The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I am posting this again, because I did post the link in the thread where the data proving 4,000 illegal aliens voted in Nevada was introduced to the judge at the 3:38 Mark of this video of the Nevada Hearing.

Edited-meister The OP needs to take his beef to a PM and not the open board

I am not shocked at all that illegal aliens were allowed to vote in Nevada and in many Democrat Cities across America, and this is just ONE CASE uncovered in Nevada where 4,000 Illegal Aliens Voted in a race that was won by just 32,000 votes and it's not an insignificant thing.

But come on man. How is any human being ever going to trust or believe The Democrat Party when so much fraud is being exposed every day? Hello McFly, are you watching these hearings? These people swore affidavits under penalty of law.

There is Fraud EVERYWHERE. Never in the history of US Elections has a candidate won Florida, Texas and Ohio while his opponent only won 17% of all the counties in the ENTIRE US and been up 100s of thousands of votes in 6 states and those states simultaneously shut down and the deficit for the losing candidate overcome while America slept.

No way do 17% of US get to rule the 83% unless you committed Fraud and sinned against Man and God.

Never has this happened were such a fraud was thrust in to office unless you want to talk about 1933. Trump's votes after the fraudulent election (the ones that weren't swapped) beat Obama with his vote totals twice, and he beat Fraud Biden imo.

No way is a man who only had 100 people at his rallies like Biden and only 1,000 people listen to his Thanksgiving address more popular than Obama. Trump got more votes than any sitting president in history. No way did Fraud Biden legitimately overcome that.

Our Elections are invalid and unsecured. Laws and rules were manipulated willfully broken and violated to deliver a fraudulent victory to an illegitimate Joe Biden.

America cannot exist if an election cannot be Free, Fair, and Secure. 1 Man 1 Vote is no more. Joe Biden cannot be allowed to have votes for him count as 1.3 and a vote for President Trump count as .70 as we saw in one instance, or for 4,000 Illegal Aliens to vote in Nevada.

Other evidence discussed was massive amount of people illegally voting from California, and 42,000 voters whose ballots were double counted.

All of this is well within the margin of victory to rightfully flip the state back to the winner, which is Donald J Trump.

A forensic audit of these states that shut down in the dead of night while America slept confident in a Trump Landslide, will show most of this if just one Subpoena showed 4,000 illegals voted and 42,000 ballots were double counted.

I should make this clear that this is the first time an attorney in any of these states has gotten his hands on raw data and he had to sue to get it. The states are stonewalling The Trump Campaign from their right to see the data. They are simply trying to run out the clock so they can thrust and illegitimate fraud and globalist puppet in to power.
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“Right Side Broadcasting Network”


Unreliable source/fake news.
They simply broadcast the hearing. Do you have a problem with that?

Do you have something to say constructive about the thread? Do you care to rebut any of the points, leftist troll? Why do you bother selling your soul out to Hell like that?

Care to talk about the subject?

I thought Trolling and Flaming a Post is against The Rules you agreed to when you decided to post here?
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These leftist kuuunts are going to dismiss it all. That's why we need to execute them.

I'm building a guillotine.

I am disgusted by The Democrat Party. I knew they cheated a little but I had no Idea they would go to the lengths they went to steal an election.
im not,Not after learning recently they have CIA officers who have infiltrated the party,they are the most evil organization in the world,murderers so i am not surprised in the least.
Just a reminder, lefty troll army

“Right Side Broadcasting Network”


Unreliable source/fake news.
Do you have something to say constructive about the thread? Do you care to rebut any of the points, leftist troll? Why do you bother selling your soul out to Hell like that?

Care to talk about the subject?

I thought Trolling and Flaming a Post is against The Rules you agreed to when you decided to post here?
yeah really and good reminder for him.
“Right Side Broadcasting Network”


Unreliable source/fake news.
Do you have something to say constructive about the thread? Do you care to rebut any of the points, leftist troll? Why do you bother selling your soul out to Hell like that?

Care to talk about the subject?

I thought Trolling and Flaming a Post is against The Rules you agreed to when you decided to post here?
yeah really and good reminder for him.
Most of them will ignore it. When I posted a similar post during business hours it got slammed with Trolls. They probably are drunk & passed out right now since they crack their first beer at 8 AM, and fall down and worship their Harris - Biden poster, not realizing that if The Law is followed, a lot of these states will be decertified, or even a new election might have to be held.
Joe Biden under-performed Hillary Clinton in every state except the Swing States.

Donald Trump outperformed Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Himself in every state in every county.

Joe Biden only won 17% of the counties in The US, while Donald Trump won 83% of the counties.

Something very fishy happened in these big cities in these 6 swing states that shut down the counting in the middle of the night while America slept confident in a Trump Landslide and all the observers were kicked out of the polling stations.

Too many affidavits, testimony, and video of fraud to validate The Election.
Joe Biden under-performed Hillary Clinton in every state except the Swing States.

Donald Trump outperformed Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Himself in every state in every county.

Joe Biden only won 17% of the counties in The US, while Donald Trump won 83% of the counties.

Something very fishy happened in these big cities in these 6 swing states that shut down the counting in the middle of the night while America slept confident in a Trump Landslide and all the observers were kicked out of the polling stations.

Too many affidavits, testimony, and video of fraud to validate The Election.

The Dem fix was in from the start.
No way should 17% or Nation rule 83%. This is a record low for any candidate winning so few counties. This is a red flag for Fraud.

