Oregon Gov Commutes Sentences of Death Row Inmates

Those on death row are not kept in with the general population.
Correct, but most murderers aren't sent to death row, they are in gen pop with a life sentence or life without the possibility of parole. It normally takes a heinous murder to get the death penalty.
No, dummy. Criminals won't be able to get them... just like they really can't get them in Europe or Japan.

the government will still have them, but they'll be a lot less inclined to use them without justification.
You're kidding right? In every European country the criminals are armed to the teeth with real assault weapons, grenades and handguns. The Yakuza use guns, although rarely because of the level of policing makes getting away with a noisy crime like shooting someone nearly impossible. Even the UK which used to almost have a gun-free criminal class has a criminal use of guns problem.
I was a member of an ACTUAL Militia (the Illinois National Guard). That's what the Founding Slave Rapists had in mind. What they didn't have in mind is mobs with guns threatening officials. Which is why incidents like Shay's Rebellion or the Whiskey Rebellion were put down with force.

Oh, bullet ant colonies are easy to kill. You just spray them with insecticide... Done

A community with an angry mob is easy to kill. You take your F-15's and bomb the shit out of them.

Wait, first your party is the one that steals food from Starving Infants to give tax breaks to billionaires.
Second, I left the GOP because the religious crazies took over. Religion is not morality. Religion is people telling other people what to think. All sorts of truly evil behavior has been justified by religion over the centuries, from ancient societies that sacrificed virgins to appease angry gods, to the Nazis proudly killing the Jews to avenge Jesus.

I was fine with the ideology of the GOP of the 1980's. I voted for Reagan Twice. the only president I was every enthusiastic for. Most of the ones since have been the lesser evil. He was for Fiscal Responsibility, strong defense, sensible government.
Then the crazies took over. The Religious Zealots, the Gun Fetishists, and the Libertarian Children.
Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's GOP. He signed gun laws, he raised taxes on the rich (after he created the problem by cutting them), he gave Amnesty to undocumented immigrants... He expanded government.
Of course, you guys invent the Mythical Reagan, because he's the only icon you have. He's the only one who didn't get voted out of office (unlike Ford, Bush-1 and Trump), was impeached/resigned (Nixon, Trump), or left the economy in a recession (Nixon, Ford, Bush 1 and 2, Trump)

Now you clowns support a thrice married guy who pays prostitutes, ran up 8 Trillion in new debt, and you rail against the Military and Law Enforcement as part of the "Deep State".

Those were the big ones.. It will be interesting to see how nuts Mr. Tran was.

Yeah, this is really scary.

View attachment 750277
That angry mob would be terrified of these two, you betcha.
Hey, are you from Missouri? IS that why you won't tell us what state you are from?
The National Guard isn't a militia, it's an arm of the state government that can become an arm of the federal government with the stroke of a president's pen.
Wow, not letting the junk food companies sell fatty food in schools. What an evil bitch Michelle was.

Unlike this shit. Cutting SNAP, WIC and School Lunch programs.

Just remember, Republicans only care about children when they are in fetus form. Once they are born... fuck 'em.
Why should school meals be free? Any parent in the Untired States, legal or illegal, can get welfare, food stamps, free medical and subsidized housing for their children.
In short, parasites..

Uh, yeah.

That's like saying to rape victims, "Hey, instead of bitching about being raped, get your self a big strap on Dildo and go out and rape some people yourself!"

Capitalism is evil, and I have no desire to participate in it any more than I am required to.

Yup. People shouldn't have to grovel in front of your sky fairy to get what should be theirs BY RIGHT>

No one in this country should go to bed hungry at night. We throw away more food than they need to eat.
No one in this country should be shivering on a heating grate because we have plenty of places to house them.

The problem is, eventually, the 60% of the population for which Capitalism is a shit sandwich and have less than 5% of the wealth are going to eventually figure this out.
Parasites, right. Without those "parasites" who would employ you? Who would pay you to produce products for others to buy so you can feed and house your family? Of course, you will answer "the government". Well, where would the government get the money to feed and house you without taxing those "parasites"?
Another person who thinks that the Investor class is a vital organ instead of a parasite.

Americans shouldn't have to grovel in front of an imaginary sky fairy to get fed.
I'm happy to pay for the poor to be fed, before paying for a corporate welfare and the prison industrial complex.
It will be a great day when the schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

Actually, 700 people kill themselves in prison every year, compared to the 22 we execute.

Swifter executions just increase the chance for mistakes... the fact is we've let 190 people off death row because they didn't do the crimes they were convicted of.
700 in the whole country? We need to get that going.... we need room for ANTIFA and BLM rioters.

I love the sky fairy, so let me guess, stuff just randomly blows up, it just happens?
Correct, but most murderers aren't sent to death row, they are in gen pop with a life sentence or life without the possibility of parole. It normally takes a heinous murder to get the death penalty.

