Oregon Measure 114. Sets new rules for the purchase of firearms.

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Oregon Measure 114. Sets new rules for the purchase of firearms.
Requires a permit from law enforcement for people to purchase firearms. Applicants would need to complete safety training and pass a criminal background check. The measure also prohibits magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
"...When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct...."

Simple ownership and possession of a firearm is protected from these restrictions by the 2nd.
Ownership and possession of magazine with a capacity exceeding 10 rounds is protected from these restrictions by the 2nd.

Why do anti-gun loons continue to create restrictions they know are unconstitutional?
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"...When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct...."

Simple ownership and possession of a firearm is protected from these restrictions by the 2nd.
Ownership and possession of magazine with a capacity exceeding 10 rounds is protected from these restrictions by the 2nd.

Why do anti-gun loons continue to create restrictions they know are unconstitutional?

They hate the constitution…..they hate the Bill of Rights…..to them they do not exist…….
Since the OP did not provide a link, I will explain what Oregon's Measure 114 does.

First, to buy a gun you have to get a permit from the local police chief or sheriff which will cost you a fee, you have to pass a background check, and you have take a firearm safety class.

Second, high capacity magazines over 10 rounds are banned.

Since the OP did not provide a link, I will explain what Oregon's Measure 114 does.

First, to buy a gun you have to get a permit from the local police chief or sheriff which will cost you a fee, you have to pass a background check, and you have take a firearm safety class.

Second, high capacity magazines over 10 rounds are banned.

And I'm sure it will take months to get the permit in places the progressives control the police department and the local government. And the class will be offered once a year to 20 people only.

Will the police have their magazines follow the ban?
And I'm sure it will take months to get the permit in places the progressives control the police department and the local government. And the class will be offered once a year to 20 people only.

Will the police have their magazines follow the ban?
Some Oregon sheriffs have already stated they are not going to enforce the law.
Some Oregon sheriffs have already stated they are not going to enforce the law.

Probably in the rural areas that want to be part of Idaho.

My concern is for the homeowners in the blue areas where the local police will make it as difficult as possible for someone to get a permit, because they think guns in private hands are icky.

THAT is the issue with arbitrary bullshit laws like this.

In NYC I have to pay somewhere between $300-$500 and wait 6 months to a year for a license just to keep a revolver legally in my own Apartment. That is what laws like this allow.
Probably in the rural areas that want to be part of Idaho.

My concern is for the homeowners in the blue areas where the local police will make it as difficult as possible for someone to get a permit, because they think guns in private hands are icky.

THAT is the issue with arbitrary bullshit laws like this.

In NYC I have to pay somewhere between $300-$500 and wait 6 months to a year for a license just to keep a revolver legally in my own Apartment. That is what laws like this allow.
You can always go to the corner and buy a gun smuggled in from Alabama for $100. :lol:
You can always go to the corner and buy a gun smuggled in from Alabama for $100. :lol:

No, I want a LEGAL handgun.

And you pointed out the idiocy of NYC's law right there.

The other part is it's easier to get a 30.06 bolt action rifle that if I use for self defense would send bullets through walls and into other apartments (even after going through the person I am shooting at maybe) than a handgun with hollow points that would either stop in the person I am shooting or stop in the walls.
No, I want a LEGAL handgun.

And you pointed out the idiocy of NYC's law right there.

The other part is it's easier to get a 30.06 bolt action rifle that if I use for self defense would send bullets through walls and into other apartments (even after going through the person I am shooting at maybe) than a handgun with hollow points that would either stop in the person I am shooting or stop in the walls.
I prefer a 20 gauge for home defense.
The high capacity magazine ban will stand up in court.
"The Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct"
- USSC v Bruen

The 2nd amendment protects the right to own and use magazines that hold more than 10 rounds; as such, the restriction will be struck.

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