Once and for all I hope we are done with Nancy Pelosi!!

i bet that paul pelosi got that head wound when he crashed his head through the glass door from the inside
that glass was broken from the inside, and not by a hammer

The official version of


Is as follows

A nudist gay coke whore illegal Green who supports pedophile normalization broke into the speaker's $6 million mansion undetected (in undies 1.0 and 2.0 but not version 3.0). Paul engaged dePape and a struggle ensued over a hammer. During the struggle, Paul went to the bathroom and called 911 and said - yeah, he is my FRIEND but come on over. So SFPD "responds" to Paul even though they were already on their way doing an undefined "wellness check" and they knock on the door. For 7 days UnderwearGate could not ID who opened the door. Then NBC said Paul opened the door, but had to pull that version entirely when it revealed Paul and dePape are old pals... Today's latest is that Paul woke up and walked around in undies and found dePape and confronted him (like the late Adam West) "there is just one place you are going, gay coke whore intruder, and that is up the river!!!" SOCK POW!!! So twice the fight over the hammer "paused" for Paul to call 911 and to open the door... And then the cops "tackled immediately" dePape for hammering Paul's head...

Providing precisely NOBODY to be the "source" of the hate hoax big lie "where's Nancy?"

DePape is of course not MAGA he is gay coke whore Green BLM illegal nudist

UnderwearGate has just begun...
Almost 15 years ago, Nancy Pelosi wrote her name in the history books as the first female speaker of the House.

With the House vote to approve President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure package late Friday night, Pelosi has accomplished something else: She is now, without doubt, the most effective – and impactful speaker in the last seven decades.

That is not, in any way, a partisan statement. It is purely a reflection of Pelosi’s ability to shepherd major pieces of Democratic presidents’ agenda through a closely divided House, with a knowledge of her caucus – and the buttons that need to be pushed at the exact right time – that no one who has come before her in the job has been able to match.

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective speaker ever | CNN Politics

Go Nancy!
Almost 15 years ago, Nancy Pelosi wrote her name in the history books as the first female speaker of the House.

With the House vote to approve President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure package late Friday night, Pelosi has accomplished something else: She is now, without doubt, the most effective – and impactful speaker in the last seven decades.

That is not, in any way, a partisan statement. It is purely a reflection of Pelosi’s ability to shepherd major pieces of Democratic presidents’ agenda through a closely divided House, with a knowledge of her caucus – and the buttons that need to be pushed at the exact right time – that no one who has come before her in the job has been able to match.

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective speaker ever | CNN Politics

Go Nancy!

First female speaker
First dyke speaker
First speaker with gay husband who stiffs gay coke whores
OP, if she's not ready to leave, perhaps you can send another one of your goons to finish up the job, right?

Yeah, and this time we'll use a bit bigger hammer.


Once and for all I hope we are done with Nancy Pelosi!!​

What means you like to hire a new terrorist who breaks the skull of her husband and likes to destroy her knees? Ever thought about to try to bring under control your own criminal energy?
We get it, Trump cult losers.

TheParty orders you to say these stupid and disgusting things. Being how you're all brainless and gutless, you do what TheParty tells you to do, no matter how awful it makes you look.

It won't turn out well for you. "I was misled!" won't be accepted as an excuse. God is going to ask why you didn't use the brains He gave you, and then He'll cast you into the Lake of Fire.

Repent of your evil, before it's too late.
We get it, Trump cult losers.

TheParty orders you to say these stupid and disgusting things. Being how you're all brainless and gutless, you do what TheParty tells you to do, no matter how awful it makes you look.

It won't turn out well for you. "I was misled!" won't be accepted as an excuse. God is going to ask why you didn't use the brains He gave you, and then He'll cast you into the Lake of Fire.

Repent of your evil, before it's too late.
It won't turn out well for you. "I was misled!" won't be accepted as an excuse. God is going to ask why you didn't use the brains He gave you, and then He'll cast you into the Lake of Fire.

Repent of your evil, before it's too late.
and, once again...

Almost 15 years ago, Nancy Pelosi wrote her name in the history books as the first female speaker of the House.

With the House vote to approve President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure package late Friday night, Pelosi has accomplished something else: She is now, without doubt, the most effective – and impactful speaker in the last seven decades.

That is not, in any way, a partisan statement. It is purely a reflection of Pelosi’s ability to shepherd major pieces of Democratic presidents’ agenda through a closely divided House, with a knowledge of her caucus – and the buttons that need to be pushed at the exact right time – that no one who has come before her in the job has been able to match.

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective speaker ever | CNN Politics

Go Nancy!
And, in perfect Dimmer criminal fashion, made herself one of the richest felons in the history of US politics. You wackos should be so proud.

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