O'Reilly spoils The View

Mohamed Atta's final instructions for his burial where according to Shunni beliefs and Wahhabism:
On April 11, 1996, Atta signed his last will and testament at the mosque, officially declaring his Muslim beliefs and giving 18 instructions regarding his burial.[8][13] This was the day that Israel attacked Lebanon in Operation Grapes of Wrath, which outraged Atta. Signing the will, "offering his life" was Atta's response.[40] The instructions in his last will and testament reflect both Sunni funeral practices, along with some more puritanical demands from Wahhabism, including asking people not "to weep and cry" or show emotion. The will was signed by el-Motassadeq and a second individual at the mosque.[41]

Wahhabi (Arabic: Al-Wahhābīyya‎ الوهابية) or Wahhabism is a Sunni Islamic sect based on the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an 18th century scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who advocated purging Islam of what he considered impurities. Wahhabism is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia.[1] It is often referred to as a "sect"[1] or "branch"[2] of Islam, though its supporters and some opponents reject such appellations. It has developed considerable influence in the Muslim world in part through Saudi funding of mosques, schools and social programs.

According to Wahhabi documents cited by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom, "It is a religious obligation for Muslims to hate Christians and Jews." These documents, published by the government of Saudi Arabia, also condemn Shiite Muslims and democracy as a way of government [37]. Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I just learned some more info on the op. Walters criticized her two co-hosts for walking off and Dildoreilly apologized for what he said. Why is it some dumbasses give half a story to try and celebrate their own fantasies?

...All of that was in the video with the OP. How is that new information? Where is the half story? I just commented on the portion I thought was hilarious. Namely, the two children running off stage while the adults clarified the situation.

Dildoreilly fans have been ignoring half of the story.
You've been exposed as a fucking idiot.... but you are perfectly entitled to continue doing so.

Im the one that proved you are a liar. You just implied idiots are smarter than you. Lol!

You exposed jack shit, fool. But you carry one believing whatever you choose to believe. It's a free country.

Really? You claimed the "sole" reason you opposed the islamic center was because some 9/11 families and new yorkers didn't want it. I exposed you as pure coward for trying to hide behind 9/11 families then you admitted you thought it was wrong for them to build it "in that place." That was after you claimed you weren't using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" line to justify opposition to the mosque.

Keep lying you fatass skank.
This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?

Well, I can't say for certain, but then, can you be certain of anything in life? It's about as certain as certain gets that these people thought they were Muslim. I can't get inside their brain, but you don't need to. There IS information you can rely on in this world, and you CAN make sound inferences from it. This is a pretty basic inference, and I don't see why I need evidence, even if that were possible.

Had to quote this again to show more dishonesty. You first claimed:

"What is true and not debatable is.... the terrorists saw themselves as muslims. When I asked for evidence you then say you can't be "certain." What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Mohamed Atta's final instructions for his burial where according to Shunni beliefs and Wahhabism:
On April 11, 1996, Atta signed his last will and testament at the mosque, officially declaring his Muslim beliefs and giving 18 instructions regarding his burial.[8][13] This was the day that Israel attacked Lebanon in Operation Grapes of Wrath, which outraged Atta. Signing the will, "offering his life" was Atta's response.[40] The instructions in his last will and testament reflect both Sunni funeral practices, along with some more puritanical demands from Wahhabism, including asking people not "to weep and cry" or show emotion. The will was signed by el-Motassadeq and a second individual at the mosque.[41]

Wahhabi (Arabic: Al-Wahhābīyya‎ الوهابية) or Wahhabism is a Sunni Islamic sect based on the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an 18th century scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who advocated purging Islam of what he considered impurities. Wahhabism is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia.[1] It is often referred to as a "sect"[1] or "branch"[2] of Islam, though its supporters and some opponents reject such appellations. It has developed considerable influence in the Muslim world in part through Saudi funding of mosques, schools and social programs.

According to Wahhabi documents cited by Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom, "It is a religious obligation for Muslims to hate Christians and Jews." These documents, published by the government of Saudi Arabia, also condemn Shiite Muslims and democracy as a way of government [37]. Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One? You can prove one out of 19? That's it?
More liberal puke to step in. There is no morality, because my morality isn't your morality. No one can judge. Everything is subjective. Those are simply the debate points of the losing side without principles or a moral compass.

You believe you can judge? I thought, only God can judge? In the bible it says to not be judgmental, to be humble... I'm confused. Who said there is no morality? There is moral relativism, by the way. That is a fact. It exists. Moral objectivity as the bible-beaters try to institute, is a farce concept that only right wing religious fanatics insist on, and what you wrote implied that you believe in an objective morality, I assume inspired by the bible. What is funny is that even if morality is inspired by the bible, it is still subjective because it depends on how you interpret the bible.

More importantly, even if I am a liberal, which I wouldn't altogether say I am, although I certainly have some liberal views, how did what I wrote represent liberal beliefs? All I did was break down the argument because it was becoming ambiguous.

You da poster boy! :clap2:
More liberal puke to step in. There is no morality, because my morality isn't your morality. No one can judge. Everything is subjective. Those are simply the debate points of the losing side without principles or a moral compass.

You believe you can judge? I thought, only God can judge? In the bible it says to not be judgmental, to be humble... I'm confused. Who said there is no morality? There is moral relativism, by the way. That is a fact. It exists. Moral objectivity as the bible-beaters try to institute, is a farce concept that only right wing religious fanatics insist on, and what you wrote implied that you believe in an objective morality, I assume inspired by the bible. What is funny is that even if morality is inspired by the bible, it is still subjective because it depends on how you interpret the bible.

