ONLINE GAMERS: The grind is finally gone!


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Any gamers here? I know you're there. If you're like me, you used to play online MMORPG games. Maybe you still do, but are simply getting tired of doing the same repetitive quests and grinding away hours of time just to get that one piece of gear you want, which will shortly be replaced by another that you also had to spend hours trying to get.

Well, cheer up. The grind is gone. Welcome to the Chronicles of Elyria. The game is still in development, but it should be released soon. In this game your chara...Actually, I won't even try to explain it. Just take a look at this. This is the future of online roleplaying games. It's completely different from everything out there. And not just different, but so much better. Check it out.

This is a link to the introduction. After reading it, there is more about the game, under the game menu, of course. Aging and dying. How the economy works...etc. This game is truly groundbreaking.

Introduction - Chronicles of Elyria

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