Once again Biden JUMPs to conclusion...

I CLEARLY said, "It might have come out she was raped AFTER she was denied an abortion."
Meaning, for the people that are fucking retarded, she didnt tell the provider she was raped.

So the child has been identified, and its been confirmed she hid tbe fact that she was raped...

And yet, even today the Vice President has used the example in how horrific it is.
Numerous news agencies have tried everything they can to validate the story, and have reached nothing but brick walls.
The doctor who made this claim, who is an abortion activist and has appeared on CNN/MSNBC and has articles in the NYT and others - has gone completely dark refusing to comment.
The Governor of Ohio sent out word to all law enforcement agencies in the entire state - nothing. No reports of a 10 year old getting raped.
Same in Indiana. Every single abortion provider in Ohio - the same. No cases of a 10 year old appearing to them.
Same for Indiana law enforcement, no reports of a 10 year old rape victim let alone an abortion.

News agencies say they will not let up until this is solved.
One of two things are true -
1) The Doctor fabricated the story, and the ENTIRE left media gobbled it up immediately. The President and Vice President have spoken on this event as if it is true, and didn't question it's validity.
2) It happened and the Doctor has broken the law by not reporting a child rape victim which she is obviously required to do.
NOTE - Fox News claims this Doctor has been sanctioned before for not reporting minor children getting pregnant - rape. Which means the rapist walks free every time.

Let's not forget or downplay the incestuous part of the rape story. They hit every button with this trying to rile up the strong Pavlovian emotional responses of their base. They know how to play 'em because it's so easy.

This has whole story stinks like a dead skunk in a hot barn
10 year-olds can't consent. It's ALWAYS rape when a minor is involved. Especially one that young. Doctors know this. Law enforcement knows this.
I get what you're saying Marvin but what happens when two 10 y/o's have sex?
Are they both charged with rape?
If it's an adult with a child, it's absolutely rape but you can't charge 2 kids with raping each other
Doctors have a legal obligation to report ANY form of child abuse they encounter during their work. If this case actually occurred and the doctor didn't report it, she needs to be fired, disbarred, and prosecuted.

This type of common sense and fact bounces right off the leftist brain. Its almost as if they have some kind of shield around their heads or a defective gene that won’t allow penetration.
And? You dont think 10 year olds are screwing? What fucking planet do you live on?
You are really trying to reach aren't you?
What part of the law do you not understand?
If a child appears at a medical facility pregnant, the provider is legally required to file a report. It is up to law enforement to determine if a crime was committed. Medical professionals do not make that decision, they are required to report it.
She did not.
You are really trying to reach aren't you?
What part of the law do you not understand?
If a child appears at a medical facility pregnant, the provider is legally required to file a report. It is up to law enforement to determine if a crime was committed. Medical professionals do not make that decision, they are required to report it.
She did not.
Indeed. I didnt know that.
Marvin helped me out with that, without being a dickhead about it :thup:
I was just thinking that!
There are many babies born to young teenage girls, especially 9in the inner cities. A lot of abortions also. There is nothing spoken that we hear who the fathers are. In fact, it seems community leaders are silent on the whole issue.
I don't believe that.
I do not believe you wasn't aware that medical professionals are required by law to report child abuse, or suspected child abuse.
Everyone knows that.
Honestly, I dont give a fuck.
It would take someone with brains to see as soon as that was pointed out to me, I admitted I was wrong. But whatever.
Im sure im not the only one that didnt know sex before 13 was illegal. Because its absurd.
There are many babies born to young teenage girls, especially 9in the inner cities. A lot of abortions also. There is nothing spoken that we hear who the fathers are. In fact, it seems community leaders are silent on the whole issue.
Then it is high time that stops.
It seems the left is more interested in protecting abortion than children who were raped,

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