Only on fox

A. Yes it is.

B. The preamble describes what the rest of the document is for! You're saying that the "introduction" to the Constitution has nothing to do with what it's about?

Which is another reason I suggested you take the free online course offered at Hillsdale College on our Constitution. You and all the other far left folks demand that the Constitution mean what you want it to mean and not what it says. That's typical of the far left, something of which you are very familiar.
Which is another reason I suggested you take the free online course offered at Hillsdale College on our Constitution. You and all the other far left folks demand that the Constitution mean what you want it to mean and not what it says. That's typical of the far left, something of which you are very familiar.
We let the courts interpret the Constitution, not some far RW college
Government working with business sounds like fascism doesn't it?
Not particularly. Would you rather government adopted a stance of working against business? Does not sound good for either on or anybody else.
Government working with business sounds like fascism doesn't it?

You mean like when Boeing makes airplanes for the government? Or Haliburton supplying the US Military?

Tell me, were you against the vaccine like Biden and Harris was when Trump was president. I guess you call them spreading misinformation.

Biden and Harris were NOT opposed to the vaccine. Harris was clear: If Faucci said "Take the vaccine", she would take the vaccine. But she did not trust Trump's word on anything, nor should YOU.

Trump said a lot of thinks would stop the virus and people believed him. He pushed Hydroxychloroquine and people died as a result.
Seems like we haven't engaged in a while easy. Is everything okay?
You're the one who insulted someone and are now offended someone engaged in good-natured ribbing of you. I'm perfectly fine, Mac. How's 'Defund The Police' going in Atlanta? Stay safe...
So you believe it is the (communist) government's responsibility to act as everyone's mother and father, to take control of Ameticans' lives for their own good....

Like imposing edicts that violate both Constitutionsl and Civil rights, like those from tyrannical Democrat Governors and even from Biden that courts / judges have already been overruling?

Like the flip-glopping mandates that are based on zero science, such as forcing 2yo kids to wear masks...

Like forcing children that have almost no chance of catching a virus that has a science-proven mortality rate of 0.08% to wear masks for prolonged periods of time which is actually harmful physically and mentally for kids?

'Never let a crisis go to waste'...that is what this is all about for the elitist, proven hypocritical, power-hungry Drmocrat leaderddhip.

Funny how the Democrats who want to control our lives and who threw a tantrum after not getting their way in Tx just caused a super-spreader event in DC affecting the Capitol & WH....

They probably have Joe in the WH bunker trying to protect him from the Tx Dem-based outbreak

That's a whole lotta koolaide there, kid.
We won't let you OR Joe make us wear masks.

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