Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

Uh yeah actually it is exactly an exaggeration- since the Bible never once tells any Christian ever that they can't bake a wedding cake for anyone.

Instead Romans tells Christians to follow the law- and once again- because unlike you I actually quote the Bible- instead of what the voices in your head say- here once again- is the Bible telling Christians to obey the law.

Romans 13New Century Version (NCV)

Christians Should Obey the Law
13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield to the government, not only because you might be punished, but because you know it is right.

Christians- obey the bible- because when you refuse to obey the law- you are really against what God has commanded.

Acts 5: 27-29. Christians are to obey the law. But if a law goes against God's laws it's a new ballgame.

As soon as the law of the land contradicts God's command Christians are to disobey man's law and follow God's laws.


So why are Christians willing to bend the rules when it comes to baking cakes for a wedding of atheists? A wedding with a pregnant bride? A wedding of known adulterers?

Don't they follow Gods laws?

They know a party is atheist or adulters?

Lame dumbass You really are too easy dimwit

If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"
Last edited:
Public Accommodation laws are religiously neutral- they don't target Christians or Jews or Mormons- they say all business owners must comply with the law- and can't use religion as an excuse to tell blacks that they aren't welcome.

It isn't an exaggeration to say that forcing a Christian to bake a "gay wedding" cake is one and the same as forcing them to pray to a goat's head on a satanic altar after sacrificing a chicken over a pentagram. It's the same eternal punishment either way. You simply cannot ask them to do that.

Uh yeah actually it is exactly an exaggeration- since the Bible never once tells any Christian ever that they can't bake a wedding cake for anyone.

Instead Romans tells Christians to follow the law- and once again- because unlike you I actually quote the Bible- instead of what the voices in your head say- here once again- is the Bible telling Christians to obey the law.

Romans 13New Century Version (NCV)

Christians Should Obey the Law
13 All of you must yield to the government rulers. No one rules unless God has given him the power to rule, and no one rules now without that power from God. 2 So those who are against the government are really against what God has commanded. And they will bring punishment on themselves. 3 Those who do right do not have to fear the rulers; only those who do wrong fear them. Do you want to be unafraid of the rulers? Then do what is right, and they will praise you. 4 The ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must yield to the government, not only because you might be punished, but because you know it is right.

Christians- obey the bible- because when you refuse to obey the law- you are really against what God has commanded.

Acts 5: 27-29. Christians are to obey the law. But if a law goes against God's laws it's a new ballgame..

Christians- obey the Bible - because as Romans said- if you disobey the law- you are disobeying God.
So why are Christians willing to bend the rules when it comes to baking cakes for a wedding of atheists? A wedding with a pregnant bride? A wedding of known adulterers?

Don't they follow Gods laws?

Because neither atheists nor unwed mothers nor adulterers are mentioned in Jude 1 & Romans 1

Adulterers are mentioned throughout the Bible- adultery is in the 10 Commandments. Adultery was condemned by Jesus Christ himself.

Thou shalt not commit adultery

Matthew 5:32

but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Mathew 19:9
"And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

mARK 10:11
And He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her;

Matthew 5:27
"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY';

Now what does Romans say? It never says "You shall not commit homosexuality- instead it puts male homosexuality with gossips and slanderers- the insolent and those who disobey god.

Romans 1
They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

The First Commandment covers atheists...I am the Lord, thy God
Thou shall not commit adultery

Both sins under the ten commandments

Yet, so called "Christian Bakers" have no issue with baking wedding cakes for atheists and adulterers

Their so called Christianity begins and ends with hating gays
Acts 5: 27-29. Christians are to obey the law. But if a law goes against God's laws it's a new ballgame.

As soon as the law of the land contradicts God's command Christians are to disobey man's law and follow God's laws.


So why are Christians willing to bend the rules when it comes to baking cakes for a wedding of atheists? A wedding with a pregnant bride? A wedding of known adulterers?

Don't they follow Gods laws?

They know a party is atheist or adulters?

Lame dumbass You really are too easy dimwit

If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

So why are Christians willing to bend the rules when it comes to baking cakes for a wedding of atheists? A wedding with a pregnant bride? A wedding of known adulterers?

Don't they follow Gods laws?

They know a party is atheist or adulters?

Lame dumbass You really are too easy dimwit

If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?
The First Commandment covers atheists...I am the Lord, thy God
Thou shall not commit adultery

Both sins under the ten commandments

Yet, so called "Christian Bakers" have no issue with baking wedding cakes for atheists and adulterers

Their so called Christianity begins and ends with hating gays

If I were a baker, and someone wanted a cake to celebrate an adulterous affair, I'd refuse to make that cake. I'd refuse to make a cake to celebrate anything that I knew to be morally wrong. There is nothing special about homosexuality, that makes it particularly better or worse than any other form of immoral sexual behavior.

I respect other people's rights to their beliefs, and would not refuse service to an atheist, though if he wanted me to produce a work that specifically denied or disparaged God, I would refuse to produce that work as well.
They know a party is atheist or adulters?

