One State

How would it preserve both the Jewish and the Arab character of the territory?

Would parliament be half Jewish/half Arab, or would there be some sort of proportional representation?

How would you preserve the cultural artifacts of each group, both tangible and non-tangible?

Who gets to pray on the Temple Mount, renovate or build there? Would the Jewish people be able to build a synagogue there?

Will civil matters, such as marriage, be handled by civil courts or by religious institutions?

Good questions.
Since the one state solution thread, above, has been closed I believe we need to continue this discussion.

One Country: Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It would be nice to have all of historic Eretz Yisrael, including Judea and Samaria, united under one state. Could the Arabs be paid to leave?

Could the Jews be paid to leave?
Could the Jews be paid to leave?
Apparently so as they right this second are offering the blacks $3500 to go back to Africa. As I pointed out on the other thread, this same policy could be applied to the Europeans calling themselves jews and living on their stolen land in Palestine.
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.

It is one thing to have it on paper, but do the people have the WILL to support it? Will it be maintained? IS it being followed now? That's a serious concern, especially for a minority religion that has always been a minority and persecuted. When Egypt's elected government came into power after the Arab Spring - they stood back and ALLOWED Egyptians to attack the Israeli embassy and Egyptian Copts have been persecuted. Should it become one state it will be overwelmingly Muslim, and the tolerance in that part of the world is'nt very good.
If you look at the freedom and opportunities that Christians and women (and even the Samaritans in the West Bank) enjoy, you wouldn't see a problem. And remember, in a one state solution there would be a large number of Jews and Christians. There are not many extremists in Palestine.
Just for fun

please explain to everyone how an interior minister with a degree in business, a PLO chairman and petroleum exec with a degree in oil and gas law and an Islamic NGO are scholars on the US Constitutional or any constitutional law?

Basic Law might be a legal replace of a constitution, but it is not the same as one

Why it took more than five years if it was so straight forward

Also explain how a 1/3 vote can change any or all of the Basic Law at any time.

This should be enlightening for everyone, that does not already know
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.

It is one thing to have it on paper, but do the people have the WILL to support it? Will it be maintained? IS it being followed now? That's a serious concern, especially for a minority religion that has always been a minority and persecuted. When Egypt's elected government came into power after the Arab Spring - they stood back and ALLOWED Egyptians to attack the Israeli embassy and Egyptian Copts have been persecuted. Should it become one state it will be overwelmingly Muslim, and the tolerance in that part of the world is'nt very good.
If you look at the freedom and opportunities that Christians and women (and even the Samaritans in the West Bank) enjoy, you wouldn't see a problem. And remember, in a one state solution there would be a large number of Jews and Christians. There are not many extremists in Palestine.

Oh, yes. Freedoms and opportunities abound for the reviled non-Islamics in Islamist paradises.

Really, Tinmore, who do you believe you're scamming?
One State solution? Well, OK, lets consider what we know for certain. Israel grants the Palestinian demand for a Jew free Gaza & the Palestinians show their appreciation by using Gaza as a rocket missile base to kill Israeli's. And we're supposed to believe if Israel accepts a one state solution, that will work for peace?
Also explain how a 1/3 vote can change any or all of the Basic Law at any time.
I believe it says 2/3.

Article 120
The provisions of this Amended Basic Law may not be amended except by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

About the Palestinian Constitution

Changing the Constitution.

According to Al-Hayat, Articles 220 and 222 of the constitution state that the wording of the constitution can be changed at any time: "In the event of a request from the President of the State or from at least one third of the PLC members, any of the constitution's articles can be amended or annulled, as long as it does not constitute a renunciation of any of the rights of the Palestinian people concerning which there is no [statute of] limitations, and as long as it does not harm the foundations of Palestinian society… The amendment must be submitted to a referendum. In the event that the amendment proposal obtains the agreement of a majority of the participants in the referendum, it will be approved and will come into force upon the publication of the referendum results."[49]
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Also explain how a 1/3 vote can change any or all of the Basic Law at any time.
I believe it says 2/3.

Article 120
The provisions of this Amended Basic Law may not be amended except by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

About the Palestinian Constitution

Changing the Constitution.

