One of the problems with the upcoming midterms....

Sadly, the same large donors that buy the GOP's services spend nearly as much buying the loyalty of Democrats. So, until we can end the big money financing candidates, the super-rich will run the government.

There is only one way to stop the on-going corruption from both sides of the aisle........Repeal Citizen United and push for term limits (sure, some decent politicians would suffer, but congressional representation should NOT be one's life long profession.)
Notice how many Cons are leaving Congress now that they’ve done their job.... pass tax breaks for their big biz masters .

Yep.....these crooks are not leaving to take up a career in plumbing or truck driving.
No, they will collect the generous pensions they've voted for themselves (which are paid for by the taxpayers 100%), then return to congress as lobbyists to convince their replacements to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Are you delusional? The republicans didn’t have any influence on Obamacare whatsoever. We were shut out completely.

Don't be the eternal idiot on here.....Republicans REFUSED to participate in any of Obama initiatives

McConnell: Single most important thing we want to achieve is for ...
View attachment 195830▶ 1:04
10, 2016 - Uploaded by Egberto Willies
Senator Mitch McConnell clamps down on his statement where he said ... thing we want to achieve is for Obama ...

That didn't work out, so, with the help of the Russians the obstruction of justice by Nunes and Co. the U.S. is being beaten down by the idiot trump, his corrupt swamp rats, and the unbelievable ignorance of his supporters.

We must remember that Trump has done an "amazing" thing in handing out 83% of the tax cuts to wealthy donors who will, in turn, shell out millions to keep that gravy faucet pumping their coffers.......Bear in mind that the Koch brothers are raking in an extra $1 BILLION a month because of the tax scam.

Will the revulsion toward Trump's ignorance, belligerence and corruption be enough?....Lets hope so because the DNC is currently manned by less than stellar leadership.

Our reliance on Mueller's thorough and professional investigation is understandable and may prove enough to wake up all those who have refused to join the Trump Cult.....but, democrats MUST develop a strong message that goes beyond just pointing out the reality that Trump is a catastrophe......the DNC must ALSO point out that the blue party and not the one led by charlatan is the one that cares more deeply for the plight of middle class workers, world peace and minority rights.

The DNC message should be simple and direct.......

What the middle class should be told is that the tax cut will remain, BUT instead of corporations getting 83% of those cuts, democrats will turn it completely around and only give corporations the 17% now allocated to everyday working Americans.

It is estimated that the average middle class check will see an increase of $25 every two weeks.....which may or may not even cover the increase in fuel prices.

Keep it simple democrats....Trump has shown that average voter s are not that sharp since they helped to give us the buffoon in the oval office.

How Much Will Typical Middle-Class Workers Really See Their Paychecks Change?
/——/ Raising corporate taxes raises prices for consumers. I already pay too much for stuff.

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