one more reason the public school system is corrupt and bad for our children

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Not because its about Obama but because its indoctrination of our youth. Teach them about politics not about current individuals. This video was made before Obama had done anything so it clear proof of the disgusting agenda of imposing thought rather than teaching principles. Besides the fact that these children have NO IDEA what Obama stood for. NONE
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School Kids Taught to Praise Obama - YouTube

Not because its about Obama but because its indoctrination of our youth. Teach them about politics not about current individuals. This video was made before Obama had done anything so it clear proof of the disgusting agenda of imposing thought rather than teaching principles. Besides the fact that these children have NO IDEA what Obama stood for. NONE

Can't blame Obama for that. It was a lunatic teacher who forgot her role as an educator. How much educational time was wasted on that bs? That teacher didn't belong in the classroom. Get unions out of education.
I already saw this. Who cares.

We all should. Educating our children is one of the most important jobs in the nation. It's YOUR future.

Then why do the right wingnuts constantly try to defund all education? Why do they insist that teachers should be paid less than tradesmen? And why do they constantly denigrate those that have education, such as scientists and teachers?
I already saw this. Who cares.

We all should. Educating our children is one of the most important jobs in the nation. It's YOUR future.

Then why do the right wingnuts constantly try to defund all education? Why do they insist that teachers should be paid less than tradesmen? And why do they constantly denigrate those that have education, such as scientists and teachers?

Teachers aren't doing a very good job, our kids have been dumbed down to the extent that we have kids graduating high school that can't read. There are some teachers that actually care about teaching, others are there to get a paycheck and have summers off. Unions prevent those that "teach" from reaching their full potential. Get rid of teachers unions and give teachers pay based on merit instead of across the board pay levels and you'll see a huge increase in support for $ going to schools. If they're not doing their jobs, they need to find another field of work. Last I checked most raises were based on performance, let's just say the "paycheck" teachers are preventing the real teachers from getting raises.

I know many, many home schooled children that can run circles around the publically educated peers.

In 1997, a study of 5,402 homeschool students from 1,657 families was released. It was entitled, "Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America." The study demonstrated that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects. A significant finding when analyzing the data for 8th graders was the evidence that homeschoolers who are homeschooled two or more years score substantially higher than students who have been homeschooled one year or less. The new homeschoolers were scoring on the average in the 59th percentile compared to students homeschooled the last two or more years who scored between 86th and 92nd percentile. i

This was confirmed in another study by Dr. Lawrence Rudner of 20,760 homeschooled students which found the homeschoolers who have homeschooled all their school aged years had the highest academic achievement. This was especially apparent in the higher grades. ii This is a good encouragement to families catch the long-range vision and homeschool through high school.

HSLDA | Academic Statistics on Homeschooling
and how many would teach them false history like that B Franks said that F and F were fine months before the collapse?

You would really have the worst educated people in the world if everyone home schooled
and how many would teach them false history like that B Franks said that F and F were fine months before the collapse?

You would really have the worst educated people in the world if everyone home schooled

Vs teachers teaching them revisionist history?? vs teachers teaching them liberal views. Do you know anyone that home schools their children?? I know many, I prefer they be taught the truth instead of learning songs that praise someone they don't know. I thought you wanted truth to matter.

We already have some of the worst educated people in the world, even when they go beyond HS.
You see you just spout crap instead of real facts.

This is why you should not be educating kids
The reason Conservatives HATE public education, I believe, is because teachers generally belong to a union. Conservatives HATE unions because unions help redress the imbalance of profits going to the owners rather to those actually responsible for the profits: the workers who produce the goods.

Conservatives LOVE this imbalance, I believe, because they have been told that profit is good and it belongs to the owners exclusively. And, if they only worked a little harder, became a little less sensitive to the needs of workers, they too can reap more of those profits for themselves.

The consequence of these beliefs? Erosion of the middle class lifestyle, less effective education, class division and rancor.

But money is a stronger motivator than reasoned thought.
The reason Conservatives HATE public education, I believe, is because teachers generally belong to a union. Conservatives HATE unions because unions help redress the imbalance of profits going to the owners rather to those actually responsible for the profits: the workers who produce the goods.

Conservatives LOVE this imbalance, I believe, because they have been told that profit is good and it belongs to the owners exclusively. And, if they only worked a little harder, became a little less sensitive to the needs of workers, they too can reap more of those profits for themselves.

The consequence of these beliefs? Erosion of the middle class lifestyle, less effective education, class division and rancor.

But money is a stronger motivator than reasoned thought.

So conservatives hate teacher's unions because it cuts into the profit margin???
The reason Conservatives HATE public education, I believe, is because teachers generally belong to a union. Conservatives HATE unions because unions help redress the imbalance of profits going to the owners rather to those actually responsible for the profits: the workers who produce the goods.

Conservatives LOVE this imbalance, I believe, because they have been told that profit is good and it belongs to the owners exclusively. And, if they only worked a little harder, became a little less sensitive to the needs of workers, they too can reap more of those profits for themselves.

The consequence of these beliefs? Erosion of the middle class lifestyle, less effective education, class division and rancor.

But money is a stronger motivator than reasoned thought.

People should be paid on performance, not a standard wage. Yes, Unions prevent good teachers from being paid what they are worth and bad teachers get paid for well, being bad. We already spend more money per student than any other nation.

The U.S. is the clear leader in total annual spending, but ranks 9th in Science performance and 10th in Math.

U.S. Education Spending & Student Performance vs. The World Infographic | MAT@USC

two thirds of Wisconsin 8th graders can't read.
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Yes, and we spend more per citizen on Health Care for third world results. Perhaps we need to get some Europeans over here to show us how to work our schools and health care system. Or Japanese or Koreans.
Yes, and we spend more per citizen on Health Care for third world results. Perhaps we need to get some Europeans over here to show us how to work our schools and health care system. Or Japanese or Koreans.

The libs answer to this is spend even more money. :eek: Yes, we need to "learn" from someone how to educate our future leaders, what we're doing isn't working!!

Well, duh!! That's what I was saying. Why should someone get a raise if they are not doing their job?? Get rid of the Unions so the "good" teachers can do what they do best.

You just proved my point!! :lol:

Why did you say we have the worst educated kids in the world and then IGNORE the information when you were proved wrong on the facts?

You have shown in that one little lack of action WHY we need public eduction.

Too many people would teach their kids falsehoods out of ignorance.

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