Biden Commutes the Sentences 37 Death Row inmates

I'm not a Dem but it seems hypocritical. I'm still glad he commuted the death sentences of the rest.
Life in prison without parole accomplishes the same. Poor argument.

One of the guys who was taken off the DP list killed a prison guard while already being in Jail for rape and murder.

Most lefties are also against supermax type confinement as well. So what do you do with this guy?
One of the guys who was taken off the DP list killed a prison guard while already being in Jail for rape and murder.

Most lefties are also against supermax type confinement as well. So what do you do with this guy?
If they were honest, their true answer would be "let them go, and give them another chance!"
How mad are Democrats on here about the three murderers that Joe Biden left on death row?

There are 37 inmates initially sentenced to death who will be impacted by Mr. Biden's action and will now receive life in prison without the possibility of parole. But the remaining three on death row whose sentences are untouched are: Robert Bowers, convicted for the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue; Dylann Roof, convicted of the shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church; and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, convicted for the Boston Marathon bombing.

If Biden took a principled stand that the death penalty is wrong under any and all circumstances, I would respect that. But saying that these three are so bad that they cannot be spared, means that he things the other thirty-seven are not so bad.

Is that what you think?

Biden is too flat-out stupid to get even his wrong thinking right.
One of the guys who was taken off the DP list killed a prison guard while already being in Jail for rape and murder.

Most lefties are also against supermax type confinement as well. So what do you do with this guy?
Democrats think it's OK to allow him to keep on living, thereby able to kill more people inside the prison.
If Biden took a principled stand that the death penalty is wrong under any and all circumstances, I would respect that. But saying that these three are so bad that they cannot be spared, means that he things the other thirty-seven are not so bad.

Is that what you think?


Well, the other 37 hadn't engaged in hate crimes or terrorism, so no, they weren't as bad.
Again, what is the difference between an innocent person dying in prison after 50 years of natural causes and being executed after 20?
The difference is about $1 million MORE to keep a murderer alive, at an average of $35,000 a year.
How mad are Democrats on here about the three murderers that Joe Biden left on death row?

There are 37 inmates initially sentenced to death who will be impacted by Mr. Biden's action and will now receive life in prison without the possibility of parole. But the remaining three on death row whose sentences are untouched are: Robert Bowers, convicted for the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue; Dylann Roof, convicted of the shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church; and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, convicted for the Boston Marathon bombing.

If Biden took a principled stand that the death penalty is wrong under any and all circumstances, I would respect that. But saying that these three are so bad that they cannot be spared, means that he things the other thirty-seven are not so bad.

Is that what you think?

And think of the message that sends to the loved ones of the victims that Biden deemed “less important.”

This is just another example of of how Dems side with the wrong people: murderers over law-abiders, illegal aliens over Americans, Islamic terrorists over Jews.

Here in Nova, the libs released lots of violent criminals in 2020 because…..awwww….poor babies might get COVID. So what did one released rapist do? On the very morning the libs let him out, he went straight to his victim’s house and KILLED her.
Well, he had 30 additional years to review his sentence and find proof of his innocence.

Obviously, being executed is worse. You can't undo that.

Nobody cares about them, they only care about the DP, and they don't care if the person is innocent or not.

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