According to Al-Hayat, Articles 220 and 222 of the constitution state that the wording of the constitution can be changed at any time: "In the event of a request from the President of the State or from at least one third of the PLC members, any of the constitution's articles can be amended or annulled, as long as it does not constitute a renunciation of any of the rights of the Palestinian people concerning which there is no [statute of] limitations, and as long as it does not harm the foundations of Palestinian society… The amendment must be submitted to a referendum. In the event that the amendment proposal obtains the agreement of a majority of the participants in the referendum, it will be approved and will come into force upon the publication of the referendum results."[49]
Those are merely draft proposals. None of them have finalized.
One state is NOT a solution by any stretch of imagination, neither for Arabs nor for Jews.

1. No way Jews are going to agree to be ruled by Hamas or the PA.
People have crossed countries by feet just to reach Israel, sweat, fought and died for a National Home for Jews. No way we're going to throw all that into a trash bin to become another Syria or Lebanon.
Liberal idealism is not worth it.

2. The 1 state 'solution' can't come by peaceful means.
I think there won't be enough Palestinians or Jews left, for whom this 'solution' would apply. And I'm not even talking about the war it'll trigger in the world.

3. Palestinians don't want an independent state, they want to be a part of Syria, Jordan and they still identify with it today.

One state is no solution. It's just a Joooo solution. A 'solution' that will turn the area into another Syria...
So how much Arab/Jewish/European blood are You willing to spill to destroy Israel?
One state is NOT a solution by any stretch of imagination, neither for Arabs nor for Jews.

1. No way Jews are going to agree to be ruled by Hamas or the PA.
People have crossed countries by feet just to reach Israel, sweat, fought and died for a National Home for Jews. No way we're going to throw all that into a trash bin to become another Syria or Lebanon.
Liberal idealism is not worth it.

2. The 1 state 'solution' can't come by peaceful means.
I think there won't be enough Palestinians or Jews left, for whom this 'solution' would apply. And I'm not even talking about the war it'll trigger in the world.

3. Palestinians don't want an independent state, they want to be a part of Syria, Jordan and they still identify with it today.

One state is no solution. It's just a Joooo solution. A 'solution' that will turn the area into another Syria...
So how much Arab/Jewish/European blood are You willing to spill to destroy Israel?

There is already just one-state, and there will never be two-states. The Israelis have made that perfectly clear. The one state is an apartheid state with limited enfranchisement of non-Jews, but it is one-state that holds sovereignty over the whole area from the Jordan to the sea. The question is how long will the Jews be able to maintain control over a population of non-Jews that is now roughly equal and growing faster than the Jewish population.
Also explain how a 1/3 vote can change any or all of the Basic Law at any time.
I believe it says 2/3.

Article 120
The provisions of this Amended Basic Law may not be amended except by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

About the Palestinian Constitution

Changing the Constitution.

According to Al-Hayat, Articles 220 and 222 of the constitution state that the wording of the constitution can be changed at any time: "In the event of a request from the President of the State or from at least one third of the PLC members, any of the constitution's articles can be amended or annulled, as long as it does not constitute a renunciation of any of the rights of the Palestinian people concerning which there is no [statute of] limitations, and as long as it does not harm the foundations of Palestinian society… The amendment must be submitted to a referendum. In the event that the amendment proposal obtains the agreement of a majority of the participants in the referendum, it will be approved and will come into force upon the publication of the referendum results."[49]
Those are merely draft proposals. None of them have finalized.

I'm not surprised. The two, competing Islamic terrorist enclaves are not going to share the fortunes to be made from the UNRWA welfare fraud.
Article 120
The provisions of this Amended Basic Law may not be amended except by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

About the Palestinian Constitution

Changing the Constitution.

According to Al-Hayat, Articles 220 and 222 of the constitution state that the wording of the constitution can be changed at any time: "In the event of a request from the President of the State or from at least one third of the PLC members, any of the constitution's articles can be amended or annulled, as long as it does not constitute a renunciation of any of the rights of the Palestinian people concerning which there is no [statute of] limitations, and as long as it does not harm the foundations of Palestinian society… The amendment must be submitted to a referendum. In the event that the amendment proposal obtains the agreement of a majority of the participants in the referendum, it will be approved and will come into force upon the publication of the referendum results."[49]
Those are merely draft proposals. None of them have finalized.

I'm not surprised. The two, competing Islamic terrorist enclaves are not going to share the fortunes to be made from the UNRWA welfare fraud.
Another terrorist card, and criticizing UNWRA put the cherry on top.

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