O'Reilly Ratings Soar


Reminds me of the Chick-Fil-A drama.

They're trying to spin and divert for Williams and they're helping O'Reilly by going after him.

I don't get the attraction to O'Reilly, but he probably owes these folks a big ol' Thank You card.


Fox News must be very pleased :rolleyes:
O Reilly for President. What a man. What a candidate. Please encourage him to run.
So, Fox fans aka conservatives are hypocrites who support liars. No surprises there. NBC did the right thing by suspending Williams; Fox will renew O'Reilly's contract.
LOL Do you left loons ever get tired of things blowing up in your faces?

The Fox News Channel host last night logged his biggest audience of 2015 to date – 3.3 million viewers. He also averaged 590,000 viewers in the news demo. That’s 166% bigger than the crowd he clocked same night last year, and 100% better in the demo viewers.

Bill O Reilly Scores His Best Ratings Of 2015 Deadline

Worth asking when Bill's on, what's on CNN and MSNBC? If a rerun of earlier programming, or documentary, wouldn't get too excited about Billo's numbers. :)
LOL Do you left loons ever get tired of things blowing up in your faces?

The Fox News Channel host last night logged his biggest audience of 2015 to date – 3.3 million viewers. He also averaged 590,000 viewers in the news demo. That’s 166% bigger than the crowd he clocked same night last year, and 100% better in the demo viewers.

Bill O Reilly Scores His Best Ratings Of 2015 Deadline

Worth asking when Bill's on, what's on CNN and MSNBC? If a rerun of earlier programming, or documentary, wouldn't get too excited about Billo's numbers. :)

The same programs that were on before...nice attempt but major fail
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This is exactly what I would expect to happen. When Fox's lying was discussed here, the low info types actually applauded their dishonesty. Those who watch Fox, WANT to be lied to. Same with O'Reilly. People who watch him know he lies every day and they know he lied about these new issues.

In defense of Fox/O'Reilly's defense, they are not a news network. They are strictly entertainment. Therefore, they should not be held to the same standard as true journalists.

O'Reilly is an habitual liar. We all know it and we all need to just accept that some people like him BECAUSE he lies.
Well this just show the stations audience integrity. Williams and O'Reilly get caught doing the exact same thing.

Williams puts himself on unpaid leave and gets vilified by the main news organisations and especially Fox News.

O'Reilly increases his numbers.

Unlike the OP if I was Fox News supporter, I would be embarrassed that integrity means so little to your base. This is about tribalism over honesty and the OP is not even embarrassed but celebrates the fact.

One of the biggest problems in US politics is tribalism, Red and Blue. Compromise and working together for betterment of all is happening less and less. Points scoring on the other team seems more important to the GOP/Fox News crowd..

Here is them celebrating the fact.
LOL Do you left loons ever get tired of things blowing up in your faces?

The Fox News Channel host last night logged his biggest audience of 2015 to date – 3.3 million viewers. He also averaged 590,000 viewers in the news demo. That’s 166% bigger than the crowd he clocked same night last year, and 100% better in the demo viewers.

Bill O Reilly Scores His Best Ratings Of 2015 Deadline

Worth asking when Bill's on, what's on CNN and MSNBC? If a rerun of earlier programming, or documentary, wouldn't get too excited about Billo's numbers. :)
Plus, there's no such thing as bad publicity. People - fans and curious onlookers alike - will tune in just to see his response.

Then there are the conservatives who will tune in just to boost his ratings for bragging rights. The same mentality as Palin buying her own books. They probably all got a chain email on the subject. Conservatives are funny like that - they like to brag about things that on the surface look good, but don't hold up under scrutiny.
LOL Do you left loons ever get tired of things blowing up in your faces?

The Fox News Channel host last night logged his biggest audience of 2015 to date – 3.3 million viewers. He also averaged 590,000 viewers in the news demo. That’s 166% bigger than the crowd he clocked same night last year, and 100% better in the demo viewers.

Bill O Reilly Scores His Best Ratings Of 2015 Deadline

Worth asking when Bill's on, what's on CNN and MSNBC? If a rerun of earlier programming, or documentary, wouldn't get too excited about Billo's numbers. :)
Plus, there's no such thing as bad publicity. People - fans and curious onlookers alike - will tune in just to see his response.

Then there are the conservatives who will tune in just to boost his ratings for bragging rights. The same mentality as Palin buying her own books. They probably all got a chain email on the subject. Conservatives are funny like that - they like to brag about things that on the surface look good, but don't hold up under scrutiny.

I actually just looked at his competiton. AC360 and Chris Hayes. Kinda surprised he gets so many more than Cooper, not surprised about Hayes. Would expect though a good chunk of Reiley's viewers are temporary during his big credibility flap.
Well this just show the stations audience integrity. Williams and O'Reilly get caught doing the exact same thing.

Williams puts himself on unpaid leave and gets vilified by the main news organisations and especially Fox News.

O'Reilly increases his numbers.

Unlike the OP if I was Fox News supporter, I would be embarrassed that integrity means so little to your base. This is about tribalism over honesty and the OP is not even embarrassed but celebrates the fact.

One of the biggest problems in US politics is tribalism, Red and Blue. Compromise and working together for betterment of all is happening less and less. Points scoring on the other team seems more important to the GOP/Fox News crowd..

Here is them celebrating the fact.

Williams put himself on unpaid leave? Link that

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