Lame dumbass You really are too easy dimwit

If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

Yawn, you don't understand Christianity or faith and you're blabbering like an inchorent fool on this thread.

But gotta keep that post count up, eh?
The First Commandment covers atheists...I am the Lord, thy God
Thou shall not commit adultery

Both sins under the ten commandments

Yet, so called "Christian Bakers" have no issue with baking wedding cakes for atheists and adulterers

Their so called Christianity begins and ends with hating gays

If I were a baker, and someone wanted a cake to celebrate an adulterous affair, I'd refuse to make that cake. I'd refuse to make a cake to celebrate anything that I knew to be morally wrong. There is nothing special about homosexuality, that makes it particularly better or worse than any other form of immoral sexual behavior.

I respect other people's rights to their beliefs, and would not refuse service to an atheist, though if he wanted me to produce a work that specifically denied or disparaged God, I would refuse to produce that work as well.

Very true

Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake
Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake

They aren't passing righteous judgment. They're afraid of eternal peril. I know you understand the difference, but it sounds much more insidious when you put it your way. Won't fly with a judge though. The Christians and Jude 1 will have their day in court.
If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

Yawn, you don't understand Christianity or faith and you're blabbering like an inchorent fool on this thread.

But gotta keep that post count up, eh?

I understand hypocrisy when I see it
Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake

They aren't passing righteous judgment. They're afraid of eternal peril. I know you understand the difference, but it sounds much more insidious when you put it your way. Won't fly with a judge though. The Christians and Jude 1 will have their day in court.

Nobody has ever been sent to hell for baking a cake
They know a party is atheist or adulters?

Lame dumbass You really are too easy dimwit

If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

It does appear the baker picks the sin he finds abhorrent, thus the religious exemption may fail.
If you are going to be a Christian Bakery....be a Christian Bakery
Only bake cakes for righteous Christian weddings

But once you start picking and choosing about which Christian edicts you will enforce......you lose the claim of being a "Christian Bakery"

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

It does appear the baker picks the sin he finds abhorrent, thus the religious exemption may fail.

Got your fingers crossed?
Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake

They aren't passing righteous judgment. They're afraid of eternal peril. I know you understand the difference, but it sounds much more insidious when you put it your way. Won't fly with a judge though. The Christians and Jude 1 will have their day in court.

Nobody has ever been sent to hell for baking a cake

They have for disobeying God's law.

So says you...and anyone wuth a lick of sense laughs at your musings. I know I do


Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

It does appear the baker picks the sin he finds abhorrent, thus the religious exemption may fail.

Got your fingers crossed?

No, I read the passages cited; men with men are only one of the sins noted. If the baker makes cakes for adulterers, his religious exemption MAY be faulty.
John 66:6 And Jesus said, "Judge all who cross your threshold lest they wish to order a cake."
Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake

They aren't passing righteous judgment. They're afraid of eternal peril. I know you understand the difference, but it sounds much more insidious when you put it your way. Won't fly with a judge though. The Christians and Jude 1 will have their day in court.

Nobody has ever been sent to hell for baking a cake

They have for disobeying God's law.

What's God's law on baking wedding cakes?

Right, the one you made up like God and all the rest.

Anyone with a "lick if sense" knows the word is "with"

Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

It does appear the baker picks the sin he finds abhorrent, thus the religious exemption may fail.

Got your fingers crossed?

No, I read the passages cited; men with men are only one of the sins noted. If the baker makes cakes for adulterers, his religious exemption MAY be faulty.

How would the baker know who's an adulter?

Good grief, THINK
Because bakers represent the moral compass of our society
Only they can decide who is righteous enough to receive a cake

They aren't passing righteous judgment. They're afraid of eternal peril. I know you understand the difference, but it sounds much more insidious when you put it your way. Won't fly with a judge though. The Christians and Jude 1 will have their day in court.

Nobody has ever been sent to hell for baking a cake

They have for disobeying God's law.

What's God's law on baking wedding cakes?

Right, the one you made up like God and all the rest.

You left out gay wedding cakes, dumbass.

You fail
Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes a typo.

You're not clever. Not funny. You're ill informed and incredibly annoying.

You can walk down the street and spot atheists and adulterers?

Stupid sob, that's a lame rebuttal.

I enjoy pointing out typos and grammar mistakes from those attempting to belittle the intelligence of others

If you were a true "Christian Bakery" you would ask customers if they take Jesus as their savior
Adulterers are well known in their community. He is divorced because he cheated on his wife and is now marrying the hussy he was cheating with

How could a devoted Christian baker make a cake for such a wedding?

It does appear the baker picks the sin he finds abhorrent, thus the religious exemption may fail.

Got your fingers crossed?

No, I read the passages cited; men with men are only one of the sins noted. If the baker makes cakes for adulterers, his religious exemption MAY be faulty.

How would the baker know who's an adulter?

Good grief, THINK
It's a written test, like an SAT. If you don't pass he doesn't bake.

On the other hand if the essay portion is really really good, you get a free cupcake!

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