If you believe that Life is a harsher sentence, it seems to me that is what you would want.
A public defender is far more likely to plea bargain a case than a private attorney. The public defender is overloaded and cares only about clearing cases and gets paid the same for a plea bargain or a trial. A private attorney (in theory at least) cares about his client's best interests AND gets paid more for a trial than a quickly negotiated plea bargain.

Except that when a prosecutor decides that he isn't going to pleas bargain, or some idiot public defender thinks he can beat the case, then innocent people get railroaded. as happened 193 times.

193 out of how many sitting on death row over the century or more? Probably at least ten thousand, maybe a hundred thousand. That's a tiny percentage of failures. Are you willing to ground all airliners because .001 percent crash?

Uh, the funny thing is that when one does Crash, they ground at least that model until they figure out what went wrong.

193 out of some 5000 people sent to death row since it was reinstated in the 1970's. . That's close to 4%.

Because ALL the videos clearly showed that every action he took was self-defense. But you have always been willing to railroad him. Kind of makes me suspicious about your stance on the death penalty.

Oh, not at all. He was guilty as sin and the judge rigged the case. I still didn't want to execute him. I wanted him to spend the rest of his miserable life as the Ayran Nation Prison Bitch.

The founders didn't find the DP "cruel and unusual punishment."

The founders shit in Chamber Pots, what's your point?

If I were wrongly convicted of a crime calling for the DP, I'd rather be immediately executed than spend fifty years in prison cell being tortured by an endless stream of hardened criminals.
I guess... we'll never know.
Except that when a prosecutor decides that he isn't going to pleas bargain, or some idiot public defender thinks he can beat the case, then innocent people get railroaded. as happened 193 times.

Uh, the funny thing is that when one does Crash, they ground at least that model until they figure out what went wrong.

193 out of some 5000 people sent to death row since it was reinstated in the 1970's. . That's close to 4%.

Oh, not at all. He was guilty as sin and the judge rigged the case. I still didn't want to execute him. I wanted him to spend the rest of his miserable life as the Ayran Nation Prison Bitch.

The founders shit in Chamber Pots, what's your point?

I guess... we'll never know.
No we won't because I'm a law-abiding citizen and if charged with a crime I didn't commit, I'd never accept a plea bargain. I'd make the prosecution prove every element of the crime in open court. If every defendant would do that, this crap of overcharging people or making specious accusations would come to a complete and quick stop because the governments could never fund enough courts to try everyone they accuse of a crime.
No we won't because I'm a law-abiding citizen and if charged with a crime I didn't commit, I'd never accept a plea bargain. I'd make the prosecution prove every element of the crime in open court. If every defendant would do that, this crap of overcharging people or making specious accusations would come to a complete and quick stop because the governments could never fund enough courts to try everyone they accuse of a crime.

Wow, buddy, check your privilege!

You think that if you were poor and you had a public defender who had no shits to give, you'd be able to fight a lengthy campaign?

The point is, if every defendent could afford an OJ caliber dream team, all the brothers would be out of prison.

Unfortunately instead we have poor people getting railroaded by the system on a regular basis... and you are fine with it.
Wow, buddy, check your privilege!

You think that if you were poor and you had a public defender who had no shits to give, you'd be able to fight a lengthy campaign?

The point is, if every defendent could afford an OJ caliber dream team, all the brothers would be out of prison.

Unfortunately instead we have poor people getting railroaded by the system on a regular basis... and you are fine with it.
All the defendant has to do is refuse the plea bargain. The public defender is then required to fight the case in court. I'm fine with anyone getting "railroaded" because they refuse to stand up for their rights.
All the defendant has to do is refuse the plea bargain. The public defender is then required to fight the case in court. I'm fine with anyone getting "railroaded" because they refuse to stand up for their rights.

Okay, did you eat paint chips as a child?

A public defender can't afford expert witnesses or independent forensic testing or any of the other things high priced defense attorney's can.

In fact, such offices are notoriously underfunded, which is why you have so many innocent people sent to death row.
Okay, did you eat paint chips as a child?

A public defender can't afford expert witnesses or independent forensic testing or any of the other things high priced defense attorney's can.

In fact, such offices are notoriously underfunded, which is why you have so many innocent people sent to death row.
The government has the "expert witnesses" on payroll, they are SID technicians and coroners. The government also has far more extensive forensic facilities than ANY private individual could afford to pay for.
The government has the "expert witnesses" on payroll, they are SID technicians and coroners. The government also has far more extensive forensic facilities than ANY private individual could afford to pay for.

Point is... they can still get them... and that works wonders in

As we saw in the Rittenhouse Case, private lawyers trump state prosecutors, but state prosecutors trump public defenders.

