O'Reilly vindicated.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day."

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite
It doesn't matter how much evidence or how many people come forward to support O'Reilly, the left will dig in with their hare. That is what they do.
O'Reilly vindicated.

--- So it's OK to eat falafel again?
"Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day."

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite
Except the Mediate video exposes O'Lielly as the liar he is. Look at the date on the video, O'Lielly was already gone, CBS had kicked him out by the 15th.
"Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day."

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite

That wasn't the problem. Everybody knows he was in Argentina. But he portrayed himself as also being in The Falklands, 1000 miles away. Got it yet? Better watch the clip that got him into this mess in the first place. I doubt you've seen it.
Don Browne didn't vindicate O'Reilly. He confirmed his lies. O'Reilly said he was in a war zone. Don Browne said it was a riot. Lol fail
This just in:

O'Reilly is STILL not a network news ANCHOR. Brian Williams was.


Guam is in danger of tipping over. I have to go dig up more information on this breaking news report. And it must be true, for a leading light Liberal Democrat CONGRESSPERSON once said so!
The Falklands is long gone. There are more current wars to worry about. More media assertions. Who said what, who didn't say what. And the feeding frenzy resulting from whoever said it.
"Don Browne was the NBC News Miami bureau chief at the time, and he oversaw the network’s Falklands coverage. And Browne told O’Reilly his account was accurate. As opposed to some of the other accounts, which have to some extent downplayed the danger, Browne said the situation “got progressively more intense” and there were demonstrations in Buenos Aires every day."

Ex-NBC Bureau Chief Backs Up O Reilly s Account of Falklands War Riot Mediaite
That is nice however O'Reilly actually worked for CBS


Bill O’Reilly’s Story Falls Apart: No CBS Colleagues Will Confirm His War Coverage Lies

Under the Reilly Doctrine if you covered an anti Vietnam war protest in the USA during the Vietnam war and there was tear gas and people shot like at Kent Stae then that qualifies you to say you were a Vietnam war combat reporter...........
Yo, its all about the Lefty Brain Williams getting caught lying! So the Socialist thought they were smart and threw some lies out there thinking the Real Americans would pick it up and run with it, nothing more here, move on!!!

Well, if O'Reilly had lied, that must mean that the NBC NETWORK "News'" Anchor and Editor in Chief consistent LYING is just fine and peachy.

These modern American libs may be wooden in their "thinking" and transparent in their motivation (and fallacy-driven in their efforts to persuade) but at least they are pathetic and laughable.
Yo, its all about the Lefty Brain Williams getting caught lying! So the Socialist thought they were smart and threw some lies out there thinking the Real Americans would pick it up and run with it, nothing more here, move on!!!

specifically what lies ?

Under the Reilly Doctrine if you covered an anti Vietnam war protest in the USA during the Vietnam war and there was tear gas and people shot like at Kent State then that qualifies you to say you were a Vietnam war combat reporter...........
Williams has already been replaced and the new guy is getting great ratings. So, who will FOX pick to replace O'Reilly? Will they be able to find a replacement that will keep their viewers?

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