One of Trump's faster flip flops

Democrat propaganda chief, disguised as a journalist, Chris Matthews sucker punched Trump with a question about abortion and the left wing spin machine conveniently leaves out the part of Trump's answer where he says "if abortion is illegal". When you consider that the sodomite community wants to ruin the lives of public employees or put them in jail for refusing to perform sodomite marriages and the left wing wants to destroy the economic life of North Carolina for not allowing hairy men in dresses to pee in the freaking ladies room, surely logic indicates that there should be punishment for taking a human life if abortion is outlawed.

But Donald went to the best college and has the most money and he has total recall and he has a great brain. And yet, he cannot answer a simple question. Then he flip flops like a tuna out of water.
Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants

"Donald J. Trump, pressed Wednesday on his support for a ban on abortion and what it would mean in practice, said that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions.

Less than three hours later, Mr. Trump revised himself, issuing a written statement saying that such a ban would criminalize only those performing the procedure, not the women getting abortions. “The woman is a victim in this case, as is the life in her womb,” he said."

The anti-abortion propaganda police got to him in a hurry. Apparently.

lol, women who murder the unborn (for those of you who think abortion is murder) are innocent victims?

Well, at least he left a good sound bite out there for the general election...

Trump is a buffoon
Know what I thought was really interesting in that interview? After Trump had stated that women should be punished for having abortions, Matthews then asked him if the men that helped cause the pregnancy should be punished as well.

Trump's answer to the question? No men should have to be punished.

I guess Trump hates women.

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