Only In A Democrat Kangaroo Court Can A Democrat Be A Witness, Judge, & Jurer


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

The idiot Democrats think that they have won, but they have lost.
Normal intelligent people can see how their second impeachment is just pure hate.
The Dems will probably lose more elections because of their psycho bigotry.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Let me guess, they are using mail in ballots and Dominion machines to tally the votes.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

The idiot Democrats think that they have won, but they have lost.
Normal intelligent people can see how their second impeachment is just pure hate.
The Dems will probably lose more elections because of their psycho bigotry.
Well that depends on what you definition of winning and losing is.

For a sociopath, all that matters is power, and as such, they have won.

But at the end of the day, power is all they will ever have. Life will pass them by without them understanding why they were ever put here in the first place.
Let me guess, they are using mail in ballots and Dominion machines to tally the votes.
That would be the only way, for now, they could get enough votes to Impeach Trump.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

For those whose "Civics" class dealt with how to change the muffler on a Honda, it's standard procedure for some Senator to preside in the Chamber, and standard for the President Pro Tempore or the Vice President to preside in an impeachment of other than a sitting POTUS. That standard procedure includes voting, always did, from Daniel Inouye at the impeachment of Porteus to Thomas Jefferson at the impeachment of Blount in the eighteenth century. NONE of which has a goddam thing to do with political parties.

Perhaps news travels slow to the OP's home garbage can.

The fact that you are attempting to defend the Democrats running a kangaroo Court with a Trump-hating Democrat as witness, judge, and juror only proves my point. The Un-Constitutionality and ridiculousness of this whole thing is why Roberts wants no part in it.

It's a sham. Onlysnowflakes can and will try to defend such a joke.
More whining from the Itty Bitty Pity Party of Trump?

The Senate isn't a Court.

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Well damn you are never happy are you, McConnell refused witness in the last impeachment trial and we now have 99 of them that eye witnessed the breach of the capital and a judge.
its not a kangaroo court, its a pig-lousy, evil scum twat court. this twat is using the system for personal vendetta. the twat, and the demonRATS, were called out on their treasonist operations and scamming AMERICA. thats why the twat went after a guy, who is not a politician, and the twat started drooling , from the mouth.
hopefully, karma works quickly for this twat

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Well damn you are never happy are you, McConnell refused witness in the last impeachment trial and we now have 99 of them that eye witnessed the breach of the capital and a judge.
thats right, the antifa fucks that the twat pig-lousy called and told them to wear TRUMP clothes

Banana Republic: Impartial Impeachment
“Judge” Votes With Democrats in Vote to
Impeach Private Citizen

"This is what happens in banana republics and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. The Senate impeachment “judge” voted on Tuesday to proceed with the impeachment of private citizen Donald Trump."

"Far-left Senator Patrick Leahy is acting as witness, juror and judge in this sham proceeding."

This whole thing would be funny if it was not both Un-Constitutional & Criminaly treasonous.

Let me guess, they are using mail in ballots and Dominion machines to tally the votes.
yup, and now that cant figure out why over a hundred thousand votes were cast
Well damn you are never happy are you.

It has nothing to do with being 'happy'. It has everything to do with the Democrats engaging in another ADMITTED politically partisan abuse of the US constitution and abuse of their power in an attempt to carryout a biased, irrational hate-driven Impeachment, the intent being - as Pelosideclared - to protect the Democrat party from the political threat of Donald Trump in 2024 and beyond.
its not a kangaroo court, its a pig-lousy, evil scum twat court. this twat is using the system for personal vendetta. the twat, and the demonRATS, were called out on their treasonist operations and scamming AMERICA. thats why the twat went after a guy, who is not a politician, and the twat started drooling , from the mouth. hopefully, karma works quickly for this twat
"Treasonist operations" is quite the charge coming from a supporter of the 1/6 traitors!
its not a kangaroo court, its a pig-lousy, evil scum twat court. this twat is using the system for personal vendetta. the twat, and the demonRATS, were called out on their treasonist operations and scamming AMERICA. thats why the twat went after a guy, who is not a politician, and the twat started drooling , from the mouth.
hopefully, karma works quickly for this twat

Seriously? What can you say to a maroonie. It's the Senate.


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