Only 19% Want Obamacare to Stay in Current Form

What a cluster ----.

I am standing with those and in particular, the Bishops.

Poll: Only 19% Favor Keeping Obamacare In Its Current Form? | Weasel Zippers


Your statement is very misleading. 36% support it or want it expanded, so almost the same percentage that want it repealed. Until it is fully implemented, people cannot fairly judge it. The truth is that it might prove to be much more workable than anyone thinks, or it could be even worse than anyone thinks. From what we have seen so far, it is a mixture of good and bad, so maybe some things will need to be changed or adjusted in the future. As with any sweeping change to a program so big, not everything will be perfect from day one.
What a cluster ----.

I am standing with those and in particular, the Bishops.

Poll: Only 19% Favor Keeping Obamacare In Its Current Form? | Weasel Zippers


Your statement is very misleading. 36% support it or want it expanded, so almost the same percentage that want it repealed. Until it is fully implemented, people cannot fairly judge it. The truth is that it might prove to be much more workable than anyone thinks, or it could be even worse than anyone thinks. From what we have seen so far, it is a mixture of good and bad, so maybe some things will need to be changed or adjusted in the future. As with any sweeping change to a program so big, not everything will be perfect from day one.

I really doubt we will ever see this come to complete fruition. JMHO

They will kick the can down the road until Obama is out of office. Then the incumbent can blame the complete cluster on Obama since that is the latest trend. i.e., Bush's fault the sun still rises in the East, so and so forth.

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What a cluster ----.

I am standing with those and in particular, the Bishops.

Poll: Only 19% Favor Keeping Obamacare In Its Current Form? | Weasel Zippers


Your statement is very misleading. 36% support it or want it expanded, so almost the same percentage that want it repealed. Until it is fully implemented, people cannot fairly judge it. The truth is that it might prove to be much more workable than anyone thinks, or it could be even worse than anyone thinks. From what we have seen so far, it is a mixture of good and bad, so maybe some things will need to be changed or adjusted in the future. As with any sweeping change to a program so big, not everything will be perfect from day one.

SO why f..k up with SWEEPING CHANGES??? Why not take smaller bites that won't joke like the pigs you are normally do???

A) Because idiots like YOU actually believe there were 46 million uninsured WHEN IN FACT!!!
1) 18 million were people under 34 that don't need health insurance and don't want to be forced to pay for it!
2) 14 million counted as "uninsured" need only REGISTER with Medicaid and they are covered! That's it!
3) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS according source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
B) So there were never 46 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance but 4 million!
Yet idiots like you laboring under this FALSE impression just wanted to do some good.. while destroying 97% of Americans health care system!

$20 billion a year would cover all the truly 4 million uninsured and that could have come from a tax on the number 1 cause of $850 billion a year in unnecessary health expenses...i.e. LAWYERS who physicians say cause them to do duplicate tests,etc. $850 billion!
Tax the lawyers like Obamacare taxes tanning salons!
Lawyers $200 billion revenues would generate the $20 billion!

THEN force hospitals to register the "uninsured" and SEND all "uninsured claims to the insurance companies covering the "uninsured"!
That's IT!
Hospitals won't be allowed to pad sometimes 6,000% claims sent to Medicare/ins. companies etc. and
savings of nearly $200 billion would be seen in annual health care costs!

ALL without destroying 97% of Americans health care system!
FACTS... Please refute OK??
You can count among those who are not satisfied with Obamacare as is the very large number of people who wanted a public option; that would include me.

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