Once Upon a Time, the DOJ Argued the Presidential Records Act Gave a President Massive Authority Over His Records

Trump is a successful business man. You hate that because you are a failure. Trump didn’t do what all of the ruling elite do, play games with other peoples children.

And you are so fucking stupid you can't see it.
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe Trump is a successful businessman:

Donald Trump Crappy Businessman Great Con Artist | DCReport.org

"For decades Donald Trump, his parents and siblings cheated on taxes in numerous ways,

"The New York Times reported in an extraordinarily thorough and well documented expose published on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

"In a meticulously reported, 14,000-word article, the paper also demolishes Donald’s claims that he is a self-made billionaire who started out with a $1 million loan from his father Fred who Donald paid back with interest.

"Donald got at least $413 million, in today’s money, from his father and never fully repaid his loans."


"While the effects of a very large tax overhaul will take years to fully develop and analyze, the evidence from the first two years suggests that corporate tax cuts are draining revenue from the U.S. Treasury while doing little that would ultimately benefit U.S. workers. Instead of trickling down to workers, the 2017 tax cuts have largely served to line the pockets of already wealthy investors—further increasing inequality—with little to show for it."


Another .org kook site.
What a gullible fool.
I'm not sufficiently stupid to believe Trump is a successful businessman:

Donald Trump Crappy Businessman Great Con Artist | DCReport.org

"For decades Donald Trump, his parents and siblings cheated on taxes in numerous ways,

"The New York Times reported in an extraordinarily thorough and well documented expose published on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

"In a meticulously reported, 14,000-word article, the paper also demolishes Donald’s claims that he is a self-made billionaire who started out with a $1 million loan from his father Fred who Donald paid back with interest.

"Donald got at least $413 million, in today’s money, from his father and never fully repaid his loans."

Another .org
It wasn’t a seminal court case.

The DoJ argued that random morons like Tom
Fitton doesn’t have the authority to demand NARA take custody of Clinton’s audiotapes.

That’s a far cry from the DoJ saying it’s cool for the president to take hundreds of highly classified documents.

Uh huh.
IS that why he gave the ruling elite one of the biggest tax giveaways in US history?

And he gave it way on the backs of the middle class...blew up the deficit...in fact, it was so unpopular; that just after passing it, Trump had to lie and claim he was passing a middle class tax cut.....of course he was lying....

Oh yea, how does carving out a special tax cut just for owning resorts and golf courses hurt the ruling elite??

And the funny part is...after 4 years in office, this was the only piece of major legislation the Trump admin signed...and yet, Trumpers barely mention it......at all.....which means it was never about policies..it was always just the mindless trolling, cruelty and hate that animates them the most...

It wasn’t a seminal court case.

The DoJ argued that random morons like Tom
Fitton doesn’t have the authority to demand NARA take custody of Clinton’s audiotapes.

That’s a far cry from the DoJ saying it’s cool for the president to take hundreds of highly classified documents.


In defending NARA, the Justice Department argued that NARA doesn’t have “a duty to engage in a never-ending search for potential presidential records” that weren’t provided to NARA by the president at the end of his term.

Nor, the department asserted, does the Presidential Records Act require NARA to appropriate potential presidential records forcibly. The government’s position was that Congress had decided that the president and the president alone decides what is a presidential record and what isn’t.

He may take with him whatever records he chooses at the end of his term.
Except they really didn't...

Which is why he lied about passing a special middle class tax cut....because his tax cut was unpopular and Republicans got crushed in the 2018 midterms because of it...

“We’re putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half to two weeks [and] we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “This is not for business, this is for middle income, and that’s on top of the tax decrease that we’ve already given them.”

You don't say shit like that because your billionaire tax giveaway was popular...you say that because you scared shitless you are going to get clobbered in the mid-terms..and they were.....

And now, years after that taxcut....its still unpopular.....if it was so popular, Republicans would be campaigning on doing more of it instead of obsessing over trannies...yall are clowns....

Except they really didn't...

Which is why he lied about passing a special middle class tax cut....because his tax cut was unpopular and Republicans got crushed in the 2018 midterms because of it...

“We’re putting in a resolution some time in the next week and a half to two weeks [and] we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “This is not for business, this is for middle income, and that’s on top of the tax decrease that we’ve already given them.”

You don't say shit like that because your billionaire tax giveaway was popular...you say that because you scared shitless you are going to get clobbered in the mid-terms..and they were.....

And now, years after that taxcut....its still unpopular.....if it was so popular, Republicans would be campaigning on doing more of it instead of obsessing over trannies...yall are clowns....


