Orthodox Liturgy on Sunday vs. Catholic Mass on Sunday


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
This Punk is up to no good
I was yesterday to Orthodox Church (Sunday) to Liturgy. I have been recently a few times to Catholic Mass too. I want to point out a comparison.

#The Catholic Priest talks much more, he preaches (predigt), he tells interesting stuff. The Orthodox Priest mostly sings prayers, barely talks.

#The Catholic Priest reads the Evangelium, so does the Orthodox Priest, but the Catholic Priest talks about it and explains it, he talks 20 minutes about the quote. The Orthodox Priest rather just sings it, he opens the Bible and sings the Quote.

#The Catholics sit and stand up when they sing or pray, the Orthodox only stand the whole time and they procrastinate themselfes every minute and cross themselfes every minute. The Catholics cross themselfes maybe 2 times during the whole mass, the orthodox do it every minute.

#In orthodox church there are many women who wear a headcovering, and there are young people, and many kids and many young people. In catholic church there are mostly 70-90 year old people

#The orthodox communion is a mouth communion, you open your mouth and he puts a spoon with bread and wine into your mouth, the catholic communion is a hand communion, you put forward your hand and he places the eucharist in your hand.

#At least the catholic church in the town where I live uses more modern technology like a big TV screen and laptop. They display what you sing and pictures.

#Overall I like the catholic mass better, it is more interesting and easier, it also is only 1 hour the orthodox liturgy is 2 hours and for me it is hard to stand 2 hours and my feet hurt, and it is less interesting, because the Priest mostly sprays incense and sings prayers, but doesnt tell any story from the Bible or something.

This is how I went yesterday, with the coat, but without the hat, I had no headwear

Are there any Bible study groups that meet near you?

Yes and Im in a WhatsApp group, called "Boys Group" they are all evangelicals, they dont meet for bible study but they meet and eat and talk, it is friendship, but they are all convinced evangelicals, and they talk about Jesus and such. I was there too and go there sometimes. Im in that WhatsApp group too and go also physically to their meetings.

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