag in the form of potential chain reactions, hydrogen explosions and leaks from metal corrosion. And the revelation last February that six more of the storage tanks are currently leaking has further ramped up the pressure for resolution.
I noticed that the pollution card was played in this thread.

Well three of the additives set by the far left government from the 70's causes much of that pollution and smog. Since the far left will not bend and take these out of the fuel mixture pollution and smog will always be threat. The biggest problem in tackling such tasks are they very people that created this mess, the far left.

You are such a dumb fuck. In the '60's you could see a brown cloud over the freeways from unburned hydrocarbons every day. The rules that mandated getting the lead out, catalytic converters, and the present fuel mix has lead to engines that put out only 1/80 of the pollution that the engines of that period did, are far more efficient, and much more powerfull for the size and weight of the engine. Not only that, but they last several times as long before requiring a rebuild.
WOW, are you REALLY surprised Spencer takes a shot at Holdren? A man who is a mouthpiece for the biggest polluters on the planet.

You are an intelligent moron.

Really? Do you even know his resume and who has been paying his salary? Its lame the way you leftists avoid any original thinking with this juvenile repetition of that accusation.. Must save a lot of calories and book reading to remain that dumb on purpose huh?

"original thinking"...not allowed at the Marshall Institute...

In a 2009 essay, former Marshall Institute Executive Director Matthew B. Crawford, wrote that after he commenced with the group in September 2001:

"...certain perversities became apparent as I settled into the job. It sometimes required me to reason backward, from desired conclusion to suitable premise. The organization had taken certain positions, and there were some facts it was more fond of than others. As its figurehead, I was making arguments I didn't fully buy myself. Further, my boss seemed intent on retraining me according to a certain cognitive style — that of the corporate world, from which he had recently come. This style demanded that I project an image of rationality but not indulge too much in actual reasoning."

If I ever had to accept a position like that.. One that exists SOLELY to politicize science -- you have my permission to just hunt me down and kill me... You'll find me already trying various ways to destroy my mind before I hurt others..

Marshall and the Leftist equivalents are REQUIRED because our GOVERNMENT stopped funding strategic science in favor of "playing the markets" in the early 90s. As they FLAILED to get economic traction to keep America in the technological world lead. They have done nothing but DAMAGE the position of America in the science/tech world and NURTURED the entire universe of pseudo-science advocacy orgs. And it is these orgs that DOMINATE the public discussion.. Remove the POWER to pick market winners and losers -- and this headache for both of us --- withers away... :cool:

HOWEVER -- you do the OPPOSITE --- when you surround your Admin with declared Commies and burnt-out 70s eco-prophets to guide your Government science programs.
I noticed that the pollution card was played in this thread.

Well three of the additives set by the far left government from the 70's causes much of that pollution and smog. Since the far left will not bend and take these out of the fuel mixture pollution and smog will always be threat. The biggest problem in tackling such tasks are they very people that created this mess, the far left.

You are such a dumb fuck. In the '60's you could see a brown cloud over the freeways from unburned hydrocarbons every day. The rules that mandated getting the lead out, catalytic converters, and the present fuel mix has lead to engines that put out only 1/80 of the pollution that the engines of that period did, are far more efficient, and much more powerfull for the size and weight of the engine. Not only that, but they last several times as long before requiring a rebuild.

He didn't quite get it right about WHICH ADDITIVES caused large enviro problems. The insistence on using oxygenates by the EPA to clear the air -- DID RESULT in a massive and widespread ground WATER contamination in the Western states.. Despites warnings about the carcinogen MTBE -- EPA and CALEPA in particular encouraged the addition of MTBE. The rest is history 2 or 5 water source wells in Lake Tahoe area for instance -- were trashed.
A TRUE free market economy is the most efficient and democratic way to distribute the goods of the land, and that the best thing that could happen to the environment is if we had true free-market capitalism in this country, because the free market promotes efficiency, and efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution of course is waste. The free market also would encourage us to properly value our natural resources, and it's the undervaluation of those resources that causes us to use them wastefully. But in a true free-market economy, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor. They raise standards of living for themselves by lowering the quality of life for everybody else, and they do that by evading the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter; I'll show you a subsidy. I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and to force the public to pay his production costs. That's what all pollution is. It's always a subsidy. It's always a guy trying to cheat the free market.