By lying to authorities, defying a subpoena, and obstructing justice.

And there is an underlying crime, making your question uselessly hypothetical.

If what the article about the Presidential Records Act is true, then no, there isn't.

They got the documents, so where's the obstruction?

Dems defy subpoenas all the time, don't see you caring about that.
If what the article about the Presidential Records Act is true, then no, there isn't.

You can't lie to authorities. You can't compel other people to lie. You can't defy subpoenas.

And nothing in the article relates to documents with classified markings. These were tapes that were made as a source for a book being written after Clinton left office.

Not classified national security docs.

They got the documents, so where's the obstruction?

Dems defy subpoenas all the time, don't see you caring about that.

Good luck with whataboutry as a legal defense.
The argument has ALREADY been heard. YOUR side lost.
These idiots were so happy when Sandy Berger got essentially a slap on the wrist (fine, community service and probation) for stealing classified documents from the National Archives by “accidentally” putting them in his socks, pockets, and down his pants.
You can't lie to authorities. You can't compel other people to lie. You can't defy subpoenas.

And nothing in the article relates to documents with classified markings. These were tapes that were made as a source for a book being written after Clinton left office.

Not classified national security docs.

Good luck with whataboutry as a legal defense.

Based on nothing but TDS and wishful thinking.

It won't be a defense, but it shows the naked political persecution that is behind gunning for Trump while letting Dems slide.
Based on nothing but TDS and wishful thinking.

The grand jury and the evidence says otherwise. They have Trump, on tape, admitting he had classified documents. They can't be personal documents and classified documents.

Its one or the other.

And by Trump's own admission, its the other.

It won't be a defense, but it shows the naked political persecution that is behind gunning for Trump while letting Dems slide.


What crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Biden, Hillary of Pence should be charged with. Specifically?
The grand jury and the evidence says otherwise. They have Trump, on tape, admitting he had classified documents. They can't be personal documents and classified documents.

Its one or the other.

And by Trump's own admission, its the other.


What crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Biden, Hillary of Pence should be charged with. Specifically?

Who cares what I type? You are going the Beria route with Trump, finding the crime because of the person.

And who said Pence?

You are OK with your side grifting as long as they tout the SJW line.
The grand jury and the evidence says otherwise. They have Trump, on tape, admitting he had classified documents. They can't be personal documents and classified documents.

Its one or the other.

And by Trump's own admission, its the other.


What crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Biden, Hillary of Pence should be charged with. Specifically?

Trump has been charged with a whole series of UNCONSTITUTIONAL crimes. you fucking idiot. The POTUS CAN'T COMMIT ESPIONAGE!

The second a president takes papers home with him, they are HIS, that is via Article 2 of the Constitution you blithering fool. The POTUS has ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY OVER ALL SECRET CLASSIFICATIONS, HE CAN DECLASSIFY AT WILL!

The laws governing those secret documents are for EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE POTUS YOU FUCKING CLOWN!
Who cares what I type? You are going the Beria route with Trump, finding the crime because of the person.

And who said Pence?

You are OK with your side grifting as long as they tout the SJW line.

And by the 'beria route' you mean due process?

And Trump is being charged because of what he did.
Trump has been charged with a whole series of UNCONSTITUTIONAL crimes. you fucking idiot. The POTUS CAN'T COMMIT ESPIONAGE!
Trump isn't the POTUS.

Next piece of pseudo-legal gibberish, please.

The second a president takes papers home with him, they are HIS, that is via Article 2 of the Constitution you blithering fool. The POTUS has ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY OVER ALL SECRET CLASSIFICATIONS, HE CAN DECLASSIFY AT WILL!

As Trump admitted on tape, he didn't classify.

Next piece of pseudo-legal gibberish, please.

The laws governing those secret documents are for EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE POTUS YOU FUCKING CLOWN!

Show us the exception for former presidents in the Espionage Act.

I'm in my comfy chair. I've got tea. I'll wait.
The grand jury and the evidence says otherwise. They have Trump, on tape, admitting he had classified documents. They can't be personal documents and classified documents.

Its one or the other.

And by Trump's own admission, its the other.


What crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Biden, Hillary of Pence should be charged with. Specifically?
A grand jury does not need unanimous agreement to recommend indictment. A grand jury is only concerned with probable cause of the prosecution. There is no defendant in a grand jury proceeding and is therefore not allowed legal representation. There is no duty for a grand jury proceeding to present any exculpatory evidence as well. In this case, the grand jury did find enough evidence to go forward with the prosecution but then, we know that the DOJ, FBI and Democrat party has made up evidence against Trump in the past.

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