Ooopsy. Most of Europe’s Energy Came From Renewable Sources in 2020

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
So 'impossible' but so QUICK!
I mean, they don't even have as easily used terrain as our much sunnier land.

But they/the headline probably should have said "the biggest component of energy," Not "most."

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"found that renewable energy sources powered 38% of electricity in the European Union in 2020"
Last time I checked 38% WHICH I'M SURE IS AN EXAGERATION in your link does not equate to "Most Of" the title of your link suggests...if they can't write the title without lying what good is the rest of the story?...
I doubt that the whole of Europe even uses as much energy as the US. Cheap fossil fuel energy is why we're the greatest country in the world while Europe is just Europe.

I don't see any Americans clamoring all over each other to get out of here and move to Europe, or any other country for that matter. Everyone else seems to want to come here instead.
So 'impossible' but so QUICK!
I mean, they don't even have as easily used terrain as our much sunnier land.

But they/the headline probably should have said "the biggest component of energy," Not "most."

That's why we pay a fucking fortune for energy in the UK.

It costs best part of £250 per month, which is a lot.
"found that renewable energy sources powered 38% of electricity in the European Union in 2020"
Last time I checked 38% WHICH I'M SURE IS AN EXAGERATION in your link does not equate to "Most Of" the title of your link suggests...if they can't write the title without lying what good is the rest of the story?...
I addressed that issue and BOLDED it in my OP.
But parroting me will generally make you correct, a big improvement, so keep doing it.

In the EU one has to spend so much of their income for power to run their home that they can't afford a car of their own so they have to take public transportation get covid and die.....:26:
Is anyone else sick of these shell games being played with information?

Where is the accounting for the fuel and energy it took to MINE for the copper, steel and other components that it took to build the solar panels, wind turbines, etc... the fuel and energy to transport the materials and then construct and install them?

Let's just for fucking once have some full disclosure on this shit.
"found that renewable energy sources powered 38% of electricity in the European Union in 2020"
Last time I checked 38% WHICH I'M SURE IS AN EXAGERATION in your link does not equate to "Most Of" the title of your link suggests...if they can't write the title without lying what good is the rest of the story?...
I addressed that issue and BOLDED it in my OP.
But parroting me will generally make you correct, a big improvement, so keep doing it.


How's NextEra Energy's market cap doing lately?
So 'impossible' but so QUICK!
I mean, they don't even have as easily used terrain as our much sunnier land.

But they/the headline probably should have said "the biggest component of energy," Not "most."

Did they include the energy used to power cars, dummy?
So 'impossible' but so QUICK!
I mean, they don't even have as easily used terrain as our much sunnier land.

But they/the headline probably should have said "the biggest component of energy," Not "most."

That's incorrect.

That's power generation. Your title says "Energy." I can't remember exactly how much power generation is of total energy consumption, but it's something like 20%-30%. Transportation, i.e. light vehicles, heavy trucks, and jet fuel, is the largest consumer of energy. And north of 90% of that is oil.
That's incorrect.

That's power generation. Your title says "Energy." I can't remember exactly how much power generation is of total energy consumption, but it's something like 20%-30%. Transportation, i.e. light vehicles, heavy trucks, and jet fuel, is the largest consumer of energy. And north of 90% of that is oil.
I GLADLY accept the correction.
And still the number much higher than anyone here would have guessed.
And that number includes perhaps mostly heavy N Europe/Germany - gray all winter and not as conducive as the USA to going Heavily solar.

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"...Bitter cold and snow sweep across western Europe including Germany, Great Britain, and France. Germany faces a sober reality as millions of its solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice and breathless. The freezing weather has rendered its 30,000 wind turbines to idleness. It is not just the wind turbines. Solar panels covered with snow are also rendered useless. You may call it “coal comfort” as a total collapse in the wind and solar output leaves freezing Germans desperate for coal-fired power..."

Now that's an Ooopsy, abu afak
Completely dumb, and par for the course in todays narrative based headlines.
I guarantee you, no doubt, that the total consumed energy in Europe is 80% or better fossil fuels.
In 2020, 2 articles I googled showed renewable energy usage in Europe is 12%.
12% is not most,

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