So simple enough solution. Rather than having public defenders, give every indigent defendant a voucher to hire a real lawyer.
Point is... they can still get them... and that works wonders in

As we saw in the Rittenhouse Case, private lawyers trump state prosecutors, but state prosecutors trump public defenders.

So simple enough solution. Rather than having public defenders, give every indigent defendant a voucher to hire a real lawyer.
The ineptest public defender could have gotten Rittenhouse off. The videos clearly showed he acted in self-defense.
The ineptest public defender could have gotten Rittenhouse off. The videos clearly showed he acted in self-defense.

Not really. it isn't self defense when they are unarmed and you have a fucking machine gun.

If the judge hadn't been so biased against the prosecution, Rittenhouse would be the Aryan Nation Prison Bitch at the Columbia Prison outside Portage.
Not really. it isn't self defense when they are unarmed and you have a fucking machine gun.

If the judge hadn't been so biased against the prosecution, Rittenhouse would be the Aryan Nation Prison Bitch at the Columbia Prison outside Portage.
You've been told you are wrong probably a hundred times. All four attacked him, two were armed with deadly weapons (a pistol and a four-foot-long skateboard used as a club) one of other two actually kicked him in the head and the first assailant was chasing him and trying to take the AR-15 away from him. AND AGAIN, AN AR-15 ISN'T A MACHINE GUN YOU IDIOT. What happened was a classic case of self-defense.

The judge wasn't prejudiced, he ruled fairly and in line with the law. The DA never should have brought the charges, HE was the one prejudiced and was looking for an easy political victory and never had a case. His own experts blew his case out of the water.
You've been told you are wrong probably a hundred times. All four attacked him, two were armed with deadly weapons (a pistol and a four-foot-long skateboard used as a club) one of other two actually kicked him in the head and the first assailant was chasing him and trying to take the AR-15 away from him. AND AGAIN, AN AR-15 ISN'T A MACHINE GUN YOU IDIOT. What happened was a classic case of self-defense.

Shooting unarmed people isn't self-defense. A skateboard isn't a deadly weapon.
You had people trying to stop an active shooter, but no one expected the active shooter to get a pass.

The judge wasn't prejudiced, he ruled fairly and in line with the law. The DA never should have brought the charges, HE was the one prejudiced and was looking for an easy political victory and never had a case. His own experts blew his case out of the water.

Actually, he reasonably expected that once the jury heard what a racist shit Rittenhouse is, his claims to be innocently up there to clean graffitti would have been seen as bullshit.

but Judge Senile suppressed the evidence where he was hanging with the Proud Boys, caught on tape wistfully wishing he could shoot a black man at the CVS, or where he beat up a 14 year old girl. So the fat little fuck could ball his eyes out, and have credibility.
Shooting unarmed people isn't self-defense. A skateboard isn't a deadly weapon.
You had people trying to stop an active shooter, but no one expected the active shooter to get a pass.

Actually, he reasonably expected that once the jury heard what a racist shit Rittenhouse is, his claims to be innocently up there to clean graffitti would have been seen as bullshit.

but Judge Senile suppressed the evidence where he was hanging with the Proud Boys, caught on tape wistfully wishing he could shoot a black man at the CVS, or where he beat up a 14 year old girl. So the fat little fuck could ball his eyes out, and have credibility.
A four foot long ten to twenty-pound skateboard makes a lethal club and was used as such. I notice you side stepped the Pistol Grosskreutz attempted to shoot Kyle with. Nothing about people's associations, ESPECIALLY ONES AFTER THE EVENT, are admissible in court. HE was defending his sister from a bully, not beating up a fourteen-year-old girl. Stop making up lies and distorting events.
All you have is invective and lies, you might as well give up.
A four foot long ten to twenty-pound skateboard makes a lethal club and was used as such. I notice you side stepped the Pistol Grosskreutz attempted to shoot Kyle with.
Grosskreutz was the last person he shot, after he already murdered two other people. Grosskreutz would normally be what you guys call a "good guy with a gun".

Nothing about people's associations, ESPECIALLY ONES AFTER THE EVENT, are admissible in court. HE was defending his sister from a bully, not beating up a fourteen-year-old girl. Stop making up lies and distorting events.
Really, I was brought up that hitting a girl was ALWAYS unacceptable. I guess Kyle didn't have that kind of upbringing. Come to think of it, his mommy drove him to the riot and his father was nowhere to be seen.

His association with Nazis IS relevant if his claim is that he was totally not racist when showing up to a racial demonstration with an automatic weapon and then shooting three people. So was his other acts of violence.

All you have is invective and lies, you might as well give up.
Blah, blah, blah... look, man, I know you love this fat little shitball because he did what the rest of you ammosexuals don't have the balls to do... but he had slick lawyers that got him off on a murder rap.

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