More importantly, even if I am a liberal, which I wouldn't altogether say I am, although I certainly have some liberal views, how did what I wrote represent liberal beliefs? All I did was break down the argument because it was becoming ambiguous.

You da poster boy! :clap2:

First off, I think that if Anyone can Judge, it would be the Victim. Secondly, discernment is a qualified tool for all of us to incorporate, whee ever you find yourself, you have the right to decide for yourself. Why would you allow anyone to take that from you?????

Moral Relativism V.S. Moral Absolutism. I see Universal Truth or Power as Raw and undefined by us. It is absolute in it's own nature, which is alien to us, though the source of our being. What is relative is Circumstance and application, each being unique. To take from the source and apply the focus should be purpose and measure based on what is required to produce a specific outcome. Other than to guide by experience, why would you want to limit your ability by comparing what was done in the past????? What justifies is the quality of what you are doing or involved in, Purpose, Method, Need, Circumstance, not preconceived notion, when you are living in the present, guided by Ideal, Vision. What's relative????? Circumstance, application, not the fountain reason is drawn from.
Im the one that proved you are a liar. You just implied idiots are smarter than you. Lol!

You exposed jack shit, fool. But you carry one believing whatever you choose to believe. It's a free country.

Really? You claimed the "sole" reason you opposed the islamic center was because some 9/11 families and new yorkers didn't want it. I exposed you as pure coward for trying to hide behind 9/11 families then you admitted you thought it was wrong for them to build it "in that place." That was after you claimed you weren't using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" line to justify opposition to the mosque.

Keep lying you fatass skank.

Ooooooh, I see. That's your definition of a lie. Got it. Your obsession over 'exposing' other people is mildly entertaining and kind of sad. You're a fool. You expose yourself as that.
You exposed jack shit, fool. But you carry one believing whatever you choose to believe. It's a free country.

Really? You claimed the "sole" reason you opposed the islamic center was because some 9/11 families and new yorkers didn't want it. I exposed you as pure coward for trying to hide behind 9/11 families then you admitted you thought it was wrong for them to build it "in that place." That was after you claimed you weren't using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" line to justify opposition to the mosque.

Keep lying you fatass skank.

Ooooooh, I see. That's your definition of a lie. Got it. Your obsession over 'exposing' other people is mildly entertaining and kind of sad. You're a fool. You expose yourself as that.

You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.
Really? You claimed the "sole" reason you opposed the islamic center was because some 9/11 families and new yorkers didn't want it. I exposed you as pure coward for trying to hide behind 9/11 families then you admitted you thought it was wrong for them to build it "in that place." That was after you claimed you weren't using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" line to justify opposition to the mosque.

Keep lying you fatass skank.

Ooooooh, I see. That's your definition of a lie. Got it. Your obsession over 'exposing' other people is mildly entertaining and kind of sad. You're a fool. You expose yourself as that.

You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.

From another perspective, you are a drowning man, grasping at sinking objects, trying to stay afloat.
Ooooooh, I see. That's your definition of a lie. Got it. Your obsession over 'exposing' other people is mildly entertaining and kind of sad. You're a fool. You expose yourself as that.

You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.

From another perspective, you are a drowning man, grasping at sinking objects, trying to stay afloat.

The only only gasping and grasping are.fuckwads like you who ignore everything just to focus on the personal. Dickstick emotionally handicapped diaper divers like you are all over this board. You base most of your responses on how you "feel" about posters instead of information.
Ooooooh, I see. That's your definition of a lie. Got it. Your obsession over 'exposing' other people is mildly entertaining and kind of sad. You're a fool. You expose yourself as that.

You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.

From another perspective, you are a drowning man, grasping at sinking objects, trying to stay afloat.

Or, maybe BentLite is the only one on the board who sees all, knows all... Kinda like the Wizard in Oz.... oh, wait.... he was a fraud too! Oops.
You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.

From another perspective, you are a drowning man, grasping at sinking objects, trying to stay afloat.

Or, maybe BentLite is the only one on the board who sees all, knows all... Kinda like the Wizard in Oz.... oh, wait.... he was a fraud too! Oops.

Lol....you just got busted on being a fraud....no wonder you accuse someone else of what you are guilty of 24/7. Keep dancing dumbass....all your ass kissing can't protect you from your own dishonesty.
You claimed you weren't using the "hijackers were muslims" to justify opposition against the mosque but "solely" because some 9/11 families and new yorkers were against it.

You have proven your main reason is to blame 9/11 on islam. The reason you initially tried to hide behind the families is because you know it's a ridiculous extrapolation but you have since grown comfortable with your dishonesty. What makes you a sick bitch is you know it's wrong but you don't give a fuck.

From another perspective, you are a drowning man, grasping at sinking objects, trying to stay afloat.

The only only gasping and grasping are.fuckwads like you who ignore everything just to focus on the personal. Dickstick emotionally handicapped diaper divers like you are all over this board. You base most of your responses on how you "feel" about posters instead of information.

Wow! You are having another episode aren't you? This Hate Speech, this out of control behavior from you is really not surprising at all No-Light. We sort of expect these tantrums considering your lack of reason and poor social skills. Get back in your cage now.

I have an Idea .... let's play "Hide and Seek" .... you go hide and I'll count to a trillion and then come and find you. ;) ;) ;) No hiding under the Kitty Litter now......Jackass.

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