Joe Biden only won 17% of the counties in The US, while Donald Trump won 83% of the counties.

Too many affidavits, testimony, and video of fraud to validate The Election.

Our Republic is under siege.

We appeal to God and appeal To The Court of Heaven for Justice!
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Look, the Dems believed their own propaganda that Trump would face plant this election and Biden would hide the swing state election fraud within a blue wave. When Trump outperformed the Dem election fraud stuck out like a sore thumb mathematically and statistically, so obvious.
I am posting this again, because I did post the link in the thread where the data proving 4,000 illegal aliens voted in Nevada was introduced to the judge at the 3:38 Mark of this video of the Nevada Hearing.

Edited-meister The OP needs to take his beef to a PM and not the open board

I am not shocked at all that illegal aliens were allowed to vote in Nevada and in many Democrat Cities across America, and this is just ONE CASE uncovered in Nevada where 4,000 Illegal Aliens Voted in a race that was won by just 32,000 votes and it's not an insignificant thing.

But come on man. How is any human being ever going to trust or believe The Democrat Party when so much fraud is being exposed every day? Hello McFly, are you watching these hearings? These people swore affidavits under penalty of law.

There is Fraud EVERYWHERE. Never in the history of US Elections has a candidate won Florida, Texas and Ohio while his opponent only won 17% of all the counties in the ENTIRE US and been up 100s of thousands of votes in 6 states and those states simultaneously shut down and the deficit for the losing candidate overcome while America slept.

No way do 17% of US get to rule the 83% unless you committed Fraud and sinned against Man and God.

Never has this happened were such a fraud was thrust in to office unless you want to talk about 1933. Trump's votes after the fraudulent election (the ones that weren't swapped) beat Obama with his vote totals twice, and he beat Fraud Biden imo.

No way is a man who only had 100 people at his rallies like Biden and only 1,000 people listen to his Thanksgiving address more popular than Obama. Trump got more votes than any sitting president in history. No way did Fraud Biden legitimately overcome that.

Our Elections are invalid and unsecured. Laws and rules were manipulated willfully broken and violated to deliver a fraudulent victory to an illegitimate Joe Biden.

America cannot exist if an election cannot be Free, Fair, and Secure. 1 Man 1 Vote is no more. Joe Biden cannot be allowed to have votes for him count as 1.3 and a vote for President Trump count as .70 as we saw in one instance, or for 4,000 Illegal Aliens to vote in Nevada.

Other evidence discussed was massive amount of people illegally voting from California, and 42,000 voters whose ballots were double counted.

All of this is well within the margin of victory to rightfully flip the state back to the winner, which is Donald J Trump.

A forensic audit of these states that shut down in the dead of night while America slept confident in a Trump Landslide, will show most of this if just one Subpoena showed 4,000 illegals voted and 42,000 ballots were double counted.

I should make this clear that this is the first time an attorney in any of these states has gotten his hands on raw data and he had to sue to get it. The states are stonewalling The Trump Campaign from their right to see the data. They are simply trying to run out the clock so they can thrust and illegitimate fraud and globalist puppet in to power.

The Democrats no longer care about whether or not you trust them. They care about gaining enough control so that they no longer need anyone's trust. This is called totalitarianism and they are well on their way to being there.

Look, the Dems believed their own propaganda that Trump would face plant this election and Biden would hide the swing state election fraud within a blue wave. When Trump outperformed the Dem election fraud stuck out like a sore thumb mathematically and statistically, so obvious.
Yeah....they really didn't count on that.

Nevada has been letting illegals vote for years. They sign 'em up outside the DMV offices and the State looks the other way!
Hell, the State itself only has ONE person on payroll to investigate voting fraud.
The Democrats no longer care about whether or not you trust them. They care about gaining enough control so that they no longer need anyone's trust. This is called totalitarianism and they are well on their way to being there.

They are already there. There just happens to be a few people left around that disagree with them that are getting in their way. That was why they tried to remove President Trump from office on false accusations.
Nevada has been letting illegals vote for years. They sign 'em up outside the DMV offices and the State looks the other way!
Hell, the State itself only has ONE person on payroll to investigate voting fraud.
That's why I love AG Paxton right now. He went on a rampage investigating and prosecuting voter fraud cases.

The result? Starr County, Texas flipped for Trump by a HUGE margin. That border county has voted blue since the Civil War.

I suspect that's what the results would be almost everywhere if anyone I had the guts or political will to investigate… anything.
That's why I love AG Paxton right now. He went on a rampage investigating and prosecuting voter fraud cases.

The result? Starr County, Texas flipped for Trump by a HUGE margin. That border county has voted blue since the Civil War.

I suspect that's what the results would be almost everywhere if anyone I had the guts or political will to investigate… anything.
Most of America understands the massive voter fraud that took place, and that the DemNazis colluded with China and Dominion, and local boards of election to make it happen. They even went so far as to illegally change voting laws to make fraud easier to commit.

Faux Xiden is a trespasser.
The Democrats no longer care about whether or not you trust them. They care about gaining enough control so that they no longer need anyone's trust. This is called totalitarianism and they are well on their way to being there.

You are 100% correct! Their policies are NOT American friendly but voter friendly. Simply want votes to have power. Democrats ONLY want to win. And with the MSM as their partners the ONLY hope is people like you, me, and millions of "fly over Americans" who are considered "despicable".. "racists"! So if any person who considers themselves knowledgeable and aware believes the Dems/MSM policies/news YOU are a fool. Why is it so hard to distinguish the truth?

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