This is in another UNIVERSE from the OP.. You have a way of finding the BfGrn sermon in every thread. But since no one cares that we have failed 70s eco-fraud radicals in charge of America's science program --- I'll bite..

See the bold above.. I'll take your bait..

One of the most serious acts of pollution in this nation's history.. Some idiots developed Nuclear Weapons in a big rush and dumped HIGH LEVEL nuclear sludge into 55 gallon drums that are now rusted and busted and leaking at Hanford, Savannah River, and Oak Ridge. These creeps are NOT in a hurry to intercept this radioactive sludge before it hits the rivers. AND the media refuses to give adequate attention to this TOP TEN American pollution disasters..

You go guy.. Explain to me the motives of that "kind of polluter"... Tell me about "political clout" and "profit motive" and "subidies".. It's all there.. Just connect the fucking dots.. To REALLY REALLY be the WORST KIND of UNACCOUNTABLE polluter -- you gotz to have the political power to EXCUSE AND EXEMPT yourself --- I suppose..

Crap. Flat, you are completely out of touch with reality. Were it 55 gallon drums, we would be having far less problems. And unaccountable entities, whether they be government or private, always end up destroying things that they do not value. The solution are regulations that not only hold the entities accountable, but also the leaders accountable. Accountable as in seizure of assets and prison terms for gross violations.

Back to the '55 gallon drums'. Here is the real situation at Hanford;

Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup Plant May Be Too Dangerous - Scientific American

The most toxic and voluminous nuclear waste in the U.S.—208 million liters —sits in decaying underground tanks at the Hanford Site (a nuclear reservation) in southeastern Washington State. It accumulated there from the middle of World War II, when the Manhattan Project invented the first nuclear weapon, to 1987, when the last reactor shut down. The federal government’s current attempt at a permanent solution for safely storing that waste for centuries—the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant here—has hit a major snag in the form of potential chain reactions, hydrogen explosions and leaks from metal corrosion. And the revelation last February that six more of the storage tanks are currently leaking has further ramped up the pressure for resolution.

I aint gonna argue with you about leaking Tanks, drums, drum containers, or open trenches. ALL OF HANFORD is a fucking disaster area. They RAN OUT of storage and started putting high level wastes into open trenches. Some of the buildings there WERE so radioactive, that a 2 minute exposure would KILL YOU.. They BURY the bulldozers that work the Low Level Dumps, because they are NOW nuclear waste.. Estimated 50,000 DRUM WASTE containers at Hanford.

At Savannah River ----

Savannah River Site

Savannah River Site | Department of Energy

In addition to radioactive liquid waste, other radioactive wastes at the Site are: low-level solid waste (which includes items such as protective clothing, tools and equipment that have become contaminated with small amounts of radioactive material); and transuranic (TRU) waste, which contains alpha-emitting isotopes with an atomic number greater than uranium. Other wastes include hazardous waste, which is any toxic, corrosive, reactive or ignitable material that could affect human health or the environment; mixed waste, which contains both hazardous and radioactive components; and sanitary waste, which, like ordinary municipal waste, is neither radioactive nor hazardous.

SRS disposes of low-level radioactive waste on site in specially engineered facilities. However, some types of low-level waste are technically unsuitable for disposal at SRS waste management facilities. In July 2001, SRS began shipping some of these wastes to off site treatment and disposal facilities.

TRU waste had been stored temporarily at SRS. The opening of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, a DOE deep geological disposal facility specifically designed for TRU waste has provided a disposal site. In 2001, SRS began shipping its TRU waste, about 30,000 legacy drums or about 6,000 cubic meters to WIPP. At the end of 2011, over 29,500 55-gallon drums, of the original TRU waste inventory was shipped. SRS's current projections have the Site scheduled to ship all of the SRS TRU legacy waste to WIPP by 2013, 22 years ahead of the original baseline.

Don't freaking care about the particular inventory.. Get folks who CAN clean up these messes..
De-develop? People need to understand that the global warming fraternity is tied to the old left wing revolutionary effort to turn America into a 3rd world nation. Unfortunately the president is promoting the concept while some realistic estimates are that the US unemployment rate is really around 30%.

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